Gomez v. Dept. Of Veterans Affairs

NOTE: This order is nonprecede11tia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit HE CTOR ROMAN-GOMEZ, C'laiman,t-Appellan,t, ' V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF V'ETERANS AFFAIRS, Respondent-Appellee. 2011-7076 ` Appeal from the United States C0urt of Appeals for Veterans C1aims in case n0. 08-2534, Chief Judge Bruce E. Kas0ld. ON MOTION 0 R D E R Hect0r Roman-G0mez moves to withdraw his appea1. Up0n consideration there0f, IT ls ORDERED THAT: (1) The motion is granted The appeal is dismissed (2) Each side shall bear its own costs.' R0MAN-G0MEz v. mm 2 FOR THE CoURT 1 2 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date J an Horba1y C1erk cc: Kenneth M. Carpenter, Esq. Michael P. Goodman, Esq. s21 Issued AsAMandate: 1 2 9 93 ss ms F'n‘ FILED ar 0F APPEAz.s FOR DERAL ClRCUlT AUG 12 2011 lo .|AN H9RBALY CLERK