3^,£?3/-0^ Clerk Of Records: MOTION Mr. Abel Acosta Court Of Criminal Appeals DATE:_J Supreme Court Building This document contains some BY: f-0 P.O. Box 12308 Austin, Texas 78711-2308 attH§|fm©©f Imaging Terri Banks Dallam County & District Clerk P.O. Box 1352 Dalhart, Texas 79022 Re: #3539-4 - Nathan Felder vs. The State of Texas Find for filing one original and one copy of my motion for the lower court opinion and the court of criminal appeals opinion with attached Appendix's A,2,5,7. By this same letter I have caused a copy of this motion to he forwarded as indicated in the certificate of service. CC: Respectfully Submitted, Nathan Felder #1163228 Ellis Unit 1697 FM 980 Huntsville, Texas 77343 Certificate Of Service I, Nathan Felder certify that I placed one original and one copy of my motion.for the lower court opinion with attached Appendix's A,2,5,7,, was placed in the prison mail located on Ellis Unit postage pre-paid addressed to: The Honorable Judge Ronald E. (Ron) R. Enns, 715 Dumas ave. #302, Dumas, Texas 79029; Court of Criminal Appeals Sharon Keller Judge, 201 W. 14th Street, Austin, Texas 78711-2308; Clerk Of Records, Mr. Abel Acosta, Court Of Criminal Appeals Supreme Court Building P.O. Box 12308 Austin, Texas 78711-2308; Terri Banks, Dallam County & District Clerk, P.O. Box 1352, Dalhart, Texas 79022. Executed on the &\ day of January 2015. IbI ^kiA^Akr Declaration I, Nathan Felder being presently incarcerated, declare under the penalty of perjury that I have read the motion and the foregoing motion for the lower court opinion and the court of criminal appeal opinion with attached Appendix's A,2,5,7 are true and correct. Executed on the _£j_ day of January, 2015. /8/jAasL^Sclkc- c iv. i g 7 kjyp jnVrk: • • ••j ' k .;jfioo In The Court Of Criminal Appeals Cause No. 3539-4 Natha n Felder * In The 69th District Court Appl i cant, * Of vs •• * Dallam County, Texas Terri Banks District Clerk, R on a1 d E. (Ron) Enns R, Judge J Abel Acosta Clerk Sharo n Keller Judge Respo ndent ' s MOTION FOR THE LOWER COURT OPINION AND THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OPINION To The Honorable Judges Of Said Court: Comes Now Nathan Felder pursuant to Rule 10, Rules of Appellate Procedure. For cause Applicant will show the following: I . Applicant caption both the District Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals in their official capacity in this one issue to both court s. II. The facts will show, Applicant filed his fourth State writ of habeas corpus on October 2013. On November 18, 2013 The Honorable Judge Enns ordered affidavits from counsel's. See Appendix 2. On January 8, 2014 the Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed without a written order this subsequent application. See Appendix A. III. Applicant main contention is that I never received a copy of the trial court opinion and order. Nor did I received an opinion from the Court of Criminal Appeals. Applicant made a request to the district clerk Terri Banks and Abel Acosta and as of this writing has not received a response on the trial court opinions. The Supreme Court has requested the lower court's opinion. Applicant