1 •. ihls docum'ent contains so~e pogo& that ar~ of P?or quahty .COURT RECEIVED IN OF CRIMINAl~ at the time of 1magmg. WR- 60;lolol-IJ\ FEB 05 2015 IN·r H o RI E [ U 0f C I M\NP-. L f\ PPEALs of 1 E. xA~ R ---------------------------------~~,0~ Fx PARTe PERR'/ PATTERSON :tt IL7 6iJJ MOTION DISMISSED DATE: 1""\ \ '"\S ~DliQN RE.QliESTING REHEARING WITH AN EN f~ANt PA~'(:,_--le~v_ _ __ Pursuani i£}. rule ~1.1 u\- T.R.A.F\1ht- dPPe.l\an-t resPecttJ\~ (eg_uests ar~ en bat'\c. Pdr~el i"e~'lec:Jf.me 0'. 0. ~-' The. triJ\ C0ud f'cu.nc\ ihe Cli\':)Lder 1 I' fc bo-rh +\1e::,e 'lw?::)t"to~s to 6e ~t'~- \h.k':l honcra~J~: Loud s+ate6 --tha+ ,+he Jpp)·l[dl'li m1~'l\'lt tJP eVlt"1ilu~ ft:. (e\le{ ·i~ ~Dltv~d tD \oe iruc' T.rial Cuwt O(r..~lexec~ dPPe\\a1e Couv1s.e\ ·1-o PrfSevrt C:\1"\ ci~~~d~v-it ·1D uh'tLh cc.uV\sc\ j·fafed uV~de.,- oa1h /swCl(c +o ·-Thai he d·td Y\6·\ C.c~~l)~ul-t j_,_Jdh -the: JrPhC0lr'\i rJt (:)\\ a4'ter Dl\eCt Jrrea\ (10( Co\'\\lf~ d 11'\teMflo/\ t6 t1)e 3 P. O.K. (\or PruJ,de C\ Ct.:.fl:.J c,\ :::,C\me -To i~L ;)rPLcdt'\f. Ever'J Jet cJ Jred\c}tt' CouV"IsPl ~·(J\\s b~IDw fe8scllab\e stJ"darJ~. 1. Th"t.s hof\ur3ble eourt 9fd{\te(:\ -the CIP\J\\(0{\-1; \eave te:.-Pde h~s DL<_j(\ r. 0. R. 'PIU se whet\ t~c: ~OU(i· "3'\&V\-ted eru ')C. ex-fet\'StO(\ -to -~-~\e Pro sc P.O.R. C\(\d ~:-.u.sPe,f\s,(~[\ o~ \.~.A.r. C\.?JCb.) SflecitcrJ\b'\tb reduce Cd>ie.s ~or P(o 5c Pe·krio.1er 3r\C~ 1hu<"fNc 11 e..cred .\(\ accePi.lv'lc.J J P. 0. R. tr6rl\ Couv'l.sel 0( dfl~i Per.so·n other -thGM -the Jpp)·ICJVI-t d.') Text:12> cloe~ Y1Ut olloLu h'J~x·J (ePresc.wraiiOY\ ~. The. iri]\ Cou.f-t dtt~IV\Pted tl) .Jv~-t"~~~ \'\()Y\-C.oY\sul-ta-tiol\ 'o·~ Cc:.u.V\Se\'.:, excuse cA' 3 \eJCI\ C\ss.tsturd CLur\\(V:~,houever, {2_X[u~e.-:~ de, nc;i et.cu~.. e or Just·\{':1 L.o'1\~titu.tior\c1\ (e~U-I(C'I'Y)ft\t.s 61 CoY\2lu.ttc'J·(\61'\ (lfCC.r!'::f.~d{l!:. t~r e{('L?Ci\Ve. ass\ ~feir'\CC: Jl'\~ du.e. Proce~5. ch'\'::1 Cou.f\se\or -~~ re'-lu.l{cd to LDi'\Su\t dV\d .\tY~OriV\ 8 c\teV\t -fer {eP\e:::>e.i'ltat-1oY\ C\Aj tk1.s Cc.uci wO\~ f\6-\ he\d +o ~lv'\din:!S Ceuor\eou.~.J ' . CJf -the. -tria\ Col.A(-f ,see Err .-tJ.Jrfe A&\fls, SS() ~:l,W.1d (Cf,At'r. l'\ll) fudhurmMe... :L.L~ t:the• Yl{O\J.VI~S were \e:~-t Ut~fe~c,\ved d1'\~ wJ\ 'be.. p\a·~\'\1~ exPt.scd m 11.:d P(ucedlf\55 Gd'h J \1\<..t:\'j Vt'\Yidi\cl VJQc\<. -2- . . I • -lD tkls ho;'\L.:.f3ble Loud ds --ktJI COG.d ~~·~\e~ to re:;;c\ue. or adci~es -t~e \~S\..lt?