NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Cou1't of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit DAVID M. PE CARD, Petiti0ner, v. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Respondent. 2011-3151 lo Petiti0n for review of the Merit B0ard in case n0. DA3330090730-B-1. SySte1ns Pr0tection ON MOTION ORDER David M. Pecard moves for leave pauperis. Upon consideration thereof IT IS 0RDERED THATZ The motion is granted to proceed in forma PECARD V. AGRlCULTURE 2 FOR THE COURT 2 0 /s/ J an Horba1}[ Date J an H0rb a1y cc: David M. Pecard S Kent C. Kiffner, ESq. C1erk I.S. 00 THE 115 ' 'é‘i’¢.,, \"\'lQ-lIn §"nl" rim 9-35 me 35 :Ll1 3 JUL 20 2011 JAN HORBALY CLERK §