Wright v. Office of Personnel Management

United States Court of Appea|s for the Federa| Clrcult Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in case no. AT844E090742-l-1 NOTE: This order is n0nprecedentia|. 201 0-3075 CECEL|A ANN WR|GHT, Petitioner, v. OFF|CE OF PERSONNEL MANAGE|V|ENT, Respondent. ON MOT|ON 0 R D E R Cece|ia Ann Wright moves for leave to proceed in fom1a pauperis Upon consideration thereof, |T |S ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted FOR THE COURT FEB 25 2010 ,S, Jan HQ[bia|y CCf s20 Date 4 Jan Horba|y C|erk Cece|ia Ann Wright Jeanne E. Davidson, Esq. plug u.S. CUUR'T OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL ClFV‘»l1iT FEB 25 2010 .lAN HORBALY CLERK