has 60 days.time limit to have this information to the court clerk. See Appendix's 5,7. Relief Applicant request that a copy be forwarded to the Supreme.Court of The United States, Office of The Clerk Washington,DC 20543-0001, Clerk Scott S. Harris, or a copy of the lower court's opinion be mailed to Nathan Felder #1163298, Ellis Unit 1697 FM 980, Huntsville, Texas 77343. Wherefore premises considered, applicant prays for the relief that he may be entitled. Respectfully Submitted /3/_(^i^^_5l5_dXfc£: Nathan Felder #1163298 Ellis Unit 169 7 FM 9 80 Huntsville, Texas 77343. Certificate Of Service I, Nathan Felder certify that I placed one copy of my motion for the lower court opinion and the court of criminal appe als opinion with attached Appendix's A, 2,5 ,7, was placed in the p rison mail box located on the Ellis Unit p ostage pre-paid and add ressed tot The Honorable Judge Ronald E. ( Ron) R. Enns, 715 Dumas Ave. #302, Dumas, Texas 79029; Court of Cr irainal Appeals, Sharon Keller Judgej 201 W. 14th Street, Aust in,, Texas 78711-2308. I Nathan Felder further certify that I requested each clerk to filed one original and one copy of my motion for the I ower court opinion and the court of crimin al appeals opinion with attached Appendix's A, 2,5,7, was placed in the prison mail box located on he Ellis Unit postage pre-paid and addressed to: Terri Banks, Dallam County & District Clerk, P.O. Box 1352, Dalhart , Texas 79022; Clerk Abel Acosta, of Th e Court of Criminal App eals of Texas, P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711. Executed on the ^ \ t day of Jan uary 2015. /a/.MyL^c\k£. I, Nathan Felder being presently incarcerated, declare under penalty of perjury that I have read this motion and the foregoinf motion for the lower court opinion and the court of criminal appeals opinion with attached Appendix's A, 2,5,7 are true and correct. 1 Executed on the ^J _ day of January, 2015. /a/^AuA-^rUfr . OFFICIAL NOTICI-; FROM COURT 01- CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. ISOX U.'TlX. CAPITOL STATION. AUSTIN. TKXAS 7871 I •i" '•' {S. c- no- - / / Appendix A iil'iiiliMiiil'li!!!!!iii'M'liiiill'''li|'ii|!!!|fii'i'i!|i''' !,:r.V 0(1 Ice , ; . i: Li' ,'-, I i! : • !I ' Pursuant to Judge Enns' order of November, 18^26'] 3,'pieaise.find enclosed my aiffid'a VI t io do iilcd m tins cause. Please notify-Judgc-.Enns.-6f I'Uili, my!c6rapriance:'wit!hi,hi's!;o.rddri.'i. '"! i.'.r !!'. If you have any questions, please do not-hesitate iocontabtWy'office.,,' :\i: ;l <-i l!!,i i !, • <;l I !' I 'U U\.V:^i< R.espect-full -•*" ii it-;-. - i, :['t ' I ! || Ij 'Joe Marri'WiJsoi'i m' .. •.'''•' ', JMVW Enclosure." l :.; cc: Mr. Nathan Felder !'/ ,rw Mr. Jerod Pingleton ,'iiV:'.>•''•' • i''.'1 ii I •; i'.' i: I, ". I ill' :ti •:• ' i; A P P E N.in'q' v| ii - • ' i i '-' :}.:<• \$'i' -i'!-: ,' ! ' "i i ' ; !i I. • -hi ill • I'i.lii. i l-ll. ll , ir .i,r • i -, 'I ! .- i . -!i M-'llA-lxll: .;•;,:;;, I '••('.'! ':; 5 ! i I •. • • 1 .IX ' l.iil -.1: ' • :'} a ,-•f: .!•' ;i •;'•( ,i '.! -'I i' ' ' ' i'Eji': --.! .':•''':•, '!i'i .-1 !j 'Appendix • ;! •, , I iMi'l •ii; El' SUPREME COURT-OE^lSll^J^fjgl&T^E$.l'; *'-,!» OFFICE' OFl^^€|||li|| f fjU #|: -h, -i' r- WASHINGTpIrf|p;]|(||!