Holmes, Corey Doran

Q‘/@Zu$© mpp®p®\ ‘p@?p¢O@V 9pr ' c 1108 N\:lf _._ C’MM_ ~ _M@*é_“@°“w°“-_§iv§davsvppp pump _ Np@§l\\§©§§` ` __ _ . x upp)_;j_cp_\_ p/m,?&.%mpp£a:plm_¥o/\ ppO7__ pilch 0{5_____ _ ':p@pQ;pum/A _C_o)pfmum_ "pp 779 U)Jm 99[9`43 ~,,O\ (“pop W_J\,opm________ . 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IN- ’THE .COURT OF`.CR!NHNAL APPEALS »O-F TEXA_S APPLICATIDN FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CQRPUS SEEI€ING RELIEF FROM FINAL FELONY CQNVI_C'I`10N UNDER CODE OF CRIMINAL PRDCEDURE, ARTI_CLE 11_.07 NAM§E; 0 t\(` a l Nm(_\. \\c\\mo .S. n.ATE oFB.mTH= '\5]&'1 manner conrm:-MEN'P;~ , \\ . ' NUMBER= .\SEB.M..___ sm NuMBEzn= (1`) 'l?hlsapplicaiion.eoncems.(check all that»appl'y.): m/a_ evaluation 121 parole E| a sentence Ct mandatory svgetv§sioo_ n margin m out-.of»ume= appeal arp¢m fur l discretionary rm (2). What district court entered thejuxlgmem of the conviction you want relief from? (Iixclude the emmnumberand county.) {L)'_\_ 69_4'0\€./ C,o\/Al~j,. aour§kau_\g \7OD Wilhgg\¢£ §§ \/g[mf/ 7\¢§ (3) What was the case numberl'n thetrialc_our't? Y‘ \\\, Brm (4) What.wa_s the name of the trial judge? F“li~ 2 ne /q ___o`aycf 28 / ¢ / 0 000' cloc' 4 _~ 1 C!er!< Dist. Co;.'~rt Wilbar§er Co L~?y l .r.`f `§'.ét\' R¢v. 01/14/14 0 ‘: (5) Were you repremte_d by eonnsel? If yes, provide the `a`ttorney's valdez _\_\\.9¢> `(\{\\c)(\e\ Qc\l:\_\{\€, (6_) What was the date»that' the judgment-wasn entered? m nor what unwise were_:`.you named md wm was the seamen z t n \,_,,,. u\‘c \»\)l-l) (8) lt you were sentenced on more than one odom of an indictment in the same court at the same.~.time,_,_ what counts were you convicted of and what was die sentence in each connt? _ ‘.\)_lL\..- (9) Wba,trwiathe plea you entered? (Check.one.) EJ guilty-openle N/`gnlliy=-Fl“bimw El not guilty ' [J nolo contendenelnoeonfeet If:-yon. euteteddii¥eeentpleas to comma- a.mum-¢oum~lndxmeng, pleaseexpwn: (10) 'Wha`t kind of trial did you have? nsa/no jury n jury for guilt and punishment EJ jury for gullt-, judge for punishment Rev. &%14/ 14 C'.') ).,.) `) <11) (12) (13) ('14) Did you testify at trial? lf yesq, at what phase of the trial did you testify.? N° _ md you appealme the judgment__of mnvlction? Clyes til/d l'fyon dld--'appea'l,; answer the following questions~: (A) Wli'at:co\'!rt` of"a`pp'eals did-you appeal to? (B_) What was the case~number? (C) Were yo;n represented by counsel on inp€el?. lf_f y¢g, provide the attorneys nunez (D) .What-was the decision and the date of thedo_olslon? Dld you file:'.a»..patitiont'or discretionary review int-hs Court1ofCriininal Appe'alfs?