Booth, Marcus Dwight

•>mpiMAl onf pii\l A I UKtbllNSnL Couer Shs&k. /Y59VY /Able /Icosfo^ Cieck Cou<4 Of Cnwioal Appeals £upr£(v\t Ccuri blelg PC &CX l220«-23og' FILED IN .RECEIVED IN MOTX 7*7//' COURTO^NALAPPEALS COURTOF«NALAPPEALS jAN 2 3 2015 JAN 20 2015 U£6r LlerK^ Abel Acosta, Clerk Abel Acosta, Clerk koelc££d pi^etje r\nj my Pewion ^or QiscfetionGfy kzuicoj-. Please Ale W\£ *PoA and ixw 4 fe ^e cSenhcn o\ Wie Coot/, address sUemn he\ou), X also fefuesi ihaT you mk$y /vie of ikt Ca*ds calm &n O locerely ) (3 (W>7/. 7W* i Ab. IHH-00259-GIL /Marcus 0^ feoo +k rm state of rate Jclenliry Of P^r-ft'es o^i Counsel Trial Ceuff: A/ppe/Zanf; HoAor&Ue £oWn /X Oarr Marcus. 0, fkx Of /Utarrhes-*. ° • .llii bfalemen-f Reatandina Gtol /lr < 3 "Htirv\asoA. V 5fo+6 ffo.Cft'iA>%>> fifr?) 72£ $M ;)A "3l&,„, , ., 5 Tn/.h v/ 544 foy 6^ V ^ 563 £W. ^ #to> 923 ., „ , e. 3 a v z> SJricUaJ v/ 5f*4 (Scfe 2051.2°) L\% US. S.Ck UP) 6*7„ . , , , 3 J 0 *' « nu braremeni Ke^ar^ino Oral flrcjumervh (Madams/Sirs, X do no-/ fully understand uhah X am ^g/a^ GaoI X houa no attorney Ko Kelp rm do fe n^Kf. IT -feel // ooa/d bett&r WeA'} me ~fc> i/erbal/ £?a?6<£ my case 0especially in ceqerds ho cjM all hanspiced a-} my inal dale. 6jA<*a X frW io fire my attorney* £o many hkincs are corona mmy OQ£& hd ai -/Ac fi^e X aj^s faliAcI Ac fhe -Paahs Qr\d oy (xdhw my frusT mmy oiferAey X 6Jas oiAakle -/o avoid "/Ae oafoo/vie. POy /ack of knowledge and re&oucces art hinderiAc me^ but -fke, Operjunify +o be asked (freshens Qr\d ask questions uauld make up for fkof Q(\c\ possibly brine ho \\he (v\ish&k>s X Cm uncuJar^ of. X Coa^ afford io aeh 4\\S tJrorvz. Thank Yea for YoucT'^^ Introductory 70 T7C HQAlomii 'JUSTICES Of TH£ COURT OF OZIfAIM APflE/)L£>: (U/Self IKe QppelloA^ (AaccuZ D. &oo4k, respecl& lly ^aUifs •fkis fer/A/on fir Discrel/dAQA/ £Wa; in accordance uitk -fbe-lms duks of Appe\\ah& Procedure in response io ihe -trial C&As July \H& £o\L{~, jucWneAf &f\d Sertkncina of Auen/y -five yeafSD '/eyas D^oWa-I ef CnWnal v£tff<<:&;, QAd s\\ouj$ ike courf as folUajs' 1 LOLL clement u \ l r ^ On [Aacck 11^2G& X uos arrested arvd charged co)A Possession of a (LoAroWed Su^s\ancc^/Jasper[An t*)Ab Quidence-. _2- -fdd rny attaches/ brent fAermn T cJonhed ho ckeJIariQe 4ke. HrrtshnQ 0$icec$ probable, cause for puma me fro/n pay ueMe ouhick led ha fke. fr\d\i\Q of clruas., and also AAe Shhcs accuasahon of possession of cl.muck larger omsuM of druas found in Ae shfeeh CJhiU X uqs already CuMed in 4Ae paftok Osr. fOy attorney qquc me -Rake -fccfs about /ny nohls aad oih.eC \^crcryGMo/\ obouA my ease, He. also cjflhheld ciafAenlno euic\ence fro/*\ iwe u/vAl/ oJrler hucrunQ dc^n my-fi^l-pto 0I lOymt^^cjktch uxxJA kaue e-Pfecred rriy decision ho hum doun hUe pU^. /ny aHornty also a((ou>ed urdue l/N-H^ixe <3^d cteAdicA^e ghatcmenk from People of epT 25 QO\H 3.1 fiW ray r€Sp6nse *CW £*2o^\ '*/. X recia/ed /A<£yVe response Och lip 26Wx 5. X 'filed 