||Q^ '•••"•' "iSi! ;: mtE^« Septembjll^pj^pf^ f|jJ!f;|.Tf;.=.jj':7 |i|i|; i'i »''i '-E - -i:i v^HEiiiiiWs'E VH'Ji'E' :Ei|H:.iii4^h'j;i \y^t; „-,-..,, i.-it ! ;^,jli':|l 'J Nathan Felder itflp' ll'iE' ,71 163298 I 697 FM 9S0 1-Iunisville, IX 77343 '''•' IjA-tiv'-IH .i-i^^^i^f'siJill1'H;?; EfEE'-'HEEv . '.: RE: Folder v. Texas .- .l'l» ' I•' r..H i ;;'•; 'i-.it !'ijii' ii.. i: l "E"- i';- ' I E •\i JL.ETiJEii! ••>': J-.!'-'''.!i:is' '•:'' ii i'T- ••Ei:'!' .'! ,'i \r'LLiE i:f Dear Mr. Felder: : ••|i:?M^|"''.:!-|i!tr-i:''i'tW-.-i >•''••.:• by'E .• i KuleEl.l(i): iNi'^l'l^ifll^t;1,!^!1'1!- i;'\i -i The lower court opinion(s),must be appenaedEl Miis!^'!} li^o E • ,-' '' I' ''. •<'. " V'y l-Wl:'^;;^ i »Wij.1E htv' . •.••i: !i is impossible to determine the timeliness' o'f thejpe^iEqniEvitthVjuTthe Lower court o'. opinions. ' •. ,.iH (.?• :t •!i,!F»i El "i-'ri ' >• •, • • E - • '' •• -i'^iil^Hiiiij'^'^i^;^.;"^.;;; M^ •'.':>'! .•:'• Please correct and resubmit as soon as passible'. jUiile!ssHheiip'etition! is submitted to '- tins Office in corrected form within 60iciays ofithe'vciate'of tKi-sfetter.'the'peti'ti'o'n will not be filed. Rule 14.5. • -Eii1'E'-i" r'n'1'/' oyEEEiij •'•' ' i V'» i • i' ' . ,•"•''.!'.'it Eh i'i ;:| i:ji;i I!';!,!"';, i'.;-.-' i • ''•'•' i ,- , i • • • ,i -::. • i ir I* V'1: ;•; ; i. '!,-.'-i.i( ' id-i| i ill, •' j\ coov of the corrected petition must b,e.servediionl-,o'p"oo:si-n,R:c:oi,i'nsel. •V: :• j ' i. .Til ,u:«i !%.{• i_ • When makine the required corrections to'a peti'lio'hi hoifchahfe'e.te'ithe swbstahct of the petition may be made. .;'.;': '•' i'Jj-i'-f • [- !J '.N ^i!r '/:i:Mf i| :l',:'-,' -: i'-i i1'--' ,: -ii •' • '< iT;1 .Til- • ,s.-. Ii' ' Ii'i: I'l.'ta!''-'' •'• : i ,'i ii ', ;.|i ii, , ' *! ! •; 8'iincerelv- >', :i!'t rP • ;,;; j.i: '.'"SfcottS'MHarnisii I .lis' ".«, .,._• Clerk £ 'I'll; I; . ! ,- -••!xmir:& -::'^^'"iW j I 'iClaj'toh.llLl'l-Iiggihs/Jl/iVl.i : ' (' ' . .i .! i -•n E'-iiiij 1 'ii.-: !'.;.-:; I. I< '.4'- TIE -U1 ii.1" '»;... , . . •n'.su- ,i i'tf!.,f V-.I^TfiU --K- iij.i.- • iiii •'' a, ; :•-.>! • " ,: ,i'Ti;;h i1 ' • :" Enclosures I '/ l ; :"\';\ '-.^H Ilk 1,;: III;. IV,. J :' , ,!,' |, ' . !Ji:.' li'-j'f'U.l^w: viiE'iS"fl|, -' .'' .!.'• ;••:' ii i.| I-,.- • ' i..i ,!. -1--= 1-1 • J,i '..iEU i .!• 1-i ... -'- : i. ,' .'!! ''i'','-,..! ii' .' ;:n •" •,, i t ' ' l>> '• '. i ,ii - - •' i'i •.'• •'•J '• • i h,-;:! i! E ;iii!i.'i,j. A? i l: i- ' : fil< 1: '•';.'! !i|!! '!'ilt'.il|Ji : r in' ii1 ' \ . h it if:.Mi iir ! ,! fflffEf!-... •I ilNIJi! EfiEjEMtil !,» i'i £ El': ?;(«=-' '111 M.'1-Mi .1 • iil I- 'I / I- .' 1- l .f IF if/'l 'i ; i ji'M* 1"" E-'ife'l f'lMEl EEi ; !: . '"'••sHkh.>m:p'>ir,{-u-! i I1 !- ,,!'j'. |i':'i i Iff r".; } |i| iiii)||!.'j mi ,;iiji[i!El n • '-;: .1 >'lil.'- a 1'poi ••"•' n" Cfid '-'-', attorney 3 i:iorney was o Eft'Erie idi ^njiSIr fc'g# cSVHpMS' i;. T':Ep- r-d c'fEeld:. •notion for successive rh^h\^i\Ul>lr 01 fuWMirxM $ ^ fifth court of appea,7:t0fc nii-i: s u p r e in c supreme court c o u r t ;h,is .ha s hbee'eE'E^V e,i;:i '. 'EMlEJSliE!