NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit MICHAEL DALTON, Appellcmt, V. HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., , Appellee. 2011-1077 (Opp0siti0n N0. 91173l05) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Trademark OfEce, Trad.emark Tria1 and Appea1 B0ard. ON MOTION 0 R D E R Michae1 Da1ton moves for leave to proceed in forma pauper1S. Up0n consideration thereof IT IS ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted " DALTON V. HONDA MOTOR 2 FOR THE CoURT DEC 03 2010 fsi Jan Horba1_\[ Date J an H0rba1y C1erk cc: Michael Da1t0n S Dyan Finguerra-DuCharme, Esq. FILED u.s. um or 13 FOR §§ FEoER.AiPrF§?:un 0EC 03 2010 1AN HORBALY CLERK ~».