4 AlcAtfn Aof e/leahom o£ A/Kwe1 ^ -fi/e my Pi)H U Qourl o& Cnrni/io/ 6. H&\vJ4.d dpguao1 Ga^ Plrcjumenh On. (Aarck I1& <20/3j X coas pulled from my uebvcfe, by a police officer jusf offer pullina fnho a club portinj-loA(/^x. Code., Cc\r*\, Proc, Ann (art l£M) a p^fSoA f$ acc&sfed u)\w\ be- is actually placed under reshaink or {aker\ /n-fc cuskody. An arr^si occurs af Ae. mor^nf -/ne pe^Sc^ freedom or rnoueswAT is restricted or restrainedJ •£3 by physically puling we from My i/ehick ond fercinr €\j\deN2.c Seized incident \o acred- h he admissible,^ ike Srchtz wost shooo ikz, eysismnc^ or pfcWJe Cause eJrkUCstt SwM 9X1) kme of arrest or SeaccU oxs mock)jke.affe6hm officer did nor ask we for license, or insurance, ror dd he qiue reason for fulling me &&/K my vX tttmind tom ^HM^/Or^s and tfarcok.cs m>lo) Xlieqal actisk or defeidio/) of defendant frJirkout probable causes rendered defendant Sokse^ent cfhandancAenk of Cocaine, im/donfary Mas required Suppression of eudeAai. of cocaine OS $J e£ ifepl defend ($**^ ^ Measures U,fc) fthcrdonfAmt o( properk/ occurs So ash authorize, pclice b iate possession of prap&rfy if He. defendanf intended io chcjdon fie, pc6Mckf and ki4 derision h ohandor\ if cj^s rxd due to police- misconduct USCA Cms, ,4n Hd Xf lie officer UfOuid nol kout pulled me (W\ wy cor /ne dollar kll ljoM koue nof fell er\ jk gcoukIi f^S X (^cubi rA hauc b^A d^ar^eA ^(fk possession* The Aifsl Ame- n\y attorney ore/i-l morao/s come \o see. me at (Awa*d County Af/cs Scorched and and put in ike back, bJkm in ike keck Od the poll CSu\ser Tsfoded trytno to tefnwe anoHer small hw of cocaine fronx My boxer briefer Onca. Xreinex/ed 4Xemptied if on tke seed and stacked fa iry and gn^de, rt into ike s&d U&rq my skcrfs- fill my mouemenh caugU He okntion o-f jke officers and /Ly eewt and opened tie door and discovered 6jW X6j^s doina* X coas pulled fn/n lit police cruder and edrznsmly Zmcckp Xwas jken placed on iVc^tound at ike beck of Ike cruiVeA One, Officer Shod CJaick euer m^ ukile He. oiker collected Ike evidence tU ike. beet Seat okHe police cruiser. nfler jk evdence u)o$ collided lit officers helped me io my reef ^UJhle kelpnc\ mc up one or He oNicecs noticed a small account of cocaine en IW ground od&ce~ Xao&s Jus4- sitting, TA-c Cocaine came from my skods fnom toUr\ Xwas /'/> Ae. hack seed of ike pot/ok ear One. or He officers Grated cmo^er evidence- bog a. tried h coned uk<\f ke could off of -/Ae ground* Xuas Hi«2A fUced back in He. patAt car, ft fe^> mmidts laker Xmkceck lie hjo offxetb dom a peritnehr Stearck of tke parlmcdof\ One o$ tkz officers look underneait ike front of jke pafrde Cor, He sfood op and Jcid ike. dker officer to pa|| tke- pakode car up i Once tie pafrde ear uas pulled up one of ike officers Owe io my cJindoc) and showed Ale tux> lanae ormunhs of ukne pou)der^ later tested to ke Cocaino* from jfe kn& Xodas usdf^d ftun my Car by 2 offcecs M\fn*jk a club parknylai fill cS c&& Cnd Qecple kl X much rnovemoxf X rnade h retrieves He eooxne XgfAnkied a*\ Die beck Seat^So hou> uzdd X be atie ko repeat ikd Sarte^actm fa retriejje QAyfAin^ ifai- loca not fLrd tden X uo5 stroked cd\(U benfo ucJeLtd by fkc c&cef, UU^s a?