Jose Perez, Jr. v. Salud Cazares

'^•.^lAL com CAsfcilBMmi';J]g82ia W COUKT OF AFPCALS MlSffim 04*i6-Q019**Cy ••-;k>. %• . . v.. ". •• ir; JOSC PEUZ. J1 I ZH THS Dzmia COOKI mXTMMt I ?• 83PIJ0DZCXAL DISTRXCT * * ' . •*; e I ' Pu SALUD Cazares § VAI VERDE, COOHTT, TEXAS ' TO HAVE the an™ 10 IHE UOCOU^ JUDGE OF SAID CXXfiTTi^. Now CcBies, JcHM Pms, IDCJ# 01877049, Fstlttpmr, pm sa la tiie abova intitli^ Oii^^ ^ E^suant to Xncu ^ ^ipoUato Feoeadun, nils 20.1 and iKHild|j^| ;show ths_ oourt ths foUnwiogt V 'A, I. The Patltioner requsst a haarlag by sotloo, of his lndi«aoea, and asks tha trial court clerk and the court rsporter to prspurs the appsUatad rasord with-, I , ;-v out pecvayasnt. Ihia. court- laauad a default judgiaent against peeltlonac oo the I2th •V January, 2016 > aA patitlooor filed his. notice of ^ipeal on tte I2th day of 2016. Patltiooer can show pcim facia ahowing of indigeney. lha trial court au»t .19 datexmlsia petitlpner'a finaiicial status at tlie time of appeal. mm UHESEECeE, PRfhISES Q0NSIS8SED, petitioner ^ t this court grait this -.j. application for a caccnd on appnnl at states aspmse. •V, C: 2*1 :G Hd '^2AVH9!6Z 01^7049 12th St. •d;H9^NV,-NV5.W BuntsvllAa, Texas 77348 '"'IX iO 1,an-33'JH-i'N4 ' •-r '•ii n. # % i: ti:'' T- rn:- -...••fe X| JoM favM, Jr., XDCI# 018770*9, hvlx% pcMonfely Imacecrated ia tha vUl* Vtaik of tfaa XMsa Dopactewttt oC Crtolnel JutUe* la UiUnr •nnty, 6a hndy mmg undtt poMlfey of porjuiy that tho faeto onntoinori in tina foeo* golnB Hatlon asa tx» and conaot. , iTawitii on this tho day of /f/^V ^ .2016. 1, Jeaa taw, Jr., 1S&X# 018770*9, cartlfy tliat a trua and oomct coyy of tha focagolnt Notion haa tieon fonardad to tha foUoalngi B»aautad an thla 2016. CMMBOa Koharto V. Gbem 139 Locaan Or. Xaaaa Rio Gcaoda U«a Aid fialBlo, tteaa 7»*0 4 ^ 8 . m»S5 Auatla, ISnaa 787S1 Oatrlnla T. Aboyta, Goub^ ONVfc at laa ODnndHnaa, 400 Idott St. 7t6 fl. P.O. bm t m Oal Bio, Daxas 788*1-1431 815 12th St. l*0tavlllo, taxae 77SI6 a i