~ 0,( e Vf' V\ S\-C\-\;e l,__j~ethc: >f i~e iE' WE.f e C..c.nt'fo'Je.dPcl l <::,-:su.eS or Ylui Per. \.Cc.P Jci. 1\.Dl ~ecl~JlcJ l.(. 1he. Jppj·ICdrli ·~~ Cl){,-t\e6 t'b clut 'Pf6Ces.s dl''\~ :shCAt\d '( ece·1 ve ClV\ ell\ bi:1ii\C. heac.\Y\\j -tG el/\':::lufe ~vel'\. WHERE ~QRE. -the arrLc.JV~-t '(l(C\'j~ ---\hiS honClrcib\c: Lcud Slfch\-t +~1e rectue-stec\ LY\ bane Rehe3r\V\C::L 9cn. ~ P3t~er.so\"1* )loT)\?-_\ Te \~'or J L\ 1"'1\-\· 3,2~(\ S·tafe t\w::1 '~& Ne.w E.\c:-.s\a1'\J \X:. T~:)'l() - 3 -- '· WR- gQ;loLal-D\ J N ·rHE t 0URT 0F CRI MI N~ L ~ PPEALS CJ f 1 cx A~ EX PARTE PERR~ PA 1 Tti\SON :tt IG7 ;)lJJ tv\DliON REQUESTING RtHEAR\NG W'\Tt\ AN EN l~At·H PAtJEL Pursuani t~ rule_ ~1.1 o{ T.R.Fi.F~-lhe ClPPeJ\ant resPect~u.\\"1 reg_ues-rs ar1 en 6JI'\C. Pdr1el rehedrinc:J cf h1s adic\e \\.Gl wftt G~ habeas coreus o()d 1n ~uPPOfi ihereui W0LJd shew -t~\:S ~{)fiCHabie Lourt ib fclilow:~;. On Januar~ 1~. 'lol~ ·tk\~ ~G\'\O(ah\e. LtLfi acloPied -the f';r~c\;,'\'jS o-f -the tr.1a.l C6Ufi C\r\J c\c:J\.ted ClPP\tc:dvr\ S L,_y(,-\ o{ h.Jbecb CurPu~) 1 hc.t..iH:?.ver.-lh\2> dec.t5\cJ\ 1~') Cordrch~ to Ur\.dc?·~ :~·rrdte~ 2n.tP(EI'Y\e Louft f(ecec\eV1-t~ dVIJ evev~ Prec~~\2v~t.s o{ -th'i21 hoi'\Drah\e Louft a~ ihe. i(ial Court dearllj clnJ p)a!nllj macle f·illdln':\') in{avG'f D{ -the arr \'ICC1 r'\-t's d II eij(:.~-t .\M\5 a,I\J er (_i•ilc~eJ P( 06~· em fe(ejfcl ot c0(\S~ \- iUi16Y~t11 rish-ts Lliolatior\:::. o{ -\he Six-th anJ foudeev'\th Al\'\enc\'\'VVY\f'S. \. 0(\ M(j ((: h \1/l 0 I~ 1h\ ~) ht r r?l bI e c0 u("\ .I ~~ u t' ~ dI'\ 0 ( c\ e u { 0 '( 1\(J <) -the trial Cc.uri ic L~t?tt r m'l 1\C:' ·, ~ c.H~fc \la-te cGU vi 'JC \ PufSL~ed r. 0, R. l.A)·,+}·wut Cu(\5Cnt cJ -the C1P~'l'i~dl'\+ a(\c\ ·i~ sa;J ~. 0. R. b\octrd •J~pp),cJI\1 1 s Pi' (j ~~e 0'. 0. ~-I The tria\ (Dud f'ouncl -\he ar~~~)L t'V\i.lile.c\ tt:. (elle{ \~ ~G\.tV\d -to \:Je -true I /vial Cuwt Ofc~el'ec~ dPPe\\aie. CouV\.se\ ·to NfScVii dl'\ C\~~~d01v.,t ·10 L.Jh"ILh CCLlV'ISf\ ~-fJfcd UV\dev ucl\h l<)WCl~·c fo -1-hd.-t he J·,J Y\c.·\ COI')~ul--t /..ro.~'dh the JrPhc01rd rJt dl\ {j4ter Dl\eLt c1PPea\ Y\0( Con\Je~ d 11'\tev~t'lo/\ tc,t,)e a P.o.R. (\br PID\i1de. J c~P:-.J c~ sC\me -\-o-t~e dPPLc:;'lr\t. Ever'J act cJ JPPc:l\dit' Cc.h.Ju'\Sf>l ~·8\\s btl\c,u fe&sonab\e stdv'\darc~'::,.. 