uJasJ^oh_ 3>EAg-JieJW>^^ 1. SitkdJ&LLy- Q-.c. Rk. JSECEIVEDJN- COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS 14 -Afee^eesMrGJefk- V. COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS APPLICATION FOR A WJRIT OF HABEAS;.C<*R£t|S: SEEKING RELIEF'FROM F^N^.tELoi^:GOrfV?rern:t UN0ER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, ARTICLE^y*^ CRlftj^AL APPEALS iNSTKtMfi®N& nFT/03 201'i 1. ¥bu must use the complete form, which begins on the following P^$f^^M^ Clerk application for a writ of habeas cbrjpus seek^ under Articlelil^ oftjie;.%d^'PfC^Mif^'^rP'^^^' (Thkfyrmc.is not fordeath? penalty cases, probatedisentences^whichihavernot been revPkeds/Or misdemeanors.) 2> The.district clerk of the county in which you were convicted will make this form* available to you,, on request, without charge. 3i; '%.u^mttjst''fUieithre entire; jMrtt application form, including those«ejcHpnsj#iafcdP applyto you. If any pages are missing from the form, or if the questions; havebeeri renumbered or omitted, yourentirieiapplfc^ ^;;npn^pmj|iiianti ;4. Worn must make a separate;application on a separate form ior each judgment 0 conviction you seek relief from. Even it the jftdgm^ same] court on the same day, ypu must'make a separate application for each onfc 5. M®MP-eypy item;that ^pJrtesStio^oju tfn the&fmi teiftolSi^eh^ny additional pages lor any item. 6. lifbujrttust include all grounds for relifef oil the apjplicsitiidifc instructions under item 17i Ypu;must also bnefty summarize-ttie foots pifypufc claim bhthe application formi asj[£iJ APPLICATION FOR A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS -SEEKING RELIEF FROM FINAL-FELONY CONVICTION- UNDER CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCFDURF, \ RTIf^feE-t-HrT- NAME: MKHfthl . 'JoSLPH UdU DATE OF BIRTH: P2-|l4 j iSfS PLACE OF CONFINEMENT: ALLAAJ ft. PqUWSKV lMT / Ui/id&ST&rJ, t X. 7"735 I TDCJ-CID.OTMBERV J*) IS IOS SID NUMBER: : .: . : . •.,.- , (I). This application concerns (cheek all that apply): 0 a conviction D P a: sentence • mandatory supervision • time credit 03^ out-of-time appeal or petition for 'discretiOha;i^°reyiew; (2) What district courtceiitered thejudgment ofthe; conviction you want relieffrom? (Include the court number and county.) (3) What was the case number in the trial court? F4Hi42- (4| What was the name of the trial judge? Effective: January 1. 2014 Rev. 01/14/14 (5) Were you represented by counsel? Ifyes, provide the attbrney's name: ^dS, Hd. MICHAU- 3" &OGUIS idlTK^Lb) r M£- DAfii^l fc. \//W :Si_VK6- A„lft rAS. ^/skltf^Jl £/QRJ6Hr ft6ffi^^ (6) What was the d April oq -2^14 ; : (7)i For what bffebs«!::Wer^bu,'Cbnv-icted. and what was the;sleritehce? : CONlTlKiOnDS StXJJM AflOSt7)F AOllLb j Lift, ^lo Pft&OLb (8) If you were settteneed on more than one count of an indictment in the same court at the same time, what counts were you convicted ofand what was the sentence ib each, xbuht? jvi/A_ (9) What w^ the plea ypu entered? (Ghecfcane): • guilty-open plea D guilty-plea bargain B^not guilty D; nolo £ontehdereliw contest If^bu entered different pleas to counts in a multi-count indictment, please explain: (10) What kind of trial did ypu have? • no jury H^ry for guilt and punishment • jury for guilti judge for punishment Rev, 0^/14/14