` Cl yes ` ._M Ify.o`jn' did El'e a petition £nr'dl'seretionary -rjevlew, answer the following questions ‘('Ai~) W|ll\twal the casenumhe_r? (B`) Whatwasthededslon austin date amusement H'a_ve. you previously filed an agp_llcatlon for a writ of habeas corpus un-d"er Artli:le' 11.0’1' of the 'l.‘exas Cod_e of- Crlmlnal Proeednre challenging this conviction D `Y¢S. l no Ifryo.u`» answer¢d yes, answer the following>questlons: (A) What.was.-the Court of 'Crl_minal Appeals’ writ nnmber? `0 a Rev. 01/14/14 (B) What was the decision and the,date of the decision? ’ (C) Plaase identify the reason that the~eil_rrent claims were not‘presented and could not'-liavebeenpresented on your previous.application. ` (1'5) 1110 you currently 'have,any- petition oranle pending in-._aniy other state or federal eaur`l;? \ 34 r;J5 no If you .answered`=yee, pleaseprovid_e"=tlie;_l_iame njt-the court3-ami ille:ease~numher: (16) lf`y_on are meaning a claim for fillie‘c`né’edii_,\_.have ,you.,exbansted,yonr admonmt?ive remediesby rpresenilng__;your'elatm to the time credit resolution system-of die 'rmsneparimeu¢ MCMannaI-..Iusjtice? ('rhis requirement applies to any-final felony manwnn,iunsoingwmen women C`J yes n"o-: If`yol`l answered yes',, answer the following questions (A) 'What,dat'e did you present`the clailn-? (-B)- Dld'y_ou. received decision and', if yes, what was the date of the»deelsion? Iff you answered no,_please explain why you have not submitted your clalm: Rev. 0]/14/14 0 5 (17) B`eganing on page 6, state concisely every lcg'ai ground for your claim that yca are being oalaw_fuily restrained and then briefly summarize the facts supporting each ground ~Yiou must prewitt each ground on the form application and a brief summary cf the farm lfyaurgrounds dod briefsummn)y of¢hafocta kewanee been presented an thefhm appllea¢lan, the Cour¢ will nat canalder yanr granada If yca haire more titan faorgronods, aec pages 14 and 15 ofthe form, which you mayeopy ss many times ita aceded toglveynoeseparaie page for each gi'eond_, with each ground numbered la sequence The recitation of the facie supporting each ground must lie `n'o haw than the two pages provided for the ground in the form. Y-ou mdy-iaeiudc-with the forma memorandom oflav_v if you wanttt)j' present legal 'aiit`haritiee,,bnt"tl_ce-Couit will nat consider gannds for relief set sgt ina memorandum of law that were not raised ed the