1. Th·,.s i'lof'lordh\e Cc.wt ~L:.lf\ted -the C1P\J\-,c31'\'\ \eave te:. ...f\le his Of.A)(\ P. 0. R. Plu sc whe1\ i~t Gou(i ~\.'6JV\-tecl P(u <:;c ex-/ clue~ Ylut o\\oL.J h~bx-J C<::P(escv,-f-aiion. ~. The -tria\ lOU.fi att~lVIP'ted ft) ju.J{I~':J V\()Y\-CoY\Sul-ta-tioY\ \cJ'-d Cc:.u.ti\Se\'s U(Cuse cA 3 \~sd\ C\S~).IstJrd q_w~\(\~lhoue,Jer, e..xcu~e::J de nc;i ex.cu~-,e or .1ustA.Cj C.oY\Stltutior\3\ \"e'lu·,(en'\f;rLs o-f CoY'I~uttc'Af-161'\ (lecce'::f.:..,(Jrl!J +or deci1Ve. C\~5\ :dJfiCt J\'\J due. Proce~s. C\~'\~ Cuuf\sc\or -,~ re<-lul'(cJ' to Cu;'\SlJt C!V\d ·InforM 61 c\teV\t {or {eP\e~eVItcli-10\'\ c\flr1-tkls Cuufi i.;Jel.:) Y\6-\ he\d fD ~-l{\6in'JS Ceuoneou.~J \ . I G{ -tY\e. -ti\3\ CoLAfi ,.see LA' L - /Jc!Jrfe ;/} . . s· r n&u'\S: · _)) .),\_,'-.). (' < I \ 16 ( (f' Arr . \'\ll ) fudhurmMe.. }_Lo uther SUf' S ur Vlui tler. \.Cc.P Jfi. 1\.Dl -:::.ecl'_))CcJ l.(. 1he. ~:Jppj·,c.@n-t ·,~ er\t·,t\e6 te:. c\u.c: fl(6C.e5.s civ\~ :shDu\c\ fece\ve ctV\ ell\ bC.hi\c.. hea~·,(\Cj ·rG eV\0ufe ':)vc\'\. I • +he recLUhte d t ;'\ (jEinc Rel-1cdr\V'\~L Peff'::~ P3tier:san* ll.DT~\A.\ Te \{or c.\ U(\It s2cn Stdfe t\LA.) 'j '16 ~t'w fjc-,sta,'\; IX. 7SSIC> - '3 -- WR- ~D;LGl-D\ lN ·rHE L0URT 0f CRI M\Nf\ l r\ PPEf\ LS CJ f 1 Ex A{~ EX PARTE_ PE.R R'I PAT T ER. SO N ~ Ilo7 6 i ]_ \ ti\DllDN fH.:.OUES.TING f\tHEI\R\NCl W'\1H AN EN \~ANt PAtJEL Pursuani t~ rule_ l.\1.1 u~ T.R.A.F~-lhe. JPPe.l\an-\ resPect~u\\~ (eg_uests an en bat'\c.. Pdriel (ehe~3f.m 1 Wi1'"\ o{ h.:1bea~ Co{PU"2l, howt:v'er,-\hl-~ JeC.i.S-101'"1 i~'J COt'lir3f~ to lJf\-dt-J ~;VHt~ ~uPIEI'Yk: L6ul't Precec\ev1-t~ GYIJ eve__v~\ Prec:~~\ev'lt.:s o{ -th.i::. \'1onurah\e Loud- as -t h~ i ( iaI co ud c)earJ L:J cl nJ Pla·i nI:1 mac\ e f -~ nJInttrm'l(\t:'' -~~ dPfella-te LGUVI~e\ PufS\Jed r.o.R. LJ·,+hout C(~r-,:sent cJ -ihe 8PPl'1cdrr\- 31\c:\ i { ~d·1J P. 0. R. b1 octfd 1 t)pp\.,cJ-1'\-\: s 'P to se P. 0. R.' The. ty--ia.\ cGu (\ f'cun c.\ --\he Ct{\ ::)L.J er fc buth +l1e~e clw?st'IO/\S to be i.jes. \\1',_<;, honer able- Lulid .:)+Jte6 -tha-t '+k~ JPPLcC\1"\i m1~"1hi bP eV'Ii'!ile.r1 ft:. (e\le{ ~~ ~D\..tV\d -to \oe i1ue' /ria I Cuwt o(del'ec~ dPPe\\a-te CouV\.se\ ·to Nt>Scil\i df\ .3-\~lddV.it ·1 c L.Jkt Lh ccu nsc \ ~-fated uV'IJ e-v uclth /swoi'c. +o ·-t ~a-t \0 e J·1 c\ Y\ c,·\ CJHI)~ul-t wd·h the: JrP\1{0)(\l rJt dl\ c:A'ter D,\eci dPPea\ (10( con\le~ d 11'\tel/\t'loA tot',)e 3 P.u.R. (\t.r PruJ,de 6\ CoP::) c~ :::,dme -To-t~e_ dPPLc~t'\f. Eve!':J act c.:J JPPei\Jit' Couv'1St>\ t~ils bele:.w (ecbc(lab\e 1. Th.,s hof\orJb\e C:c:.ud CdL:lAted -fhE: 3P\Jl.ICol'\-t \eaue te:.-Pde. ~;s ()[.,_)(\ r. 0. R. Pru se wYlfcrc " f_fred \A JccePt.,v'lC:'J J P. 0. R. +rt)r/\ CouvLsc( ex Jf\ COt'lirBf~ to Uf\.dt.?