Little, William Jacob

\ · ·~ rO,r · Cau.(-ti 6 f ' • I t<.a. S. 7 8 11I RECE~VED ~N COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS uJ r \ t- No! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FEB 2o 2015 I() JZ e_ UJ'i HI or rn L i f.J-J e fJ p p I i c e1 YJ f 1 Ab8t Acosta, C~0fk 1r'ict { Cour+ CauSe_ N{) _ Cfl...- · 306 7 " 7 S fh . ]) IS fr ;·c.+ Cour+ D.f Lib e.r-1-'1 CtJuflf-y , -rexa.S .. YY'\o+.;on r'or. 1eave.. i-o f(Je original Pe+lflL)h for wrl+ t!; f m dor mu S .4~} Rule_ 72. J- -rex.. P... _ ll PP- Proc.... ~ 0 ftc~" ()ctl Pe.. f.;· flo Y) for UJ r~- +- 0 r mC1n dotm us ~-Ar+. \] '\ $ \} ·-re'L _Con~+. )f ~ )f- >t- A: )f- )f-· * »:- * ~ 1h e__ Uaho(otb }e_ Gur+ () f er;m lnct I Ap.p eal s J ud~ es : 1h e._ _ qpp llccdr+ co W il/IC{m . Ll-11-1 e. p c e~ ,'t, '3. pro s e r e_ Cf>tA e_ s t f-h I S. co u r f- c~{cdl + I ea lJ e -1-o f II e +-h e.. b PIuw pe_f-i+-loY1 for orlc:Jinal uJrl+ oP mctnd01muS because.. the ctppllcc~l1f cAec_lca·es. unde.r ocd-h t-hefT 1-he.. ·1-rlqf court hq$ f'ctiled 1-o ~n+-e..r any orde_rS oh his ctpp!icct.J-Ion f'ur wri·+ of hotbe.aS corpuS "ptr+-ll.ol iex... coJe_ crlnL proc. and hq.S Fai I e.d .f-o .f-rotnS m1·ff- rh e. hqb ea ~ re..cord ·to -~hi~ co{ltr+ by -f-h e_ 3S dOt.y Jea'd line_ und e.r fJ r-1-_ fLo [ Sec . 3 Cc.) qnd no_ ordu Jef,.(c:Jna-1-lr:J · ~·ssue. s hq s. bee~ i'Ssu_ecJ. by fh e f-r let l co uf t- +o ex.+ -end t-he.. 3 5 cJa..y 1-r me. l 1rn r f. · LA) h(2_( L£ore_ -1-h e ot PP Ji CctVI f re.'1;u est- thC/ f 1ea ue_ be 1 ~(od'lfeJ_ ·1he__ appl~cafl+ re.qLAes+ .+hi~ cou.r+ 'jraflt or wrlf o-F mCtnJotmLA.S ·f-D Compe.J -/-he_ ~1"\otl Courf- fo cOmp/y uJ,-J-h t-he_ procecJureS. /n t the lrlotl courl- cie_rK a. prC}Pe..r Ar-l-.11.01 01pplic~i-lon +-o c_hctllenje hiS Colltlic:l-/t?n in ~ue.S.fiDJ'\ • ~ P+er 3S had pasSed 1 the_. crpp I icar1 +.on be.cembe.r L ZoJI.J m~;leJ ·1-o the..... lr-1~1 cour+- cJuk. ot /e.Jt·er f'"3 t-hc.1t ·~h~ habeClS. record. b~. +'oruJqrJe..d tc>, thi.S caur+ _ See_ Alppencl,-x_ }_ Copy. 1l1e. lrtc;{l coutf~ clerK cLd VJof re.s. pond-~ ~ 0~ ..\or/\ - z 2o 15 "\ t-he_ f.P I iCe~t\ t Ser1 t q s: Con j I 0( le..fle..r 1-h~ t-r~otl ColArt clerK on f-h,~ motHer uJho ct~ot,n f-o did V'\c)+ (~ S. pond ! .See?.. Z. copy· "fhe_ orpplice{f\+ ne.\fe_r receiJed om'/ ac..Knou..!led~emenf oF re.celpf o.f 1-he_ 1Lo'1 V1pplico1·h'on From f-ne_ +riotl court cleJK. t-he_ qpplicc-1,1\f Sefl t f-),e_ ~rlud couff c.IUI<.. eX:.ffot Ct;py o-F fne ll.o1. etppllt.·Cili-lon +o be_ +lleJ s+ormped otnd re+urnecl ~£) h/m bLA·t J-h~ cJuK oU) no·t S.o he.... httS. no cop'J o-F 1-he JLo/ otppllcP1_f-ID;Il +o p( wn-h ·/-hiS Y'nott1dot/Yl/A5, hvcl- he kntJwS I 1-hot+ ~he_ ll.u1 otppllco~fi'on uJctS m01/Je.d ouf· OYl oc--r_ J.3, 2tJiif + be..c cA vt.Se. D Vi the._ SOl me_ dOl. ../-e._ he a/5o f'f\q iJ eJ OcA of. cJoc.iAm en f f-o th~ lex"S S·h:r/-e_ botr uJho resPonded fhvrf fh0f documenf waS. rec e I \fed on oc__ -r_ 16, 2/J I 'l. It iS \Je.r'i clear i-he1t- f-he_ t-r;:llll c.ou.r+ otnd clerk. no-J- ~ t7IAC;J +v re 5. Pond ·~o the.. oc_ f- _13, 2o 1tl fl. D~ qp.p/lcOJ 1-t~tJY\ 0 r .ftJ{W01fd <;u ch cAn less rhi~S ColA(+ I.Ss.ue s (Y)qndotrruAS,. t ~S I) nt=t +, n j 1 S Sa e S ·1-h c,-1- would SuspcAcl the. 3S .J~ f-i·me Lm,}. App)icCAv1+ has. i'\t> o+ne.r q_JequCLfe_ reme£ly C{+ law btAf fY\O(_ndt:AfY\tl~ ~· -(_he._ f-riGt.J Caud- wr!l VltJt respon~ fo ~he. oc_f../31 2o/e..c.lace.. uncJe..r penotlf.y o { perJur'l f-hctf f-he... foreaoi'nq anA otbolle are.. true.. eil'ld correc.+. J -J ~ ljn e.Ll +-hiS .J..&:tb_Jqy of'. feCa S CoPY Jr:4.nuary l , Zo 15 Qe; CauSe.- wr;·+ IJo. C((.- -~Db1 15 fh- D; s frlc.. + Cour + o-F L; ber ~1 Coun f y , 7e X.ctS Ex. Pctr +e. W lll~r1m Ll-f.l. I e__ , A pp lie Cf n+ your Df rl [e._ s. t-; II . hC{ ~ nu ·f- For uJqrd e.d YYI)! 1J c +-. I Lo '1 h b e.ct S a p p Ji cot f-;o n re.Ci) rd :fo +h e... Cour+ c{ of cr~m-IY\a l ~ ppectl~ In uJh~ch more... fhqn 35 dOt.'/ .s hct S pqSseJ uJ 7th no a c.A-Ia n by 1-h e_ 1-:r tC41 courf · ~e_spec_-f-tu//y Submi-J.I-eJ :}· J(/J.: h iq !1c.ML W!!l;cttn Uti-le. IIJ L-J =t~.· JCJos-·?2 C. /e_l ford U Yl if :, ~ CfC1 s i-01-J.e._ HuJy. q 8 tJ euJ Bo.s ton 1 /e ~aS 135 10 appendiX Z