NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit INTERMEC TECHNOLOGIES CORP., Plain,tiff-Appellant, - V. PALM, INC., Defendant-Appellee. 2011-1296 .. Appeal from the United StateS DiStrict Court' for the District of Delaware in case no. 09-CV-0272, Judge Sue L. R0bins0n. ON MOTION ORDER Pal1n, Inc. moves for a 3-day extension of time, until August 8, 2011, to file its answering brief Upon consideration thereof, ' IT ls ORDERED THAT: INTERMEC TECHNOLOGIES V. PALM INC 2 The motion is granted FoR THE CoURT AUG 1 1 2011 /s/ J an Horba1y Date J an Horba1y C1erk cc: Carson P. Veach, Esq. U.8*Hgg§ryFEPp5ALs FOR R0bert T. Haslam, Esq. . DERAL C'RCU'T s21 A1.1G 1 1 2011 JAN HORBALY CLERK `