^ aliEiB'yE-IiEiE'JM YEEjlji'.ij i. j; i liiiii i n i? f r e c t i v e assistance of p rocedural bar. .1 f: b p wh ne supreme court r equi^eiriiy^-i'^fp',ft t;|Hpb-E*,| Ub e' E^suIc.-HeH f t he supreme a :•; s i s tance of counsel c1a^^|«i;i'!'|J|i||gft'ltfJllH-^ij^ri:; >nez . ' f^' '-I;,'!;! 11^'^ MjIlJV.; 'SI' | 'il-i-ili' hi 'i1 i; imi" 'here i. s not bright 1 i ne ; ith p'l ' ' If. •II ! 1'"• ;ucc hFt".ClrCuit wi th in.stVuK,iE^h |i; \h riei^j We^U.EVn^o Hi ' o s si v e pet it.i-on i y ou not o ce their is copies -;ee'Eir';,il.Eji -*'.]•• I "'•*• rii«'U H !Ie. i .;•' ;'•. • '.',-!' IE, i E}i^Ei"lE!LEEij'|ffi';'' 'E'l''/ i :-, ¥• il.'l-'ii hi •i|.;i!i' I M^mMii!i} i 'J i .1 I i !; I :'mi,,1'!;. ii- i' I'r ihi •n I'Ei, wE!. hEli !:> , El a l,EiV:'f- iVhAf lEiE'Ei is 1.1 i E I E;i E'iMli ,1- •i f 'IJ'li'Cii i'i'' •Si '' ^ ; •!El-rE 'liiK.! •IE ''ill I iiiiliijE :'l •;? i <'<' !, 'i':ti:: iE' ;.f;;iE ',; '-i i ' - -' - • i i • j !- i'.-'l i, -Lf i- i"i ;.'ii .i., • f?f'i'" 1 :J 0;-'; i, II I •Ml SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES O F'FICE OF THE CLERK WASH1NGTON, DC 20543-0001 December 2. 2014 * Nathan Felder ?/l 163298 i 697 FM 980 Hunisvilie, IX 77343 RE: Felder v. Texas Dear Mr. Folder: Ihe above-entitled petition for writ ofcertiorari was originally postmarked August II, 2014 and received again on October 23, 2014. The papers are returned for the following reason(s): Ihe appendix to the petition does not contain-ihe following documents required bv Rule 14.1(i): ~ • ' 1he lower court opinion(s) must be appended fronrihe Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the Texas Court of Appeals /.,''': ' Please correct and resubmit as.soon as possible Unless-4he-petition is submitted to this Office mcorrected form .within 60 days-of'the date ofthis letter, the petition will not be filed. Rule 14.5. - '• - ' Acopy of the corrected petition must be served on opposing, counsel. When making the required corrections to a.petition, no change to the substance of the petition may be made. Sincerely. Scott S. Harris, Clerk B-v: fX H t ' 1 ) Clayton R. Higgins, Jr.1-. (202)479-301-9 ..... enclosures; - \v In The Court Of Criminal Appeals Cause 8-o•-' 353$-4 Bathan folder * In Tb© 69th District Court Applicant* * Of vs# * Dallas County* Texas Terri Banks District Clerb, # Ronald S. (Bon) Eons R, *•'... Judgei * Abel Acosta Clerk 6 Sharon Poller * Judge"* .* Respondent's * MOTION FOB THE LOWgE COAST 0FI8XQ8 AHD THE CQWBT OF CI1HX9AL APflALS OPINION To The Honorable Judges Of Said Courts Cotaes Bow Sathan Felder pursuant to Rule 10, aulas of Appellate Procedure. For cause Applicant wilt show the following! 1. Applicant caption both toa District Court end the.Court of Crialaai Appeals ia their official capacity in this one issne to both court®, U. the*' facta will show. Applicant filed his fourth State writ of habeas corpus on October 2013. On Sovesber 18, 2013 'The Honorable Judge Enns ordered alftdavits froa counsel's. Sae Appendix 2* On January 8, 201* the Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed without a written order this subsequent application* Sea Appeal Is A. III. Applicant isain contention ia that I never received a copy of the trial court