•J ;=)·rdfe~ ~uP(ei'Y"I<::: L6ud· P(eU'c\eV1+~ a(\J eveJ\ Prec~~~\ev'\t.s o{ +~-i~ hoi'\Dfd'b\e Lcuut d~ f h~ i (i aI c() ud cl ea(I ~~ cl n J p) a n llj m acl t f JI ncyj i \'\ f~hJ o{ .l .I Y\ t,'( -t-he d~fl~-ICCl t'\i's r)\\e.CJ{)i.ICW'\5 avv\ fi6'.J1clecl rfoD~· 01\ (C(G(Cl ot (Of\S1.1- iUil{)(ldJ rish-t.s VicJatloA:::. o{ -\he: S1x-th dnJ foudt-f'VIth ~jr:\er.c.\rY1ents. \. Or~ March ! 1.1201~ ·th, ~) h(';fl(;rr:ibl e Cour-1 1~:.-·}u('c.\ dY\ O(c\eu -for ihe tria\ Cc.uri ic c.~ettrm.Hif.:', \~ JPfc::l\c.He Ce;uA~e\ 0ufS\Aed 9.0.R. w",+hout C'Dri5Cnt C::~ -fhe BPPl"l~drrt a(\c\ i{ jc),J ~. 0. R. b\uc~.rd tjpp)'\(U(\~ S 1 '{)((.) ::~e e.o.L' Thetrid\ccu(\ f'cu.ncl-the Cl{\;)L~e 'luest-, u"" s to be e~. \h·,-~ h on ab\c- L ou d st- dte6 ':j o( -thcH '+he 3PPlit:Clt"li m1:1ht be C'Vli·il\e_J ft:. (e\,e{ ~~ +CJ"-wl~ to \:Je icuc-' };ria I Cuud O(rJ:-f e~·\5\o(\ io t,\e Pro sc P.O.R. df\cl s.usPeN::~c~r\ o4 \.~.A_P. q_?J(lo.) 1 _ ['. \\ \ • (' II \ , o Sflt?Ci'tiCrJ 'j tb reduce Ce.Pies \U P(o 5C F'eiltio.\e'{ df\G --1~'\ucforc e_cred .I(\ accePi·, v'lc.J J P. 0. R. +r6r/\ Couv'LSe( Cf c;ln~i (Jcr.SCY(\ othe_r -tMJ~" -the ()pp)·,cJVI-t Cls -Texr:l~ clue~ YlUt Dl\aL_j h~b(·\c\ (c:P(ese:wrJiim\ ~. The -tr1a~ Cou.c1 Jtt~IV\P·ted fl) .Jv~-f1~':l l'\oYI-CoY\Sul-t2diof\ \cJ·-(1 Cc.u.V\se\ s cx:cuse 1 cA 3 \e~d\ ass·1stC:Iili q_.--t\1\(\Cj,houeuer, e.xc..u::,e::j Jc r,oi ex.cu~-.e or JustA'Y tol'\~tltut\oi\3\ (ecLl(\(e n'lfl\f.s o-f Co\"\:--:;)u{t,.:;d--161'\ (1t:cce'::1~f:Ar'!J -\'ur e{('t>cttve. Jssi sfC1Y\Ct: ch\~ due Pfoce:'.>5, C\,r,\j Couf\Sc\or 1':::> dV\d ·HJOr\'V\ 8 c\teV\t {or re'-lu({cd tb Co/\Su\t {e~\e2JeV'!tclt-1 0I'\ C\v~c\ fk1.s Couci Web f\D-\ he\d to ~\v'\6in\ -o·fatcd u.ll'de.v oa1h /swo{c. fo ·-tha-t he cLd Y\6·~ CcH'i~ulf L..Jdh -the: JPPhC0J(I-t tJt Jl\ r.:A'tc:r D~cec.t Jrrea\ Vlor con\Je~ a 11'\tell\t'lo/\ toti)e P.u ..K. (\bf 3 Pruj1de 6\ Co0:-.J c;\ s8me -Tui~e. :JPPLc.:;}t'\f. Ever':l Jet c.J JPeei\Jie Cuuv')sel t~\\s be\c,~ feC\Sc!\,:1~\e stJAdarcl~. 1. Th·,.s l'lo(\orJh\e Cc:.ud '6rdrYred -fhe CIP\)\·,c:211'\"\ \eave tD ..f\le h;s OG.)f\ ·P. 0. R. P!t1se L....J\eV\ -the Gou(-\ ]{@lf\ied Pfo ')C e..~1ev1-slol\ \b·-~·\\{:" Pro Sc P.o.R.. d.r,d ~~usPev'\5.\(~l\ Q~ l.~.A.r. c~_?J(b') r SPeci-t.tCrJI '\ 'j\' tb 1 r " \ . " recJuLe (e.flies \ur P(o 5c Peiltio.lt'f 3i\G ~~'\ercfNc f_((ed ·lA JccePt.,v')C.'l J P. 0. R. +rorA CouVl.s-:1 or t91'\'6 Per.son other -tMJv~ -the iJrp)·,cJrd C1~ ·Texd~ ciDt-~ ~ut Dl\ow h~b(·\J (ePfescvd'C\iloYl. ~3... TMe. -tr1a\ CoLHi Jtt~lV\Pied t1'J Jv5f,~'j 1'\oY\·CoY\sul-ta-tioY\ bl.