Burrell, Ashley Charles

r~d-+cr is :re.c.Hy crp~e.cidcd s~ (1Q\1:_..l y, j\:,\-1CE'f L·HAfllE;'S' IJ(.,._~f\UL#-!7&0713 C.Orvic Il'-1 u.,;+ 'i5lci FM (., s 2_ l . k'utc.J.'--( 1 1~-tc :Y loW? . C.~/\. U0. vJp,- f)O, S (J) of- the... IC.li'X\S C.Udv o.f t.r-iM·,I)ol eroc..e.dure_; (:r.cCP); ' P,u(e.., 73. S of the.- \Vtcs flJuk.s. o~ Ap.peJ ldu Proculure. (T.~.A .f'.) : c.r1cl en Orck.r frofVl theJ C.Ow-·+ c.>F C-,r-1 •"l ;,,cl Appeals of~ Te..l{C s f; leJ cJolie.Mb- lJ!t..lol"' \ n H"e.- . abu'-1 e.- re.ft.ru\Ceol u.u.st... I n suppor+ of Htis +~~ Appliccn+ would sl,ow +l,·~~ tour+ +1.-tu blb..Ji ~: I. B. RELATOA I. 01 A6Ht..e/ tHAflJLGS &uP,f>eU.." T.O.C-.0.-uc ll(gom, ·,~- an of.fctlckr inCAru..rc-kcl ·,n -the., Te.liCS" ~r+MeJI+ u·f C-l'iMincl ~us+ice... o.ncl is ~nf\~ pro ~c.-, w\,L) c.c.n he.., lDC.c+c.cl c+ +hb Jo h(l 13.. Lc.nncHy "3"r. Ufli+; kc.rf\e.S C.Ou!l+y. 8'1'1 !='M CPll, ke./\ed'f• Totes /&ll~. I.Ol ~e...ldor ~~ e..{C..us+w. ~rt·,s I"C.Meclius- C..flcl ~c;:r nu ctkr c~uc~ r-oAe.cl~ ct l~w. I. 03 The.. c.c..+ soush+ h be., LDI-IIfk-l\ul iS' Min·,~+u-;cl c,nd ncrl- di:rud-jl){)Cr~ In t\c.+uf'e.... A.r-1--id~ li.D7 GS~(.:..~I ish us +he.. prou.clu.to~ +ur cA cpp IiLc. tl M -Po r- w I' ',t cf- h:::6e..cs- corpu-s- if\ wh lc..l, ti-le.- . o.ppl;u:f\f- Se-Lk:.s: f'd;cf +r(..)M C1 k!D()Y jud5e..Me.n+ iMposin_s o ~e.nd+l( cJhu- +hen dec{{,. Arl ll.ol Su. I T. t..L.P. The.. f'Dlt- ck the.- tric.l C.6ur-t ( ~- ·tb rt'Aolve... c.onk-:s-\cd.' tC.d I ssue.s, s ·if c.rHf· the+ ere., Mctuic I fD en c. pfliu:nf CDnt:i ne.H.O\t. 1\r{. l L01 &L. ·~ (c.) (ol) T.tl.P. The.,., ~urt- Df ∈ncl Arpeak o~ Te..-tcs t!-nrerd en Order ~;ld llcue..Mbu 5, .lDI(.I, wt-,u-e.,/"' 1 He., h;d c.our+ wa~ orde..rc.d. +o rc.solvL +ke- f-ccf- is-suu a..Q. wk.+ku the.- V--lifnos.s- MdwiM ~rcok.s wiU .f·GS·Hfy cs -b +[,~ Affliccnf ~ IAt'lOW\LC.J, crttl ; ~ he, cloGS, whc?J·hec- \!',\ bfiMofly shol.<.IS Appl~c.c.~~+ -ro be.- ac.+ucl !y inAo~+ whe.n cof\slclc.t!d c.Bai ns+ the..- . LVicle.nc.e.... o.f.- 5url+- txjJcrlc- E/,:u..>A.do, q~1 S.W. .J-J. JDJ.,l.OS l"TU:.(J'wt.App. i'1'f(..); Ex jJark Tu ky', IOcr S.w. 3d. 38g, 3£?3 (Tc::..-t.C.r~M.-1\pf . .;2.Dol). \h.t; +riel e.oc.,tr+ wcs ~ rc..sol"e.