opinion Had order. Hor did 1 received an opinion fro© the Court •©# Criminal Appeals. Applicant sade a request to the district eierfc Terri Bas&s and Abel Acosta and as of this writing has not received a response en the trial court opinions. the Supreme Court has requested th® lower court*® opinion. Applicant baa 60 days tioo limit to have this information to the court clerk. Bee Appendix's S,7» flelief Applicant roquest that a copy: be forwarded to the Supreme Court of The United States, Office of The ClerK Washington,!^ 2056 3-0001, Clerfc Scott S. Harris, or a copy of the lower court's opinion be mailed to Sat nan Felder 6116 3298, Btl.lt Unit 1697 FM 980, Huntsville, Texas 7 7343. therefore premises considered, applicant prays for the relief that he may be entitled. Respectfully Submitted Bathao felder #1163293 Ellis Unit 16*7 FH f&O Huntsville, Texas 77S&3. Certificate Of Service 1, gFatban Felder certify that 1 placed one copy of my motion for the louer court opinion and the court of criminal appeals opinion with attached Appendix's A, 2,5,7, »>as pieced in the prison (Ball box located on the Ellis i-nlt postage pre-paid and addressed toi The Honorable Judge Ronald E. (ton) B. Enns, 713 Dusiaa Ave. if302, Duteas, Texas 75029j Court of Criminal Appeals, Sharon Bailor. Judge, 201 W. lata Street, Austin, Texas 78711*2308. X lathan Felder further certify that I requested each clerft to filed one orisinal end one copy of s>y motion for tha lower court opinion and the court of criminal appeals opinion ,t»ith attached Appendix's A,,2,5,7, «as placed in the prison sail box located on he Ellis Unit postage pre-paid and addressed tot Tarri Banks, Dallam Couaty & Sisticlet Clerk, P.O. Sox 1352, Dalhart, Texas 70022r Clerk Arbel Acosta, of The Court of Criminal Appeals off Texas, P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station* Austin, Toxas 78711. Ea©outed on the ^ \,t day of January 101S. f*tJ&&&±JL X*.- tf.a.tsen-'Fe.lder-being presently Incarcerated, dec-lace undor.-. penalty'- of perjury that I have read this ©otion and the foreaola; motionEfor tbo lower court opinion and the court of criminal appeals opinion »lth attached- Appendix's A, J,5,7-are true and oorre'ct. •• • ' Executed on th® &\^ $&y of January, 2013. f^tJ^SMA^k •h,m*m im urn >•••—» a Cause No. 3539-4 Nathan Felder * In The 69th District Court Applicant, * Of vs. * Dallam County, Texas TerriiBanks District Clerk, * Ronald E. (Ron) Enns R, * Judge; * Abel Acosta Clerk * Sharon Keller * Judge. ' * Respondent's * MOTION FOR THE LOWER COURT OPINION AND THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OPINION To The Honorable Judges Of Said Court: Comes Now Nathan Felder pursuant to Rule 10, Rules of Appellate Procedure. For cause Applicant will show the following! .