() Ce:.\),_V\se\ 1 ~ excuse G* 3 leCJd\ C\s.s.tstCI!li q_ul~\rY~,houever . {~X[u~e~:, de, YVYi e.';(Cu~-,C e;,( JustA'lj C.o'i\Stltutio.'\c)\ (ecw·\(e{()f,'\t,') o-f Cof\~u.tt(}f-161'\ (\f:'CCr!'::f.~d{l.!J +o( e-f(eci\Ve ass\ sfdr\Ct: dl'\c~ due Process, C\,'\~ Cou.llse\or -~~ \t''-l.ul'(cJ t6 CLd\Su\t C\V\d ·,rrfor\'V\ Cl c\ieif\-1: -for {e~\e~efltc)i-,or~ 3Ac\ th'ts Couci Wi:l:) flG"\ he\d to ~-lv'\d\(\~;s Ceuoneou.~J -· ' c._{ -the. -tr\&\ CoLAf-t _see Ex /Jdrf~ Aa\1'\s, SSj ::,,1..,0.'lc\ (U.Ar-r. (\ll) Fuc-1-hurrf\M~. J...L Gthe• Sio\..i.V\~S were \c:~-t Ui\(e::Jc,\ved ;:h\~ w1\\ \Jt>.. p\&\1'\k eXPL.scd \Y\ l1.S'-\ Pcocedlf15S wdh J \lkt:\l~ ve\'Y)dt'\d bG~c.k -2.- -b +k1.s hal1L:.f3ble Lou(i ds i(tJ\ COLS or Ylui ()er.\.Cc.P. Jfi, \\.ol ~ecl'2l)Cc.J ll. 1he ,jpp)-,c_dYI-t -~~ c,1t-~tle6 t-e:. clue. flfoces.s ;}v\~ ~snou\d fece..1ve ClV\ ell\ ba~f\c hedf.\f{::. tG ev\~i...ue ':)vc\-1. wHeRE j:QRE_ --t~e arPlicJV\-t 'P(C\'jS 1hi.s honori}b\t Lcud ~(Gv\-f +he recLuesied t (\ [~d(\C Re \·wan\1\C::L Pc(f~~ P3t-le.r.5on* )loT~\?-..\ Te \{ord L\n-1t ~2~'\ State t\w-:i -~& N.tw t'jcy~~ui"\J IX. 7SS/C; - 3 -- WR- B.O.Glal-0\ IN 'THE toUR.T OF CRIM\NP\L r\PPEP\LS of 1E.xA~ Fx PARTE_ PERR1 PAT TtRSOM :}t llo7 ;)il \ ti\DliON REQ\JES.TING Rt.HEARING W\1\-\ AN EN \~f\Nl PAtJEL hirsuaoi t~ rule. l.\1.1 o{ T.R.A.F!1he.. CIPPe.l\an1 re.sPecttJ\'1 (e9.ue.sts a() t:n 6c11'\t Pdt1el rehe.c:JfinCj of h1.s a(f1c\e \\.C:)l w(\t 6~ habeas CorPUS a11d ·,(1 ~uPP!Hi -thereu{ w6L.Jd ~huW i~\~ ~r.)flnrabie Court i;):j fuilow:~;. oh Ja()uar'-11~,'10\S -+h'l~ \\ono(db\e LQL(i acloP"ted -the f';r'\c\;tdS cJ -rhe tr.1al cnufi C\1'\J de(\.lc:d c1PP\\Covli 1 ~) w·(,-~;; o{ habea~ Co(PU'::l,· h~wever.-lh.\2> Jec-~.s~ol"\ i:.) Cof\irdf'::'l to Ur.. l"tc?·d .:Hdi'es ~juP(eme L6ud· P(ecec\eV1-t~ CJY\J eve.V\ Prec~~\ev~+-s o{ -t~·is ~onorah\e Lcuft 3s -t he. i ria l co u d cl ea,- \j J cl n J P) aIn1':-J m acL~ f ·~ r\ d;nc] -~ in tJ u0-'( cJ -rh~ Jflri'ICClt'\i's dlles::~-t'ICH\5 alf\J f'16ilc~e,1 P(oc~· c.m (CCGrcl ot (0(\S~·,_ iUi16Y'!t3.l rish-t.s violatio(\~ D~ ihc: Six-th dnJ foul tt'l?V\th rll\'\c?V\C.\\\'H"ni·s. \.On Md(ch l:t~·)OI'i ·thl7.l hQncH~:ib\e Coufi ·,~;,";ue~ Cln orc\eu {ol -the trial Cc.ur i ~ d Pf'c llcHe cDU v'\ '::le \ PLifSUed 9. 0. R. it L4ett r m ·,l\t'' ·, LJ·d· hcut cu1 sent cJ -f he 8P~'l'IC_dn+ a r\c\ ·i ~ 5cr~J P. 0. R. b\ockfd dPPLCJ\'\-\:\~ 'Pr :':le e. 0. R_ The. tl'i3\ (GU(i f'ouncl ihe .31"\~:)wer L) I fc bo-rh +\1e~)t' CLuesi-·IO.