- t~rJ·,s isot.lt- cncl udu -f.incLr-s-s- d- ~c0+ c"cl CuAdus-icniS o-r \cw. ---rh0 tJtckr -~ikcl by -1-h;iS brf c.l6o sic-kcl. +kc:l- +h;~ Is-sue- wcs -6 be. re..sol.Je.d ,~.ML,;n liu dcys of ~~ ckAc.- c.-~ t{,;s orcJer- af'\d c. suppiGMUt-kl re.Lorcl &kil 6e.- _.f.orc..J;.rckd -to +l.·,s C.Uurf w·d-t-,·,n 1:20 dcys of' +-hu Jc~ c.+- +h;s Order. I I. C. P,£SPOMOEtJT ;L.o{ Pre...spof\cAUI+. Mc.r-k:. M.oft;f-/dd, ·,n hi~ upc.c.Ay cs jud~e., i.1 the.. 7St.1 'Ju.dicic.l o·;s+r·,c+ ~urt C>f Libcr-tlf C.-Dull+v Te.'ICS hcs- 1 c M.ll'liS"+c.i-lcl clv.+~ tD ~ol\le.., ConhW ~c.+ 'iSSU(;S', Cn\1) a +ho+ OIL..- nckc-;cl -fu Pte...\c..-lur S cunf'·tf)e.Murt pursuc.flt +-o 1\r-+. t\.ol ~- .:s (c.) (d) l.t . t.P. I\6Sfo()cle. n1- L.Jc..s- c.lt~o Cl'cl.e.n::.d bY. +~i~- tow-+;(\ c11 Otd.c..r {:;(e..J.. t-.lwe..Mber .s,J.old +o re. .-s"DI\le.... t~u .f'c.c+ iss-ue.,; cl whdher +he.., lA.Othe. ss- MclLOliLA. &n:::ok.$ wd I ·kx+i.f~ c:s to +he..- ~-I ~ppl·,ccn.fs inooCULC£.;1 end. j~ he- cloc;S, w~e:~cr his b+IMo(\\{ -::.lnow:s Appl;cdl.j.. 6 &.._; cdu.cUy i~1·nou:.n+ wkn (0{\l:>ick.ftd ~in~+- H~ C>.Ji~ 6-t 5ui l+. t:Jrl'c,f~ c~·w/loio) 'Jt-fl 6.w ..;{cJ . .2a.l.2o~ Crw. &i 1'1. Arp· i<1'1~): EX jJ~r lr: Td~t) I O'i s.w. &:;( sf58-J 3~3 . ~ T<...~ . t..r eM . J\pp· 2.oo..u_. ~lrte..., -\-1'1~;\ w_u.rt i...::L~ -l-6 r6::nJ l\Le.- +ki:o Is-sue- WI+L,, 1\ CJc) do..p cJ -1-k., de,\u ck 1-t,_,~ Dcck.r c.flol e.A-Ic.r .p_,t"d, nss- 0~ -h:.c.J· cf'lol COI\c-lt.;sibns- o~ lew. ·ne..- suppkMul·tc.l IU.llc-ck w~ -to bv ~rWcroleJ. 1-o -\-l;,s C'_uu-r+ c..s,\i,;.') I~ do.ys af +k., de~ ot- +k·,s on:kr. To d.ck- -1-k -h-ID( c.our4 L.c:s- Aai- eovtpl ;d wAL, +L,·,s occkr. Marl Mo.re...{:idcl , -:f~)e.-• ·, n +k. 1$-f(., 0'-"didcl Oio--\-ri<:J Lo(....rt ()k l):J(.r+'-/ tDuf'l·hf \e..ICCS, t-'\C'f be..- SU'IJe.d a.+ hi~ plc.c.e.. at bu:sifle.os c.+ t"'X:S &.M Hou-s--1-an s+. ~oDI"'l 3ol.\, Gibu-h,.T~s rlSTS. III. D. VI()L.AIION oF AP,TIC.LE I I. 0"7 'T. C.C.P. 3.0/ The.., ill~:rponde.J\·t violc-kcl AM. ll.o·7 6e..G.3 LLl CJ) T.t.L.P. \::l~ -t'c.:tns -h. re.::so\ut:.; H'\s~cro.Jd Ml vrck.r ffon tk- C_o_.r+ o9- C..r~r-;,,--p/ Appuh~ of- le.I(CSJ !S cwns ill Iced fc.;fl,-, en~ ~c~ c.ls-b ~c.·,(ecJ. ~t) c~d P-.e...lc.+ur +k pru-b-slof\cl cflcA CDt'H·'\6n C~J.Aitusy c:R- eny wr-A·kJI re..spon~ts .