& Jlla^kcS^lpZ^lJi- Conuichon &r possession ol illecclc dfucS regu'ircj v^d jit aausd mA hofarki tout exercised actual ccrt^codrd] or custody oh sobska^cc^ bui also be, conscious d\ Ki5 connection uitt Mr Cfd knoun utci it c^cs j evidence soXrices akick artt'rr^aixuely jinkr h«*> k> f^e Substance, Suffices ^ (p^l ik*f he possessed d b\°u\/iciy•. lire, o^bkc cannof Dc6o\fe llvis uiriouf c\ reuScncjole dcubk Dcu^S ord JUarccktS &* 65 -UeiendoAf rmst U cdfricrwdwely linked 001H drws allegedly pcsSeSSedi but Inks does rd- hade k> he S6 stfbno iked if eludes euery otter oastandtnG reasrncbk r\fpoiies\h except defendants guilt. Ihe SCeno, u)o$ a crouAA cUo pedum-lot m a kef cn^e cd druc, or#\^fhe- ctcG«\e, you drop your -drugs and uoqH o$f. Himascf) v/ Skdc (TexC«« fro? m) IM M & 2(o3 Oaks \J S'tak (TeyCr^ fipo m) IM So) 2d I1H Kut %0li>'./packing Qf\d Supf&rfvtj Credit)) lit/of Defended. /linc^inc X cJcakd htfjlh tke ckatues u^y uedd my Mamey no\ file rmU to chalice jUts.j&jen a%r kWiq h^ foo7. (x>found Three- Xne*rPecAi^e/ fissis \onee ol Counsel by fcimcj Jo Oct as locoyer QQenh' r% mv ftrsl pre-Wl in fit r*cdk 0l (A^j 90^1\my aUomy tod me. Me pcosecukr /"s oMennj /6yrs for Hie Possess^ dT«^r^o^ rle Xds&dk, Xidd my attor^y-fa See if M* prosecJer till drop He 2e&zdfs aJ X*)) kk He /Oyrj £*- lie p*ssestp*/hir«,pesin°s3esSiGn/tar\penr\c aod ac fo fried Son We ^ essaulfs, A'y affofAey Came hack end J&U me fie prosecutor Sad^ He cant drop jfa assaults because ke P AeiKic pfCisufed \>j )ke dveriJfe dept k> prosecute me, and fkei X haul fo plea fa cdl &&^r czk&r&eS to(\e%&r or kdu all flu-r to> trial, X informed my oAwey that X
o X skaJd he able \o pk out ho Hem seper^fdy. lie idd me tkc,fs Oof kcu^kkd f(ie prosecubr doesW- kavt to awe r^e a, pies, ed all (Pea^l Cade Ziffl-Seu&rance) rAy qfe//^ kda (^eX fed no ricikV [o sepeccde my cfacces kdr X do kcjui IW cidd> X idd my attorney Xdid rof coMrvjA lAe assaults io lm rtcl -fe\bi^g jke pl£<^ Mg ^uc/<^ ^jqs rumwy lede So He pcosecufor idd my attorney X Can Consider fie ded unir'l the nexk fredncil m"3une ol 30/7. Pi cjfeet or tujo law wy ottorn^ Said io Como see kin imi he hod new euideAc^ cuken X Oz^c |a Ke Idd mc ahoid He mdask camera o^ fk paffok ond it made me, loot bad, lie. Tad me X Srodd \oke H»e to years IX tken asleJ km tf JocX uaJd tre^i tte asSoulh S^i he fede-d kts Wd yeS\ X tken idd nmn X JJnt commit He assaults SO X* net johny tic deal* He Sc.