~S to 6e \jes \h'\,'::, honcrablf' L olid state~ bf' eV1t·,-d~r1 i~ -~~\.w\d 1 -tha-t .+he JrPlicat'\i m·l:.'lht t6 (e\,e{ tD VJe -true- Tria I Cuud orc~erec\ dPPel\ait CouV\.se \ ·1-o NfSeV\\ dt\ d-\~1cie\vlt ·1c uh-1Lh ccun.se\ ~-rated U.V\,le.f oa1h /swui·c. fo ·-1-hai \0e clid Y\6·t C6~1)~ul-t l~dh thE JPPhc0M-\ Jt dl\ a4.'ttr DIU?L.t dPPea\ {\0( (o(\Vf~ d li'\-tell1t\oA tot',)e 3 P.O.K. r1t>r PfD'j1de. 6\ Cof>:::; c~ sC\me -tu-t~e_ dPPLcJt'\f. Ever'J ;;Jc..t c.:J JPPei\Jie C.\.rul\sel ~·EJI\s bt:lc,~.J fe;Jscndb\e stdAdard-:,.. '1. Th.t.s l'lonorJh\e C:c.:.ud '~HElr~tec\ -the CIP\A\cC\1'\-t \e8ve tt:.~Ptfe \n~.s OtA,n P. 0. R. fJUJ se wheV\ i~t G6oJi ~(6\lf\ied P(u '")c e.x-1et,'Siot'\ \b -~·,\e Pro sc P.o.R. dr\d ~:,usPeJ'IS.\()t\ o{ \.R.A.r. C\_~(kJ') 1 ['. \\. \ , r-. 1/ \ , .., SPec\-t,c() 'j tu reduce (6{)ies ~ur P(o 5c Pe-t~tlo.,er 31\C::\ --t~lef<"f'uc ecred \,f\ JccePt.,v'IC.-1 J P. 0. R. +rtjrf\ CouVl.seJ ex c.;\fl~l f·er.sc.:.·r\ c.:.ther -thJ~ -the ()pp)·ICc1v'H d!::l Text:!~ clue~ Y\Ut ollow h:Jbi'·J (efl(esc.d-ailoY\ . ...... ~. The iri::1\ CoLHi Cltt~MP'ted t1:J J\J5{,~lj \'\oY\-CoY\sul-tciiiof\ \cJ'{l Cc.u..V'Ise1 s excuse C:Y~ 3 \e~1(J\ Cls.s·tstcJrd q_L.u'\\r\'j, houever, 1 e...xcu.s~~ Au f16i ex.c.u:.,e c,r :}ust'r{l1 LoY\'Stltutior\c)\ x-ecw·~(eiY\fldS 6-f CoA~u\tc:~·t"luV\ (\ecc.r!'::f.~!Jri!J +or e+Cect1Ve Clssi s-far~ce dY\~ due Proce~s, dv'\~ Cou()se\or \~ re'lulkd t6 Cu:'\:)u\t dV'J lrY~Or\'V\ d dteVIt {or {eP\e2l~,V\tclt-1 0r\ 3VId -tk1.s (c,ufi W~.:) (\0.-\ held ·tD ~',,r\din:;s Ce(foneou.~J . \ -~ v 1 d ( u Af·r (\ ll ) c£ -t 1Y\ e. -tv\. d 1\ Co ~.Art :;:,ee .c.cx ~dr fe vJ. · n &11'\S' t: '" ,. :J .) ) .) • 0 - ' · fudhur[{IOfe_, J...L bt~e,. fO\J.V\~S were \e~-t Ui\(e::-Jc,\ved dVI~ wi\\ 'be_ p\&,\'\1\j 2XPtl.SCd iY\ 11.S'-\ PluCL:'dlf\55 wdh a \,ke\l~ vem8i\J bS or Ylui Per.\.Cc.P Jci. 1\.Dl ~ec.l~·)CcJ l(. 1he c)ppj·ICchli ·~~ e,1t'11\e6 t'o c\u.c: )')foc.es.s 3•·'\~ ~snou\d fece.IVe dV\ ell\ ba~f\c hedf.lf\S tt eV\'::Juce ':'Jvc\.,. I ' +he recLUfstec..\ t (\ bane Re heariviC::L Pen·~~ P3-t~ E'f.Son* ) LoT:)\ A\ Te\{ord Lh11t s2cri s-tate He-,) 'j ·~16 ~ew l\c,~')\ui"\J IX. 7SS/o - 3 -- WR- go,t.o~l-D\ l N·r}i E L0URI 0F CRI MI N~ L 1\ PPEf\ LS of 1 E. xA~ EX PARlE. PE.R R'/ PAT TERSO Mott IG7 oi .2. \ t-1\DliON 11EQUESTIN8 Rt.HEARINCi W1ll\ AN EN \~ANt PAt-.iEL Pursuarli f~ rule_ .i..