form The citations and argument man he in s memorandum that complies with 'rexas' Rulc et Anpeilate Prcccdure 73 and does1 net exceed lis,_ilhii words if comquran or 50 pages ifnot. If you ace challenging the veildlty _of year conviction- please include a summary of the facts pertaining to your offense end trial layout memorandum Rcv. 01/14/14 Q` ii GROUND ONE: ‘Q >\f\f)€ »>&L.L[¢`zm££§;`mm&§ FACTS SUPPORTING GRCUND ONE: MMQ% m :WAW<‘§; om%__ \ ._..,;\\;\\\“ infka nw c ;m. \\Sk\\u\ k\\n_\ S_\M%Qg 4 `~ v \\\¢\'»\ mmkmkm\_§§dmg§nm\. c\\\\,l\\\m“x x\\h m;m\k&;{mwm \ (`;N\ \\m\\\(§'\(o \G\\mr\ §\o (\\\(\ML_R%§;M§,Q___ /§Q_m`…/\ \ \‘\§ /\)\\_.1_\\\9 §§ 5<§9\9 " \ c ` _ ..-` ` ` (E\L`LLT m\\\o Q \QM_\%M\Q<\RQ v$\\\§\§mm@u_ Q (\\\\§\\\ (\(\l\ ( _ &Ll_m§\_“a(\- `\\ \\\\\:\(\(\h(\\\»’\ m\\Q…L _\§L;(MAN\ 1\\\ _¢\_\ \m;~§ \\ ‘\\qm&§ %\m §\\\\5<\¢\\§»&\ &WPAM&BL§L£QMMS>\AN»AA§W¢&R mcbqu xx\\\O(‘(\I§SL w ogmo"<\\\e“(\mm\.§o‘§_\ég§_ UMY¢\ \ \\'\\\\, ¢\\\ w\§\mmm._m__ Rev. 01/14/1'4 93 FACW$PPP°R“NGGR°UN” "_"°‘;,§ \ wm ¢\\\m\;\né_m_m_o§n»§ mmm\\»& 3m \N\\co_ (\.\c\m_b;n%_§m§,m__ MMADQG§MAG\_ \ \ \'\\<\\ §\\0 P\C£ \mm\ GM \\'»§ Rev. 01/14/14 0 9 §m\“w 6 666\:\<§ ~@\\0 /\lm\‘\ w W§\&M\ Q\`n\¢\\$- \ \mx\§,m;_g%___ mmaw`_§j_§wm§(\(\{\ §\h\XL\\f\u'\h.A\ § _J`O(\\\§h m_§g_m§m~¢\ (\\‘~6 \ S;\\o\(\ \\6\166§Q66W% m é\'m\m_ 9§$\¢1~\\®;3@%;' f\\\@§\m (~§ mo …§@%/Q\Am m\' m J\ t 6 was § CY\ \1\'\\\63:\\;1 ;%`X_ m i?%§\\p c_m~§m.\ \ \\§6;‘\ D.\f\ 6>@¢\ \\mz(\u(b6&£;\¢.0g m 10 Rev. 01/14/14 31 …A_m__;_g%>§f 3;13\ .“\<> \=r\ §\01 _PMQC\\`\'(>A \R)x\! \~\S\U €`{U.`{\D%.o\ aig Q\)\(\Ny\\/f) wm n \nl')\ \'. Q\d \'¢\AO\ tt:of\\nm_._s%gm_o ¢\AN\G (\:\ (\ \ \\LQ\_Q_A_\_-n§__ 0 til_(§m.m_\§d_\_m ?rm(‘nm\.&\w `N )\_._\\Quml\,§cr\ t\l§mc\(§\`c\\\\© \; §§\:1`)5\:\{\0 (\D\‘\G!§ l€_¥¥`L`\z_\_:,_`-D\\() 553 lth QD nazi ! ~ ` _§_._Q_QK\!\\\NX‘\ gm \;\`\\\{\l\m\r\ &\§ w\\\6 \\\\GQ mg Qx\`\\\t.. l 6 ll Rev. 0'1/14/14 12 GROUND FOUR: 4 . ve r\`mA» m¥$~m_§m;mu&____._____ FACTS`SUPPORTING GROUND FOU_R_:- MJSLB\\\ \\\\\0(\ \'}\`\(\\\\'\{\"'x §03" S;O)\ (\(\I\\\G\'A. .. 1 .\\.£\ § . \ “N\`\ \(\0\ \\ BB\\\ N ¥lm(\ (\¢d mug ¢\\ mann c Q(XW_L_Q_QA__ Q.M.Z\\\1\¥ \fw\___ 0 0 ldgg.`m,g §§ §§ §§ `\‘:3 \\!\ ij§\;'»\;n‘r`rmnl cm(\ \I`c;‘\\n’_r'\m\ &§\_<~4\\` §\l,u\£%f; _ Q . o _S§E‘ S§g§ mg§`;gg‘ v 51 id)gi\\€,. “\‘B,\ ;'W'\\\§d 9>\92> /\`Q)Onm 909 \. \ \` ).\ \ 12 Rev. 01/14/14 13 PE.'rrrloNER's xNFoRMATroN P¢mion¢r'spnnwdname.-. _C',c>re,\:\) B. HQ, §m£$ stare barnumb¢r, ifappli¢abl¢; Addrm: Kn¥m Ur\.'{' \C\C\§ H€/Ho/\ pxcl D