-*-• i. e; _ Applicant caption both the District Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals in their official capacity In this one issue to both courts. • - \ II. ... ' The facts will show, Applicant filed his fourth State writ of habeas corpus on October 2013. On November 18, 2013 The Honorable Judge Enns ordered affidavits from counsel's. See Appendix 2. On January 8, 2014 the Court of Criminal Appeals dismissed without a written order this subsequent application."See Appendix A. ' III. '" Applicant main contention Is that 1 nev'ier received a"'copy of the trial court opinion and order. Nor did I received an opinion from the Court, of Criminal Appeals.' Applicant made avre^est to the district clerk Terri Banks and Abel Acosta and as of this writing has not received a response on the trial court opinions. The Supreme Court has requested the lower court's opinion. Applicant has 60 days time limit to have this information to the court clerk. See Appendix's 5,7. -'• Relief, . " . Applicant request that a/copy be;forwarded to the Supreme Court of The United States, Office of The-JClerk Washington, DC 20543-50001, Clerk ScottlS. Harris, or*a copy of'the lower court's opinion be mailed to Nathan Felder #1163298, Ellis Unit 1697 FM 980, Huntsville, Texas 77343. ' Wherefore premises considered, applicant prays for the relief that he may be entitled. Respectfully Submitted • Nathan Felder #1163298 ' -, •y '• ;>•'••••* :•?••'•> >.<•!. L*x "Ellis -"'Un1It 1697' ^FM:980i ''" '\ ""''.' '.'- .••!:.!••••: ••.-<•'•>"•• JiTi- -I? -'Hun'ts-ville;' Texas'- 77'343.; * J* -v .'• •:.••";'.•• v-..- A'f-K ^'''Ciefti1fioate''0Y^Ser:viice ]~~ '* •'''••" - '.'"•. §(0Z 92-NVr sividdvivNit'Jiyodoiynoo N!03AB03>! 1, Nathan Felder certify that I pieced on® copy of ay motion for the lower court opinion and, the court of criminal appeals opinion with attached Appendix's A, 2,5,7, was placed in the prison lauil box located on the Ellis Unit postage pre-paid and addressed tot The Honorable Judge Ronald B. (Boa) 8. Enns, 715 Dutaae Ave. #302, Dumas, Texas 79029> Coutt of Criminal Appeals, Sharon Keller Jucise, 201 ». 14th Street, Austin, ¥««••< 787H-230S. X Nathan Felder further certify that I requested each cierts to filed' ona-original and one copy of my motion for toe lower court opinion and the court of criminal appe&te opinion with attached Appendix's A,, 2,5,7, was placed in the pr-'isoc, aall box located on he Ellis Unit postage pre-paid ana addressed tot Torri Banks, Sell-en County & District ClerK, I*.0. 8ox 1352, Dslbart, Texas 79022) Clerk Abel Acosta, of the Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas, P.O. 6ox 12308, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711. Executed on the £^^, day of January 2015. X, Nathan Felder beln& presently incarcerated, declare under penalty of perjury th«.t £ have read this wot ion and the foregoing- ao.tion.: for- the','lower court opinion end the court of .criminal.'' appeals op in ten''with ati.a-e.bed -Appendix''g A, 2,§»7 are txue and oo.rreet. Executed on the ^i^ day of January, 2015. /»•/ jAtfLSr.^fUrC OFFICIAL NOTICL PROM COURT OP CRIMINAL APPLALS OF TLXAS P.O HOX I2.M18. CAPITOL STATION. AUSTIN. TLXAS 7S7 I I c F:-iE i •' *. L bush\ ; s^ ^ o V . ' '.r.-.- 1 '". "v /'*l ;•• ".-.! .,- .'•' ? •"' \ y \ i>. • .TJI •-, • .'^rr > ,J j» "K/ < ' :" 1 ._viiV l n Appendix A ,ili''llll,lMl'lNllliin>Milililll'''li|'lllllj|ll|']'l||iM. I.K.W Ollll-C. Of ^Appendix 2 ,JOE MARR WILSON J.x- Murr WiKo/i - Wells Karjjii Ccrilc-r lU-ofcy Wilson 905 Soulh Fillmoru,iSuiu: 551) HyjrJ Ctizfiid IWdrgul . to/nily l.c Amarillo, Tc'iss-WIOI :Xylophone: (806) 37J';775S I-'aciimllc: (806)'37=4^)31'S fi Li '!