Murphy v. Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency & Educational Credit Management Corp.



                     m 01-10516

                   IN THE MATTER OF:
                 DANIEL G. MURPHY,


                 DANIEL G. MURPHY,






       Appeal from the United States District Court
           for the Northern District of Texas

                     March 5, 2002
Before SMITH and DEMOSS, Circuit Judges,                  Education Credit Management Corporation
  and LAKE, District Judge.*                           (“ECMC”) is a non-profit Minnesota
                                                       corporation that provides financial assistance
JERRY E. SMITH, Circuit Judge:                         to students enrolled in higher education
                                                       programs. ECMC holds nine promissory notes
    Daniel Murphy borrowed approximately               executed by Murphy.1 As of March 15, 2000,
$55,000 in federally guaranteed loans to attend        Murphy owed ECMC $64,178.54.
institutions of higher learning. Shortly after
receiving and L.L.M. degree, he filed for                  Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
chapter 7 bankruptcy. The bankruptcy court             Agency (“PHEAA”) is a government agency
held that 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8) bars him from          organized under the laws of Pennsylvania, that
discharging any of those loans in bankruptcy,           provides financial assistance to students en-
because he obtained them to finance his                rolled in higher education programs. PHEAA
education and signed promissory notes                  holds a promissary note dated July 5, 1996 for
reflecting that purpose. The district court            federal Stafford loans totaling $18,5000. The
affirmed, and, finding no error, we also affirm.       parties stipulated that Murphy spent $7,000 on
                                                       tuition and related expenses and $11,500 on
                      I.                               other living expenses; as of March 10, 2000,
   Murphy matriculated at Michigan State               he owed PHEAA $22,472.40.
University in 1986 and graduated in 1990. He
then attended Thomas M. Cooley Law School                 Murphy filed and obtained a consumer
for three years and received his J.D. degree.          chapter 7 discharge, then filed an adversary
In 1997, he obtained an L.L.M. from Wayne              proceeding against PHEAA and ECMC, al-
State University. He financed his education            leging that the portion of the student loans
through approximately $55,000 in student               spent on living expenses was nondischarge-
loans issued under the Federal Family                  able. The bankruptcy court granted summary
Education Loan Program “(FFELP”), 20                   judgment in favor of PHEAA and ECMC.
U.S.C. §§ 1071 et seq.
   Murphy describes a uniform procedure for               The Bankruptcy Code prevents former
receiving the loans: He appeared at the                students from discharging educational loans in
financial aid office, discussed his needs, and         bankruptcy. 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8). Courts
signed a promissory note.          The lender          have divided over whether students who use a
disbursed the loan to the school, which                portion of their student loans for room, board,
withheld tuition and expenses and gave                 and living expenses can discharge that portion
Murphy the remainder for discretionary
spending.     Murphy used the money to
purchase a car, housing, and food and to pay              1
                                                            The notes reflect the following dates and
fraternity dues and other ordinary living              amounts: (1) May 3, 1993, $7,500; (2) April 18,
expenses.                                              1994, $8,500; (3) October 4, 1994, $4,500;
                                                       (4) April 17, 1995, $2,834; (5) April 17, 1995,
                                                       $3,334; (6) August 22, 1995, $5,666; (7) August
    District Judge of the Southern District of         22, 1995, $6,666; (8) May 3, 1993, $4,000; and
Texas, sitting by designation.                         (9) April 18, 1994, $5,500.

