Gomez v. Dept. Of Veterans Affairs

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit HECTOR ROMAN-GOMEZ, Clcn`mant-Appellant, ' V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Responden,t-Appellee. 2011-7o7o ` Appea1 from the United States Court of Appea1s for Veterans C1aims in case no. 08-2534, Chief Judge Bruce E. KaS01d. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of Hector Roman-Go1nez’s motion for a 45-day extension of time, until June 2, 2011, to f1le his brief, IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted , ROMAN-GOMEZ V. DVA CC. S 2 F0R THE CoURT 1 8 /s/ Jan Horba1y Date Kenneth M. Carpenter, Esq. Michael P. Goodman, Esq. J an H0rba1y C1erk FILED Il.s. collar or appears ron mr-: FEOr-rear macon - APR 18_Z011 .IA|||QRBAf¥ 'ClEll( §