• -Rpyernber25<:2013 Ms. Tern Banks Dallam County District Clerk P.O. 3c.\ 1352 Da limn, TX 79022 ./; '!.i . I .:'-'. •: -.'WW ' -I'" :. ?|E - j ' l"'; "'' ; : ' Rh': No. 3539-'4; £r; Jfartp, Nathan ^e/c/e'r; 'In. the 69'" District Court inland^/orvDallam'^QuniyyTexas •'E ' E'i ' '•' ''I i .''.' I. 'i. -. • •, I- "; '•'. I E ' ' i . ' E1 Dear Ten .1'.' ! i ME' .1 :ll '• • Pursuant to Judge Enns' order oT.Noyc^bfe^iSi^Oj'S^casejifiy enclosed fny affidavit io no filed in tins cause. Please-notifyjudgXEnhsE^ order/.'". ' ' r' •'.-•i;;'"?n.i you have any questions, please do riot liesitate t;p!bpnt-act;^y--office,''i i JMW/ Enclosures E: (!' 1 1','' !'' ,' ' ,' ;J, l/'i ':• El • - '- i. : A j , !.i ii'c Mr. Nathan Felder Mr. Jerod Pingleton i' li i '; '"2'1-f r"1.. ""'HE .i!| •••:••'!.! E'i l: 'i,' E,; ,-'! ' V' f 'ii .1 si! i E ,!? 'If:fi:T !'! A PPENiRipX i| r.'.'i -,'J. E I' •i ! , • v- I , 'ii' '! ••)• AS -- I '• |f-.| -!" ,! I ' i :' .• U ' .1 :( ,''i ;•• ;' I-'- ' -. i ;. * i P -,1 ,L !' ' 'f ' ,'[•;;/; A :•• i- •j E i;.-1 V:' ';• :,!.•'- :i :i. ! : l \ 'I1,- i; \; !i'E:EE '{i":,-!,- [Appendix 5 'i } •>• /em SUPREME COURT OF f HE ^TEgjSTAjTES , ;| OFFICE OF TH^: CLER^1'^1,.. j i' i,; \ WASHINGTON, DC .2f)543-0.boil1 l\ A. A • :ii ,i E n .i i.i- September 5,120,14 •. - f,!;-.'• . E E Tit i ',«! &:':X. H ' ,i : : '.Mi'E^n i i Nathan Felder - .ijiE'iiE '' '"'i' #1163298 iiLVn" '''; ' ;i'EE,'' EE-E 1697 FM 980 •![ •!•'!.!>• 1 -li t. E i!' Huntsville, TX 77343,. EiEES P- -:li I.,;' J • "• iEviEI i i: iii '! i '¥.•{•"•! 'i'ME-'-IVEi'; Dear Mr. Felder: . EEif'EE-EE' i >, . .i , ;eI"e' J',.i- T The.above7entit-led,\petition-.foi*;wFk^ received August 19,i20d4! EPheEpapers are'retumeWfoYiffieEM^ :J' V'Ve" i The appendix to-the^petition doe^-noEcbntairffthie foliQwin|.;|d^b'ument§^re'qili-ire'd-by' " . T'-E l-iCi-1 * I, ' ll'l' " I I--1 ,'.' '"'"' '|i| A '! Rule 14.1(i): '• 'J •, ! 'I .• ,, •• ,'- , ' • ' v.t-- '(|'-E.i - i I: .•! I1 . '• ll". I • • ] ! "I •fi! '. f TP i; .;,: P;1'! '.'-i'I EE|! OFFICIAL NOTICE FROM COURT. OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P0 BOX-U2308, CAPITpbSTXTION,iAUSTIN; TEXAS 7TK 'P--^ -rEPi :fi,iEEEyE''•••!' •tftt* •;- " ' - •?', E ' • '— •* •••••• OFFia^iliisijyili} ^PQ%/'i "STATE G^iplligili , , TsTOAf^aiSa^CK' ; i PR'V7\fi|||||i^ ^2^?'ikE|CO0j3°:' &:;E^5^5S|(: iEAWO'8 20^ ' '..-: %!MAtl.EpTRpM ZIP.CODE 787iPr E •>; iif •)'::':'A4::sAAiAuY!if£pi'dX'^hi^^A: f-;. E-.fi. ;- -;--;E ':E^E'rvi.::Es:f^t"..c:P,E-,i v. .';:', i- E-; ;I :' ".' .! * :: / /*' Appendix A •'''^fS^l'fe^jiiV-;! •j!.^!,-:i^'!-},.M E j'1 'E Ijlf ' i nllEE'i •* A ', ;:,E! *, •! ii;! •; II- /I '!.' i IE M.. E'EjEiiJ:' '^ i!i E -'e I •I 'i ' ill i t'i'liij:::ii'?':1!' I if-i'' '; f! ill. I i 15 i I n M ili'' .*, j '• i'i; I, ,i • .';. ,i. I' ;' I 'A . ' ii i'i!. \ I :i • I. '! I t •'• I 'I-, •I "I I 1' . .-I' ,-!••! Law Office of • iii. Appendix;)2 t ' e.JOE MARR WILSON Joe Marr Wilson i I Wells Fargo Center, Becky Wilson .1.1'!.'.? 