of the debt in bankruptcy. Some courts have                nondischargeability. In other words, it is the
held that when the lender makes the loan                   purpose, not the use, of the loan that controls.
available for educational purposes, no part of             Treating FFELP guaranteed loans uniformly,
the loan can be discharged in bankruptcy, re-              regardless of actual use, is true to the text and
gardless of the actual use.2 Other courts have             will prevent recent graduates from reneging on
held that when the student spends the money                manageable debts and will preserve the sol-
on noneducational items and services, that                 vency of the student loan system.
portion can be discharged.3 We conclude that
the text of the Bankruptcy Code, the Federal                                      A.
Family Education Loan Program (“FFELP”),                      We review the bankruptcy and district
and Murphy’s promissory notes support                      court’s interpretation of § 523(a)(8) de novo.4
                                                           That section explains that a discharge “does
                                                           not discharge an individual debtor from any
     Constr. Equip. Fed. Credit Union v. Roberts           debtSS”
(In re Roberts), 149 B.R. 547, 551 (C.D. Ill. 1993)
(finding it unnecessary to remand to apportion loan           for an educational benefit overpayment
proceeds spent on educational expenses and living             or loan made, insured or guaranteed by
expenses); In re Pelzman, 233 B.R. 575, 580                   a governmental unit, or made under any
(Bankr. D.D.C. 1999) (finding that university’s               program funded in whole or in part by a
extension of credit for room and board fell within            governmental unit or nonprofit
the scope of an educational loan); Stevens Inst. of           institution, or for an obligation to repay
Tech. v. Joyner (In re Joyner), 171 B.R. 762, 764-            funds received as an education benefit
65 (Bankr. E.D. Pa. 1994) (finding that room,                 scholarship or stipend, unless excepting
board, and other living expenses serve an
                                                              such debt from discharge under this
educational purpose and refusing to find that por-
                                                              paragraph will impose an undue
tion dischargeable); United States Dep’t of Health
and Human Servs. v. Vretis (In re Vretis), 56 B.R.            hardship on the debtor and the debtor’s
156, 157 (Bankr. M.D. Fla. 1985) (finding that sti-           dependents.
pend that provided for rent and living expenses was
not dischargeable).                                        11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8). The section exempts
                                                           “educational . . . loan[s] made, insured or
      Ealy v. First Nat’l Bank (In re Ealy), 78 B.R.       guaranteed by a governmental unit.” The plain
897, 898 (Bankr. C.D. Ill. 1987) (finding portion          language suggests two limitsSSthe adjective
of loan that student used to purchase truck, pay off
wife’s car, and pay for other miscellaneous
expenses dischargeable in bankruptcy); United
States Dep’t of Health & Human Servs. v. Brown                   We review a bankruptcy court’s legal
(In re Brown), 59 B.R. 40, 43 (Bankr. W.D. La.             conclusions de novo. Texas Lottery Comm’n v.
1986) (instructing government to separate portion          Tran (In re Tran), 151 F.3d 339, 342 (5th Cir.
of stipend spent on tuition and books from portion         1998). Summary judgment decisions and statutory
spent on rent and living expenses); Dep’t of Mental        interpretation questions are legal findings that we
Health, State of Missouri v. Shipman (In re                review de novo. Samson v. Apollo Resources,
Shipman), 33 B.R. 80, 82 (Bankr. W.D. Mo.                  Inc., 242 F.2d 629, 633 (5th Cir.) (statutory
1983) (discharging stipend partially because the           interpretation), cert. denied, 122 S. Ct. 63 (2001);
debtor spent the proceeds on rent and living               Herman v. Holiday, 238 F.3d 660, 663 (5th Cir.
expenses).                                                 2001) (summary judgment).

