NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit SMART POWER SYSTEMS, INC., Appellant, - V. JOHN MCHUGH, SECRETARY OF THE ARMY, Appellee. l . 2011-1420 _ Appea1 from the Armed Services Board of Contract Appea1s in no. 56743, Adn:1inistrative Judge David W. James, Jr. ON MOTION ORDER Sn1art PoWer Systems, Inc. moves to withdraw its ap- pea1. Upon consideration thereof IT IS ORDERED THAT2 (1) The motion is granted The appeal is dismissed (2) Each side shall bear its own costs SMART POWER V. ARMY 2 FoR THE CoURT mg 19 2l!11 131 Jan H0rba1y Date J an Horba1y C1erk cc: Kiran M. DeWan, Esq. Kent C. Kiffner, Esq. s21 Issued AsAMandate: 1 9 F!LED u.s. croom 0F m>PEAl.s mn ms FE0z-mr clncun gus 19 2011 JAN HORBALY CLERK
Smart Power Systems, Inc. v. McHugh
Combined Opinion