-\u l.ri,~S Ko·-h"oAS" uttd ~us+s. "3.o5 '"The., !'Ole., & -~ tf'\icl ecurt icr -k, l'"'eJ..)b\\te..- c.on-k.s-\-ed -fe.c..t i'5"SUC:>, if- cny·, -thJ.. oi'U fv'\c.\-c.r1d -6 C.f'\ofpl;cexn-Vs c..o5) Pi2J6flliSBS t.D~v\06~00, ~eu\TbPh f.\S\1L6Y l-Hi\~Lf:S lSv.f,~ICU... Vro~:L-1 ~~c.c-kCu.ll~ ~uu\;~ · o.. .{:-; ndi~ +~+ ~pt>ndCI'I+ JiJ Aatrc.sol\IL; ~hu ft:~t ·r~W<'.J en~ 01-k.r .t'~ondi·1)o ·6 .G- -kef- c.rJ. ~tu'\iunS" of- IGLJ cs- orJe.rc~ ~y -\-k., Court 6{:- C.c (l·')·,f'C.\ A.~p::.ds we+~ if\ -\-~ 1--iK~ r~>c.l'-'(~ ~1.( lew, in &:.id ~rtkr c~ol +kl flldalor 'orov_sl..t -tk·,~ lJiJF Tfl(l\'5 COUt-JT\1 oF Ll f£"Plf~ V. t. AFFiDAVIT. ( Q£c.cAP,ATioJJ) M~ nc.Mt'..l hr A~h\<>f 01ncrlcs- ~~,-n-Jl, 1"1"( clck.., of 6·lr+~ ·1') o\ _: l'6-Z5'1, r'\\.f "tnMc.h:"' ·lcknti.t'\/;115 Ol.AMtJU' is llLoDlS3. i eM prcs-m~ly ·,ncc.rcc.nJd c+ +~ ~l.rt ~- C..Onf\e.Uy "Jr. u(\·,+ In kcrf\ts tc~f\·ty, kure.cJ'(, re.-l(CS ~pfi FM 10"62 l-8\l'l. \ o\e.c..lc('(., L.ndc.r pc..ncl~ o.t {Xf'jur~ t\nJ· -\-\.-e.., ..\6~oinS i~ · .trLAv enol corru.k b'le.L.v.kd o1\ ft-.e.., dc.y e+ 2oiS". VI. 6-. C€PlTiflCATE Of S6PiVIC€ j her-c:bL[ tcr-1-ify +k-1- c hu.~ end corrc.d c.up~ of- -H.v d:c)\[0 A~p lil.c·H on for- \J r'i ~ oR Mcru:knus \.VC:S Scr·\iecA 6(\ Mc.-k Morc..~lc.ld ~- .b~ rtc.c.; n~ c.. cop~ in -+k u.s. Mci I aolct~~scd -b:C.Ow+ of 6-'i n;nd 11ppec-ls- P.u. Bo\C 12.30'is , C..Cpi--61 .S-\-dion, Av~·t'1 rh Tc_xcr 1<5711 on +h10 +-k~ d c./0 0 ~ 2o\~. &£~;&~ · Alo~ ASt\LE8 C.,\\f\~lts Bu~~BU. l7t;o/3j 'v ~Mel Un;t SCfj fM fo3l.. ~G:J.y, T~)CcS 18f\ft t-Ci.A. tJo. WI,-~S'iCQ-0 f ' . '"\r. e.+. t.Lt.. cJ.a U'"lll.r A As'i-lt6'{ CJtA.rz. t.~ 8UP.AELL "* ,,G,o-m § l~ THE. ?S'TH '3LtOtctAl..- vs. § OlS\fliGr C.CuRr oF MAP1k f\10fl6FI8LQ. 0UD66 § Ll e,E.ta,T'I tout..\.\~ 1t~AS § 0 (L, C>E. ~- Dfl +~·.-s 0-cj cu.t"\L 6f\ -\1J be.- ke..c1cA .\--~ &.~oin5 ~nldur s PI??'' ccAiuf\ for '-Jr·,.t bf McAJcMU~ C.f'ld ;+ cppt:.ct'$' tb +k be-+ tk+- ~ Scl"\l:J ~k~t. ...\d be..: G-~A.NTeO IllS THGf2J6F~P15 O~OEfkO 1~ +k juc:A5v ~c\l ·,~t-~tcoltictd~ 1"'6::.-d\jc_., +lvb-i- i\',L.l<:J c.nd l.n.tcr .(>,."'l i~ s- J' .f£:c..+ crd c.onc..IL.':s tt.JIIS o~ lew . ;n +k cb:::,\.lu rc..-~crcl c.cv.~v. 5l&N.£ 0 en .-\-l..,i:r t k.,_ c1c'-{ o.+: - - - - - - ' ']_{) \S"