“educational” and the requirement that a               attending school full-time.5
governmental or nonprofit body make or
guarantee the loan.                                        In the alternative, Murphy argues that the
                                                       phrase “educational benefit” modifies both
   At first cut, PHEEA’s and ECMC’s loans              overpayment and loan. He infers that the re-
satisfy these two limits. PHEEA and ECMC               sulting phrase “educational benefit loan” re-
made the loans to Murphy pursuant to a                 quires not only that the lender intend that the
federal statute that provides for educational          funds go towards educational purposes but
loans; the government also insured the loans           also that the borrower spend the funds on
against Murphy’s default.                              tuition or books. For three reasons, Murphy’s
                                                       interpretation is strained, at best.
    Murphy insists, however, that we should
read another limit into § 523(a)(8). He                   First, the word “educational,” rather than
contends that students may discharge the               “educational benefit,” modifies “loan.” When
portion of their educational loans not spent or        Congress amended § 523(a)(8) in 1990, it
tuition or books. He points to cases holding           replaced “educational loan” with “educational
that “[t]he test for determining whether a loan        benefit overpayment or loan.”6 Courts have
is a student loan is whether the proceeds of the       interpreted the phrase “educational benefit
loan were used for ‘educational purposes.’”            overpayment” to include a category of
E.g., In re Ealy, 78 B.R. at 898 (citations            governmental programs that pay students for
omitted). None of these cases considers a loan         the anticipated cost of future tuition.7 After
made pursuant to a federal student loan
statute, but Murphy would have us extend                  5
their reasoning. He variously argues that the              In re Pelzman, 233 B.R. at 580; In re Joyner,
                                                       171 B.R. at 764-65.
word “educational” or phrase “educational
benefit” permits students to discharge the por-           6
                                                             Before the 1990 amendments, § 523(a)(8)
tion of student loan proceeds spent on living          excluded from discharge “an educational loan
or social expenses.                                    made, insured or guaranteed by a governmental
                                                       unit, or made under any program funded in whole
   The textual hook for Murphy’s argument is           or in part by a governmental unit or nonprofit in-
puzzling; he reads too much into the adjective         stitution.” 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8) (1988). To
“educational.” Section 523(a)(8) does not ex-          expand § 523(a)(8)’s scope, the 1990 amendments
pressly state that only loans “used for tuition”       added the categories of (1) overpaying a grant and
are nondischargeable. Nor does it define edu-          (2) scholarship funds or stipends. Crime Control
cational loans as excluding living or social ex-       Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-647, § 3621(a), 104
penses. Barth v. Wis. Higher Educ. Corp. (In           Stat. 4964, 4964-65 (1990). See Santa Fe Med.
re Barth), 86 B.R. 146, 148 (Bankr. W.D.               Servs., Inc. v. Segal (In re Segal), 57 F.3d 342,
                                                       348-49 (3d Cir. 1995).
Wis. 1988) (“The language of section
523(a)(8) does not refer to whether the debtor            7
                                                            “An ‘educational benefit overpayment’ is an
or anyone else derived educational benefits.”).        overpayment from a program such as the GI Bill
Loans for room and board facilitate an                 under which where students receive periodic
education and meet expenses incidental to              payments while they are enrolled in school, but if
                                                       the students receive payments after they have left

the 1990 amendments, courts continued to                  (Merriam-Webster 3d ed. 1986).9               If
examine loans to determine whether they were              “educational benefit ” modifies both
“educational loans”;8 no court has suggested              “scholarship” and “stipend,” then Murphy’s
that the word “benefit” should reduce the                 interpretation of the phrase “educational
scope of covered loans.                                   benefit” would eliminate a core meaning of the
                                                          word “stipend.” If the second “educational
   Additionally, § 523(a)(8)’s second use of              benefit” modifies only the word “scholarship”
the word “educational benefit” before                     and not the word “stipend,” then it is difficult
“stipend” creates a serious problem for Mur-              to understand why the second invocation of
phy’s interpretation. The section employs a               “educational benefit” should have more limited
parallel structure when describing another type           scope than does the first.
of nondischargeable debt as arising from “an
education benefit scholarship or stipend.”                   In other words, why would Congress have
                                                          placed the phrase “educational benefit” before
    “Stipend” is defined in part as “a regular            two separate series of items in the same
allowance paid to defray living expenses; esp.            paragraph and intended for it to modify
a sum paid to a student under the terms of a              different elements in each series? The
fellowship or scholarship.” WEBSTER’S THIRD               inclusion of the word stipend proves either
NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY at 2245                      that “educational benefit” includes living
                                                          expenses or that it describes only the type of
                                                          overpayment and not the type of loan.