\1.1 o{ T.R.PI.P~ihe dPPe.llant fC:SPeci~u\\'1 bat'\ c. Pd r1e I (e he(J ri nr\.tca ni's ()\\e_( or JV\~~- (-'·erSo't\ other -thJv'\ -tht: ()ppj·ICuV\-t cJs -T~XL~~ Jue~ YIGt o\\oL_; h~b(·,j (eP(tSCv\tc1iioY\. ~. TM~ -tria\ CoLHi 3tt~ni\Pted t1:J jv5-t'~~~ \'\()Y\-CoY\sul-ta-tioY\ \cJ'-(1 Ce:.\J..V\S.e\ 1 _::. excuse cA 3 leCJa\ Jss.tsicJrd q_u\-\\(\cj,hoL.)e\JcJ, f!...xCu~e::j Jc nui e:V\ .:'.:l-\""C:I~e wk:"'the1 i~e1e we.re Ylui ()er.\.Cc.P. Je-t. 1\.Dl-~ec.L~)CcJ l(, 1he ,}PPLc~l'li ·~~ t?tlt"tt\e~ t'G clu.e rfoCe.scs dv'\~ :shou\~ I +\r\e recLUf'sted t(\ (~dl\C Re\·war\v\~. .i'· • V '· ' 1. 1 k·_:;; .(....',,_ H i ·,·; n,. , iAJJ,r.-!nC'Jc Pen·~~ P3t1 e csan=*' ) LoT~\ A.\ Te \{ord un·d 7 ·'ac ~~ 1 \5-t cJ t f 1\· r Ld ':3 ··I o Q ~C:W bDS ~en'\ 1 \X. 7 1; S 70 ·.•. WR- goJaLal-D\ lN 'THE CoURT OF CRIM\N~L ~PPEf\LS of 1cxAs Ex PARTe PER\~1 PAT Tti\SOM :tt 11.07 6iJJ ~DliON lifJ)liES.TJNG Rt.HEARiNCi W'\ll-\ AN EN \~ANl PAtjEL Pursuant t~ rule. l11.1 o{ T.R.A.F\-1he. ClPPeJ\an-t resPectt.J\'1 reg_ u e.:d s an en baA C. Pd t1e I (e he.(3 r·~nP\'tca r'\i's a\le'='l(:lt.ICH'\5 ·aV\j ffe.J\clcJ f'(oc~ c.m fcJC10rcl ot Cof\Sfl- iuit6na/ (ish-t.s violations o{ ihc: St:~.-th anJ fou, teeV\th r-\n·1enclrrwni·s. \.Or. M,:1a:h !l~:ZOI~ ·th~~J hcW\C;r~:1b\e Cour-1 ·~~;,·jut~ Cln occ\eu {u~ -the tria\ Cc.uri it c.~eterm.,/\c, -,~ JPPc\\cHe CouVI~e\ ~UfSl~ed 9.0.R. w·,+}'WUt Curi.5Cnt cJ -the ClPPl'JCdn+ arv\ i~ ~a,J P. 0. R. blac\c.t'd (jpp)\Cu\'\-\: s 'f)( 0 ~-;,(? e. 0. ~-' The il'\d\ (()U(\ f'ounc\ -the d(\;~L Joe~ Ylut ollow h:jb{·~ci ((:rresCv\rJiioY\. -~. The -tria\ Coi.Hi c1tt~l:viP·ted tD ji.J.J·\'~~~ \'\oY\-CoY\sul-taiioY\ io'-d Ce:.LlV'!Se\ 1 .s cxcusr.: c.A 3 le?Ja\ Cls.s.ts·tani CLu,~uY~,houf\JeJ, tX.Cu~e.::~ du nc;i e.Kcu~,e c,r JustA.'::\ C.o'I\Stitutior\3\ fect.U.I(efY\i?i\tS o"t CoY\~L..~.\tcif-161'\ (\ecce'::t~C:lrl!J t.)r d~ct1Ve. Clssi s-taflce dl'\d due. Pf6ce~s, C\~'\\1 Coullsc\or -i~ re1ui'fcd to Co;'1~)u.\t 3V\d 1r.JOrYV\ 8 c\1el'lt {or {e~\e2lentCli-IUY\ c\V\rJ fkt.s Coufi Wd:i (\u\ held to ~\,1\dil'\:]s Ce(JortV\ ,:'JtCI-\e W~ether ihe1e we.re I':J-sues or Ylui Per. \.Cc.P. Jci. 1\.Dl ~ecC~)Cc'J l(. 1he. ;jppj·IC@Yii ·~~ C11f1i\e6 Tt. c\ue 'Pf6C.es.s JV\~ shc;u\d I +he recUJhted tr. e)d:\C Reheof\1'\C:\. Pew1 P3t1 ef:scn:ll- )LoT'J\ A\ Te\{ord Un.1i S2'1cl SfJfe t\0..)'::J 'i& Ne_w l\Dsto1'\, lY 7SSlO ·.• .. WR- 60i~L1l-Ol IN·rHE L0URT 0F CRIM\ N~ l ~ PPEALS CJ f 1 E. xA~ Ex PARTE. PERR'/ PATTERSOM :tt llo7 oi}_ \ t-1\DliON REQliESTINC:i RtHEARINCl W'ITH AN EN \~ANt PANEL Pursuani t~ rule. ~1.1 cA- T.R.Ii.F\-1he JPPe.l\ant resPect~u\\'j (e9.ueYrS an en bc11'\C Pdt1el n:~he.c3rin w·i1-'i o{ hdbeJ~ Co{PU~, h[jwt?.ver,-lh·,.') Jec·,~~ol'\ -~~') Cordraf~ to Ur,.tl:ed ·:;·rdtc:_~ ~uPfei'Y\e Lc.ud· P(ece.:.