905 South Fillmore, Suite 550; , Heard Certifitd Paralegal - Family Imw !v ^marillo, TJeias 79101 Texas Board of Legal Specialization , Telephone: (806) 374-7758' '.! Facsimile: (806)374-0315 •Hi. I , Ik. • Novemberi25,ii2()l!3'; >E • E E! '; I : /--I Ms. Terri Banks Dallam County District Glerk P.O. BcxE352"' '"• :? Dalhart, TX 79022 RE: No. Jj&^jE^tirie.Nqthafi the 69"' District Court in- and%0^MlamxCoufi^Eexas • E ," '; : ••' Dear Terri: •I .11, Pursuant'.to Judge- ••.rrk,; Enns.' order 6T^oviemT>!er:$^ • !•.';••-;; " s^-Vr:-';-'•••'•'-1--^tX\ .^•ifiE'.E; • ^ove^E-'.-^Ei;- -,\\u i: •*-•,}•*••]'%' .*.$!':•• •*. •:!••• *.. •• , J!"i to be oe filed ntea in this':caus'eE\C-lease.^rfat^ tnisicauseyii^iease^noti^uuage'!- ';' ' ;,< E: •]).•: If you have; any, questions, please do not hesitate, to epntacEmyJbffice ':E i ••"! Rdspectfull^'i ftoe'iM^rSWirsori • . • ••. - .r.|.|.•..;•.,., JMiVV/ Enclosure;'; cc: Mr. Nathan Felder Mr. JerodiBingl'eton - V!.! •!•, .'•' ;! I, i,; ,r •I I A'P-PENDIX'-' I- t ,1-V (' ( ! :• P V Appendix 5 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OFFICE OF THE CLERK WASHINGTON, DC 20543-0001 September5, 2014 Nathan Felder #1163298 1697 FM 980 Huntsville, TX 77343 RE: Felder v. Texas Dear Mr. Felder: The above-entitled petition for writ of certiorari was postmarked August 11, 2014 and received August 19, 2014. The papers are returned for the following reason(s): The appendix to the petition does not contain the following'documents required by Rulel4.1(i): The lower court opinion(s) must be appended.*. •It is impossible to determine the timeliness of the petition without the lower court opinions. Please correct and resubmit as soon as possible. Unless the petition is submitted to this Office in corrected form within 60 days of the date of this letter, the petitionwill not be filed. Rule 14.5. A copy of the corrected petition must be served on opposing counsel. When making the required corrections to a petition, no change to the substance ofthe petition may be made. Sincerely, Scott S. Harris, Clerk Clayton R. Higgins^ i-(202) 479-3019 Enclosures appendi x 7 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNFIED STATES OFFICE OF THE CLERK WASHINGTON, DC 20543-0001 December 2. 2014 Nathan ['elder //1163298 I 697 r-'M 980 Huntsville. TX 77343 RE: i-elcler v. Texas Dear Mr. Felder: Ihe above-entitled petition for writ ofcertiorari was originally postmarked August 11, 2014 and received again on October 23, 2014. The papers are returned for the following reason(s): I'he appendix to the petition does not contain the followinu documents required bv Rule 14.1 (i): Ilie lower court opinion(s) must be appended from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and the Texas Court of Appeals . Please correct and resubmit as soon as possible. Unless the petition is submitted to this Office in corrected form within 60 days oflhe date ofthis letter, the petition will not.be filed. Rule 14.5. Acopy of the corrected petition must be served on opposing counsel. When making the required corrections to a petition, no change to the substance oflhe petition may be made. Sincerely, Scott S. Harris, Clerk ay Ck-rll/ vk Clayton R, Higgins, .IE (202)479-3019 Enclosures