NOTE: ThiS order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit MICHAEL DALTON, Appellant, V. HONDA MOTOR CO., LTD., Appellee. 2011-1077 (Opp0siti0n N0. 91173105) Appea1 from the United States Patent and Trademark Off`1ce, Trademark Tria1 and Appea1 B0ard. ` ON MOTION ORDER Michae1 Dalt0n moves for a 30-day extension of time to file his brief Acc0rding1y, IT ls 0RDERED THAT: The motion is granted Da1t0n’s brief is due no later than February 17, 2U11. DALTON V. HONDA MOTOR 2 FOR THE COURT JAN 25 mm /s/ Jan H0rbal__\; Date 3 an H0rbaly C1erk cc: Michae1 Da1t0n S Dyan Finguerra-DuCharme, Esq. Fll.£D U.S. CUU mEFE'5é’»M"¢§I§?='$~F°“ JAN 25 2011 .|MHDu'BAl! Cl.EB(