                                                              Finally, even if we were to interpret
   7                                                      § 523(a)(8) to require an “educational benefit
                                                          loan,” Murphy does not explain why that
the school, that is an educational benefit
overpayment.” College of Saint Rose v. Regner             phrase requires us to look to use rather than
(In re Renshaw), 229 B.R. 552, 556 & n.7 (BAP             purpose. All Stafford loans are intended to
2d Cir. 1999), aff’d, 222 F.3d 82 (2d Cir. 2000).         convey educational benefits, and a grant of
New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Tech. v. Coole             living expenses enables a student to attend
(In re Coole), 202 B.R. 518, 519 (Bankr. D.N.M.           school full-time, which certainly has
1996); Alibatya v. New York Univ. (In re                  educational benefits. We now turn to the
Alibatya), 178 B.R. 335, 338 (Bankr. E.D.N.Y.             FFELP to examine the unique features of loans
1995); Johnson v. Va. Commonwealth Univ. (In re           made pursuant to that federal statute.
Johnson), 222 B.R. 783, 786 (Bankr. E.D. Va.
     E.g., In re Renshaw, 229 B.R. at 559-60
(characterizing question as whether debtor received             Other dictionaries contain even broader de-
an “educational loan” and not an “educational             finitions of “stipend.” BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY
benefit loan”); Shaffer v. United Student Aid             at 1426 (West Deluxe 7th ed. 1999) (“A salary or
Funds (In re Shaffer), 237 B.R. 617, 618 (Bankr.          other regular, periodic payment.”); XVI OXFORD
N.D. Tex. 1999) (same); In re Pelzman, 233 B.R.           ENGLISH DICTIONARY 713 (Oxford 2d ed. 1989)
at 576-77 (same); In re Alibatya, 178 B.R. at 338         (“A fixed periodical payment of any kind, e.g. a
(“The term ‘educational’ is merely an adjective           pension or allowance . . . . Also . . . to keep in
describing ‘loan.’”).                                     stipend, to defray the maintenance of.”).

                       B.                                  statutes interact coherently and harmonious-
   The FFELP includes living expenses in its               ly. 11 If Congress defined living expense al-
loans to full-time students for educational pur-           lowances as serving an educational purpose in
poses. First, the FFELP contemplates that stu-             the student loan statutes, we should assume it
dents can use federal loans to finance a full-             also interpreted those living expense
time education. The statute distinguishes be-              allowances as having an educational purpose in
tween students who take heavier course loads               the Bankruptcy Code.
and those who take lighter loads.10 Permitting
students to take out loans for living expenses                 The evidence in this particular case
enables them to attend school full time.                   confirms that Murphy borrowed money for
                                                           living expenses as part of his broader effort to
   Second, the FFELP calculates the “costs of              obtain an education. In the promissory notes,
attendance” by including allowances for “room              he acknowledged that he was borrowing the
and board,” 20 U.S.C. § 1097ll(3),                         money for educational purposes.12 He later
“miscellaneous personal expenses,” 20 U.S.C.
§ 1087ll(2), and child care, 20 U.S.C.
§ 1087ll(8). The FFELP’s need analysis as-                    11
                                                                 E.g., Pierce v. Underwood, 487 U.S. 552,
sumes that loans must cover a full-time stu-               561-63 (1988) (interpreting phrase “justified to a
dent’s living expenses so that he has the time             high degree” in the Equal Access to Justice Act as
and energy to study and attend classes.                    having the same meaning as the same phrase
                                                           contained in other statutes and the Federal Rules of
   Murphy argues that the Bankruptcy Code                  Civil Procedure); Lorillard v. Pons, 434 U.S. 575,
and not the FFELP should define discharge-                 584 (1978) (looking to judicial interpretation of
                                                           identical terms in other statutes).
able and nondischargeable loans. First,
§ 523(a)(8) has a direct link to the Higher Ed-               12
                                                                 The PHEAA note provides that the loans
ucational Act, because Congress originally in-             were (1) issued under the Federal Stafford Loan
cluded it in the educational act and only later            Program and (2) governed by the Higher Education
moved it to the Bankruptcy Code. In re Ship-               Act of 1965, 20 U.S.C. § 1070. Murphy rep-
man, 33 B.R. at 82. Second, we should                      resented on the borrower certification of the note
attempt to give horizontal coherence to the                that (1) he must return all loan proceeds not rea-
United States Code and ensure that different               sonably attributed to educational expenses for the
                                                           cost of attendance on at least a half-time basis; and
                                                           (2) the total amount of loans received under the
        As an initial condition for insurance              note would not exceed his maximum eligibility
eligibility, a student must take half of the courses       under the Higher Education Act of 1965. The
necessary for full-time enrollment. 20 U.S.C.              amount of the PHEAA loans corresponded exactly
§ 1077(a). The need analysis then includes larger          to the “cost of attendance” certified by Wayne
living expense allowances for full-time students           State University on the note.
and smaller living expense allowances for part-time
or correspondence students. 20 U.S.C. § 1087ll(4)              The ECMC note also included a “borrower
(withholding room and board and personal                   certification” that Murphy would “immediately
expenses from less than half-time students); 20            repay any loan proceeds that cannot reasonably be
U.S.C. § 1087ll (limiting the room and board costs         attributed to educational expenses for attendance
of correspondence students to any necessary                on at least a half-time basis at the certifying
residential training).                                                                         (continued...)

