Kelley v. Merit Systems Protection Board

NOTE: This order is nonprecedentia|. United States Court of Appea|s for the Federal Circuit 2009-325O TlNA M. KELLEY (now known as Tina M. Dequin), Petitioner, v. MER|T SYSTEMS PROTECT|ON BOARD, Respondent. Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in CH0752090405-l-1. ON MOTlON 0 R D E R Upon consideration of the Department of Veterans Affaiis' motion to reform the official caption to designate the Merit Systems Protection Board as the respondent |T lS 0RDERED THAT: - (1) The motion is granted The revised official caption is reflected above. (2) The Merit Systems Protection Board should calculate its brief due date from the date of filing of this order. FOR THE COURT lsi Jan_HQrb3ly______gj__j_g_ nw Date _ Jan Horbaly C|erk cc: Tina M. Dequin Kenneth D. Woodrow, Esq. ` fit EB Michael Carney, Esq. (copy of petitioner's informal brief enc|osed) u'Sfl?lgtr§Y'E\i_Pc§1'i§Ac'us\TF°R 38 FEB 26 2010 lAN HORBALY CI.ERK