~~ :: ,, ' ~~,14-/-01 · jJ J ;J . This document contains so!i'e . __t{)J_s_~_/1lJ:£L~LiCQ~fg__2ages that arf:~Pg?•nogr quahty · - · · . . at the t1me o t hu"" • • . ' . L2~ I ~-::_L'r__..-- JAN 14 2UJ5*_ _________:._ _ _ _ ____:______ ---A;-;--be-.---.1 Ac-os~ta, Clerk . . '"l .' 'l ' t' '! ' •iiJ~~wjj ~ 7-ihedolh tf&dLclaL~- . .~-··--~.-·_ _ _ _·_·-.g=--·Di~ft,~cf_Caud_ a[-.. · ' ' . .§ - - ' ' ' · 1. PfitLdLltS ·arlg_itJaL__ulp;LimHa"'_Eac__[J·t'f. ol1!htd!d!IJ _mas · · · ·n~-------~~-------~ · . 12~ ·rreLalor · ' '' ;=rJ: C Res}bi1€11f . · ·· . . ---~--'------ ' ' ' . .' eJta/4t'tki/J_J-_o ,fh-~ Cout:Lo ~-9··J_mlnClL4jJf2toM_a_·Coft!J--· . · Jlllh_e~-a-lfA_LLceciLoKJ_·J1L-LJf£t ol 1-Jab-:~£-e_.C1YJtJU5J1Pl!f- . [}lfJ_S hLetL-£Llec/~oJac/_QedLf!Lc_qj_e_-l ·ecJkLi1~q~-th_e__ota# _ · ilta~_··wh1'c4_ ibd. fllt~dt'b.t:J_Wet~-. made_~p!__f_h_e__Co/ll'vici/k1(J_ · Laud_dec;_d_e~~-tbcd__;_f-b_e£LCl1t-~-fl-a__ L&lu__e{__io__~~ e__[}_e :::_ SoLued Polh· F/ ohes:_l),l&icLCLCLeckJ<-fch;'.Jq CnWJiy may_ · _b_e_S-:eJc~eo/~q_t_ __efL_tb_is_f?-Lqc_e_a__ ~usiJ(}~es5-·0I-i ,· . . . IJtchda FoUsJ Coudj ClerkJYe~ Jfa,]o1 ~ ·.. · ·.. ' ' ' ' ,I I I T . . ' ' ,I • fA . < . .... • ' '. ? \ . f' . ' .. . ' ·------~--~---~~~ . - -~ ---·---------~-----·- ~-- ------------·------ ..... . . __T/J_e_S_-la~le_aE 1e;=: e. : . . _ _.i.f/4-'t4C+-~-!r-L, ___· in CoLo racfa C/J- r!'YVJ::~I ~ r(Correcti~it name) (City) r -1-I-I-L'-~-L....>oo~+~ -Lk..J--t!-"'------'":1<-=--q..r..._.S:'-+-/-.<2::::::-----· Yd.....,ec'"'"LL""""'" _ _ _ .......... I declare under penalty of (County) (State) (Zip Code) perjury that the f~ng i• true and correct. Executed on the 61 7day of Oec;?)k ~er, 20-4:- ···················································*·························· An example of an unsworn declaration pursuant to Federal law is as follows: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.(insert offender name and TDCJ number), being presently incarcerated in (insert TDCJ unit name), in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _County, Texas, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on the _ _ _day of ) _______ ,, 20 __ . (Offender Signature) " ****************************************************************************** NOTICE NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE DENIAL Regarding your request for Notary Public service, insufficient justification was provided necessitating Notary Public service. However, you may proceed with an Unsworn Declaration. (Signature- Notary) (Date) IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORbHERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS lbt-leth . DIVISION . ~-#Jq;,rsoq Piail1tiffS ;aJ1diD Number J)lck l.Jare,. thz/f . Place ofConfinement CASE NO.i I;?LtlQ -I} (Clerk will assign the nwnber) APPLICATION TO PROCEED IN FORMA PAUPERIS l, 1Ja/J-;t;_{]uch , declare, depose; and say that l am the Plaintiff in the above entitled case. In support of my motion top ed Without bemg reqwred to prepay fees, costs or