testified that he borrowed the funds to support            create two perverse effects: (1)
his full-time attendance. When a federal                   Dischargeability would reward irresponsible
student loan statute authorizes the loan, the              student borrowers and punish responsible
student signs an agreement to spend the funds              borrowers; and (2) the federal government
on educational expenses, and the government                would have to pay out more to cover the costs
guarantees the loan, then the loan should be               of defaulting students’ loans. Murphy’s
nondischargeable.                                          interpretation would create the type of absurd
                                                           result that even rigid textualists seek to
                       C.                                  avoid.15
   Permitting students to discharge student
loans in bankruptcy because the student spent                  Murphy argues that private lenders
the money on social uses, alcohol, or even                 currently receive the benefit of governmental
drugs would create an absurd result. Students              guarantees on these loans, so these lenders
who used the loan proceeds to finance an edu-              have an incentive to expand the scope of “edu-
cation would retain the burden of paying them              cational loans.” Perhaps. If so, then the gov-
even after a chapter 7 discharge; irresponsible            ernment has the judicial remedy of suing pri-
students who abused the loans would gain the               vate lenders directly and the legislative remedy
benefits of discharge. Courts have emphasized              of redefining the needs analysis of the FFELP.
two purposes when analyzing § 523(a)(8): (1)
preventing undeserving debtors from abusing
educational loan programs by declaring                        The potential windfalls of private lenders do
bankruptcy immediately after graduating;13 and             not provide a persuasive reason for us to
(2) preserving the financial integrity of the loan         rewrite § 523(a)(8). Doing so would affect
system.14 Murphy’s interpretation would                    the private lenders only indirectly, because the
                                                           governmental insurers, rather than private
                                                           lenders, would bear the burden of the loss.
    (...continued)                                         This remedy also would create perverse
school.”                                                   incentives for student borrowers, squarely at
                                                           odds with the only purposes that Congress has
         In re Segal, 57 F.3d at 348-49
(acknowledging that § 523(a)(8) was enacted to
“remedy abuses of the educational loan system by                 (...continued)
restricting the ability of a student to discharge an       taxpayers.”); In re Alibatya, 178 B.R. at 340
educational loan by filing for bankruptcy shortly          (citing a Senate Report, House Report, and Senator
after graduation”); Andrews Univ. v. Merchant (In          DeConcini’s statement).
re Merchant), 958 F.2d 738, 740 (6th Cir. 1992)
(citing a House report and floor statement by                    E.g., Green v. Bock Laundry, 490 U.S. 504,
Senator DeConcini).                                        527 (1999) (Scalia, J., concurring) (“I think it
                                                           entirely appropriate to consult all public materials,
      In re Renshaw, 222 F.3d at 86-87 (“Congress          including the background of Rule 609(a)(1) and the
enacted § 523(a)(8) because there was evidence of          legislative history of its adoption, to verify that
an increasing abuse of the bankruptcy process that         what seems to us an unthinkable disposition . . .
threatened the viability of educational loan               was indeed unthought of, and thus to justify a
programs and harm to future students as well as            departure from the ordinary meaning of the word
                                     (continued...)        ‘defendant.’”).

ascribed to the FFELP.

   Because the bankruptcy and district courts’
interpretation of § 523(a)(8) best comports
with the text of the Bankruptcy Code and
FFELP, the judgment is AFFIRMED.
