Arlington Industries, Inc. v. Bridgeport Fittings, Inc.

NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ARLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC., Plain,tiff-Cross Appellant, ' V. BRIDGEPORT FITTINGS, INC., Defendant-Appellant. 2010-1377, -1400, -1408 _ Appea1s from the United States District Court for the Midd1e District of Pennsylvania in consolidated case nos. 01-CV-0-485 and 05-CV-2622, Judge Christopher C. Con- ner. ON MOTION ORDER Ar1ington Industries, Inc. and Bridgeport Fittings, Inc. respond to this Court’s Aug"ust 10, 2010 order direct- ing the parties to inform the court how this case should proceed within 14 days of the issuance of the mandate in Arlin,gton In,du,stries, Inc. u. Bridgeport Fittings, Inc., N0. 2010-1025 Both parties propose that the stay on briefing be lifted ARLlNGTON INDUSTRIES V. BRIDGEPORT According1y, I'r ls ORDERED THAT: The stay of briefing is lifted. The appellant’s opening brief is due within 40 days from the date of filing of this order. FOR THE COURT 1 1 /s/ J an Horbaly Date Jan Horbaly Clerk ;Kth L.c1 ,E. F¢o` cc D:an1i"lenE. MaLyId:1rd,Sl§1]sq "S' c0umol?EPFEM'SF0R - THE FEDERAL C|RCUlT s24 MAY;17Z011 .lANHORBALY CLEH( 2