¢k "ii{ _ _ 31 _”Q@w /0) _ WILF§§D* c. aaron g _f_~__, __ _Toc No. 610297 _ COHECE|VED_§_ -, _ McConnél vnit ' WCHMM _Q _£ ’Beevile, Texas 78102 “ V»__m:MAR]:FZBM , ,. Mal_r_ch ¢_7_5' 20_15_ __ _ _ ____ Ah@_ACMQ_C_@_k ¢ Ms. Chr1st1ne Womble As_a1stant D1str1ct Attorney Frank Crow!ey Coutts Bu11d1ng _ _ _ § 133 H. Roverfr`6nt Blvd., LB- 19 ' " 1;' Dallas, Texas 75207-4399 ' - s 4 Re: W;it No. W90-23810-V(A{ bear Ms. Womblee w _ ylease.f1pd ehclosed App!icant Reply to State's Reqpohse to Applicat1cn for the Wr1t of Habeas Corpus.§ Bg copy of this 1etter, I am forward a copy of the £§ same to the Coutt ofCr1m1na1 Appe1a1s_at the addressed below. !hank you_for your time and consideration 1a th1§5matter. . w _; z ll ~ ' ,, § § b S1ncerely, 5 2 .'.j'. \\ , - WrLFr$;:fo' c. GA ron fi-~z-es __ -~ _ cci Mi. Abel A_coste, Clerk § Court of Ct1m1na1 Appeals _ s P. O. qu 1.2308, Capito1 Stat1on 'Agstin;zf%xas?Vs?I! enclo;utes `:@ ii ¥'- ) _ ¢~., .-_. ; . w '=' ~ ' \.\ ‘ "¢~ -.rr.»‘ -\~ ¢ ', . - _.'\ \“$ ~§;