giVe secunty therefor, I state that because of my poverty, I am unable to pay in advance the filing fee for said proceedings or to give security for the filing fee. I believe I am entitled to relief. I further declare that the responses which I have made to questions and instructions below are true. 1. Have you received, within the past 12 months, any money from any ofthe following sources? a. Business, profession or form of self-employment? Yes 0 No~ b. Rent payments, interest or dividends? Yes 0 No LJ/ c. Pensions, annuities or life insurance payments? Yes 0 No~ d. Gifts or inheritances? Yes 0 No~/ e. Family or friends? Yes 0 No,~·· f. Any other sources? Yes 0 No E:l Ifyou answered YES to any of the questions above describe each source of money and state t:he amount received from each during the past 12 months. . JVIJ! 2. Do you own cash, or do you have money in a checking or savings account, including any ftmds in prison accounts? Yes 0 No~· If you answered YES, state the total value of the items owned. d/A - I - 3. Do you own any real estate, stocks, bonds, notes, automobiles, or other valuable property, excluding ordinary household furnishings and clothing? Yes D No~ I understand that a false statement or answerto any questions in this affidavit will subject me to penalties for perjury. I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct (28 u.s.c. § 1746). Signedthisthe _ _ _ _ dayof December , 20 /Lf -13JJ'!iik.h -IF/9.2~fuq Signature Plamti.ff · 10 Number YOU MUST ATIACH A CURRENT SIX (6) MONTH HISTORYOFYOUR INMATE TRUST ACCOUNT. YOU CAN ACQUIRE THE APPROPRIATE INMATE ACCOUNT CERTIFICATE FROM THE LAW LIBRARY AT YOUR PRISON UNIT (OR OTHER DESIGNATED LOCATION AT YOUR INSTITUTION). - 2- ' . gsiN~B02/CINIB02 TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE 12/17/14 ~DW33/PJ00097 IN-FORMA-PAUPERIS DATA 12:24:51 TDCJ#: 01928809 SID#: 061303~8 LOCATION: WARE TRANSFER INDIGENT DTE: 06/06/14 NAME: BUCK,BOBBY BEGINNING PERIOD: 05/01/14 PREVIOUS TDCJ NUMBERS: 00920805 01738380 CURRENT BAL: 0.00 TOT HOLD AMT: 0.00 3MTH TOT DEP: 0.00 6MTH DEP: 0.00 6MTH AVG BAL: 0.00 6MTH AVG DEP: 0.00 MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS MONTH HIGHEST BALANCE TOTAL DEPOSITS 10/14 0.00 0.00 07/14 0.00 0.00 09/14 0.00 0.00 06/14 0.00 0.00 08/14 0.00 / 0.00 05/14 0.00 0.00 PROCESS DATE HOLD AMOUNT HOLD DESCRIPTION khe. Jf STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF --'VV, j ON THIS THE .tl_ DAY OF :0eAAbvL /_fj_, I CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT IS A TRUE, COMPLETE,AND UNALTERED COPY MADE BY ME OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE COMPUTER DATABASE REGARDING THE OFFENDER'S ACCOUNT. NP SIG: PF1-HELP PF3-END ENTER NEXT TDCJ NUMBER: OR SID NUMBER: ,:t~~- rf ,,,,,,,,,--~- U •' 1-!\Y,. '• JA A ·:-:::o~~'!l=ac:o.::.., ·1 .~~?>······~ rJIE RUTH PE g='*!' ::,..n,;: : Notary Public Stat EK ~ 't,.;.., ~l*i My Comml~ 1 8 Of Texas il --:JI/,.. ~~"4$.~ SEPTfMB ..s on E~lres ~~QJAR Y 1 ~THOUTBOND wlR S, 2017 \..