«J *C,l Xll sfarf prtpairmc He tad ,± J-umd da** He jQyears JuneL XiH^ &cuzek k&hre my AW cdafe o§ Xuly IH\7oM\ X A^J a meeknc uifi my attorney and ke -kid me abood ex darnpamc pkma coll X nncde.'iMU in To/, X osfod kirn cdy £JGSh* X kdd atoouf Vus before fuminCj cLuin Hi (ilea^ Ac5 fopy uxls X Idd yju ^ bke ike lQ ydars ! (Ay alemey and proSecukr denied me my rtdk k seueranct, f^ly attorney musinW/^ me Oibojc Ac assaults heme 3b hefcte X turned doj« f^ 1^years} W en XJy W^W/ oi my W Ae Idd me inlodr oP my utters mo&er 3ep*ank U^S *ok yect lis not 36?1 Mlomj h^n iked Ufore OJauid kout pAcde a ^ dfffeAwe \n my decision concern^ my plea, /Use cyhdJy hack eudence of Ike dartacing pjlnone call uMI after X-turned dou>n He Cxxme hack Said eke kcxs Inr in for me tr&rn a\ pc\$i case in XQ®5 oUn ode. a)qs dke profecuUr. fuay 36/V; of my first pre-tricl ike- prosecutor Sold my attorney AaA he canialfop ike assaults b&^arc ike Sheri&ts depi. IS pressunnc hum io prosecute me. /vol he-mc an attorney myself SC do not knaJ a^toi all rny cdromty oaufdOe done Jbu4 X do knocJ he Snouldue amm SomeHinc, From ukci X haoe reed tkase interferences fro^ Ike Sherds and head (dJI, are Undue- ia-Piu&v&S'i h<- ah lea&i skculd haue triced h change ike uenu& -So moh X cjcotdle hod ex fair ek&ncci, Ev Ue IWn t/5g m 3d HS2U)(Xey Crtm fa 26QS>) OS a vast mcZjcnhy cf clams of ineffective o\ Counsel^ tke trial records ace- insufficient Id allcu) appeW&Tes Ccud io resclue Ake issue, because applicant could not provide suck eudence. tuikout aoifK ouhide trial records^ he may raise cdue process clrsitn- £x ferle Torres HH2 SLaJ, 3d W^IS CTey CnnsHtf /W) U fade Itcosia tft ^ 2«d l/7o, cm [fey Cn %> /W) Gcormci [\\J€s X uas Aen\ed my 5ixjk ftm_endm.ent AcKk ia eiffechii/e assistances oi Counsel by ^uAqe Kcbin Oarr, 7 C^rounc! Fii;&> /)r^ume/1 f On ouL /V^ 50Wj Anc cdoxy of nay AriaI X came Aj /As, condu^/on my cdkmey &a£ not properly repteSenknn pne^ especially after he made -the cpmmeni f(X<2ot hm d plea deed beeaure my dauchtess mofA«f Xeyuana LecjiS asked km out nf •trostrahiem 'iokak kojje you- done for km mins case , X "told fam X oJanwd to dire kn^n Gnat be jold me X had Jo take if up usitk dine Xud^e, Onc£ ue t^ere inrfiwk af ike Xudge X VOLceJ 4^k X coanked ka hire my ecjn cdiamzy \o replace my Court appointed vHocney\ She hid me Mo! Tha-f X had enough time to do So, X do Aol fkel X Incd enouQk Ame >X oo^s inccra^ccxfed AWw r^arck \1& 2oiS until /°Wk IZ& 2oiLl. Ourma iked year X uzs unacjarc my at%mey IrJOS not properly representing me because tke last h months X ojos ineareercdrd m o\ federal prison uitk no confacd cjffh v\y oSorney. Upon my release (AacoU )2^k2o/1/ Xcjcs broke, and homeless ond discovered my d&oc^tcrs mo-fker Gnd my otacACikkor Uoact in a $kemf} So uken X got out cntrmj on my Peef and heipnc my fismh ejeaz my first concern, Fro^ (Aorck l&left lili Tune IH^2CI AfW I Cozephed ike, pleo^ of <25 yeans Ike 'Judge asked me /A my attorney represented me r\qkf\ X (yoemted to say no huf X ^^ da aPPr&id jtaf ske ujaAd -hfce my $dec back and force me to eje -fa rrio.1 /A? ske already -fried j-uiioe ^Jki/e Xu^s On One stand once ske heard n\y fecscnS t^ky. X Teed rXudqe f