\ev1+~ aV\J Prec.;c\ev'lt.s o{ +~-i:, \'lonord~J\e loud· evel/\ d s 1ht'. i ( i aI c0 u d clea(I ~ cl n J pla\(\ ILj M acL~ f' ·, Y\ JIn(:1 ') i (\ t:hJ ~'( cJ . > \ I -t- he_ Jrr I·,ca rrt's ;~\ IeSJiiC)I'\5 aV\d ff6'-.il0\ed fl(oc)~ em (c'C()n~ o~ co(\s~ -,_ f\ i (\ \. 0(\ Mda:h l d-.) 201~ ·tht.") .hC;t\(;rC\b\ e Couri t~;;")ut~ Jl'\ orc\eu {or -the tria\ Cc.urt ic determ.tf\t:', ·,~ dPPcl\cHe Cc.uv~~e\ Pursued 9.0.R. LJ·,+hcut c sent c~ -the ClPPl'tCdrrt Ct(\c\ i ~ sa·,J 0. 0. R. b\ocled Gl\ 1 (jpp)-\C.Jf\1 ~-;, 1 {)(L) ~':It' P.IJ.~- The tria\ (Gu(\'{ou.ncl iht ar,'~L honorablE' Loud :.)+a+e~ -tha-t ,+he JrPlicarrt m·,:.'l\1\t bt> t:'Vli.lilt'rj ft:. (e\,e-f \~ ·~DI.tvld to \oe -true' };rial Cuu.it b(clel'ec\ CiPPc\\a-tt CouV\s.c\ ·1-o PffSci/\i of\ d-\~lde\v.it ·1o L.\h',Lh CctH\5';,t?\ s·fatc:d uVIde.v oaih /swai'c. fo -tha-t \0e ci·td Y\o·\ LCH'l'Sulf l~d~ -the Jer)·IC0J(\l Jt dl\ a4'tti D'I\C'Lt JPrea\ {\0( Con\Je~ d 11"1-t'etllt'\0·/\ tG ti)e a pu.K. (\c:,r PfuJ.1de d. Cc.P~) cs\ :::.diY\e -To i~e. ;}ppl·~c.~l'\f. Ever':J Jet L.A' JPPel\Jie CuuJ'Isel t~\\s bclt.u fe8sondb\e striAd3rc.t::.. 1. Th.,s i'lof\or,;~h\e Lc.ud ~fdf\i-ed -t~e JP\)\·,c:ol'\} \eoue tc-Pde h; .s DLA) (\ P. 0. R. Pw se wheV\ -t ~C' Lour -I c:'J ( Gl V\-f e d Pr u <)c e.x-f evYsiol\ io --t'l\{:' Pro Sc P. O.R. a{\J susPe/\5-\(~l\ 0~~ \.R.A r. C\.?-.JCb') r \\ ,, . 1 " \ . .. SPeci'\.ICrJ ::1 ·tu redut.:e CoP-IeS lor P(o 5c Pei\tio,,e·r or\d --tV\t'rt'+crc f..( red ·If\ JcceP\·, vl)c.J J P. 0. R. frt)r/\ Couv'Lse( 0( .:Jf\'j Per.so n othe.r --thJl\ -the: £)pp)·iCJVH Cl~ ·Text:l~ clue~ VJut o\\oG.' h~b~"·,j ((::PresCv\fdilon. ·.• .. · ~. TMe tr1a\ Colu-t dtt~lY.~Pied ft) J\J5·\'·~~~ \'\N\-C()Y\sul-ta-tioY\ bYl Ce:,uV\Se\ 1 s cx:cuse cA 3 \e:Jd\ c'?ls~::,·tstC\rd q_L.u-\\(\tj,houevcr . l!..X.Cu~e~) cL~ nui e'f.cu~.. e or ju.stA.(:~ to'(\Stltut\ot\C\\ fccLU·I(eMI?tlt.S o't CoY\~LJ.\tcif-ICJV\ flt:cce'::LC:Hl!l t_)r dect1Ve ass\ ::daf\ce Jfld du.e. Pfoce~s. a~'\':.J Cou.!lsc\or I':J (t'£-lulfcd tb Cu:'\su\t c1V\d 'ln+or\'V\ 6l c\lev'\t {M {e~\e~eV\tCit-1 0Y\ 3flrJ th'1.s Couri WCl.:':l fiu(e ':)uc\.,. I ' . +Vie recLU.Este . :A tn f.ldt\C Re hear\v'\C::L Peff':'j P3t~ecsor,:t )loT~\A.\ Te \{or J L\ f\.11 7.,'ar: _,~ 'Stdte 1·r\G.) '::\ '\··oc::, 1 \ Ntw beYS~ o 1'\ J ·yx:. T:O S lo ·.•,.· - 3 ·-