NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit DGR ASSOCIATES, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, V. UNITED STATES, Defendan,t-Appellant, AND GENERAL TRADES & SERVICES, INC., Defen,dant. ~ 2011-5080 Appea1 from the United States Court of Federa1 C1ai1ns in case no. 10-CV-396, Judge Tho1naS C. Whee1er. ON MOTION 0 R D E R The United States moves for a 40-day extension of time, until September 25, 2()11, to file its initial brief Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: DGR ASSOCIATES V. US 2 The motion is granted N0 further extensions. FOR THE COURT AUG 1 1 /s/' Jan Horbaly CC. S Date 3 an H0rba1y Clerk Darcy Victoria Hennessy, Esq. FlL D Steven M. Mager, Esq. g_3_ cguRT 0F§PPEN_S ma TH FEDERAf_ C|RCU|T AUG 1 1 2011 .|AN l'l0RBALY CLERK