Jerry Weaks and Joyce Weaks v. Kathleen Jeanette White

ACCEPTED 12-14-00253-CV TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 4/2/2015 12:06:21 PM CATHY LUSK CLERK FILED IN CASE NO. l2-14-00253-CV 12th COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 4/2/2015 12:06:21 PM JERITY WEAKS and li IN THE CO|JRT OF CATHY S. LUSK Clerk .IOYCE WI.]AKS. APPIIALS F'OIT TWELFTH COTIITT OF APPI.,LLANT APPEALS DISTRIC]T OF TEXAS $ V. $ KAT H 1, I.,EN .I I.,AN Ii'I'1' E WHI'I'F], $ AI'I'EI,I,I]E $ MO]'ION 'I'O ALLOW FILING OF I}ITIEF AND FOII EXTENSION OF I'IMI'TO COMPLY TO THE, ITONOITAI}LIi COT]R'I': C'ortrc non .lcrrv Weaks ancl .lo1'ce Wcaks. the Appellants in thc above entitled and numbcrccl appcal. uho Itcrchr rccprcst tlrat thc liling of-thc Appcllunts'rcply bricl'bc allowcd. and that thc tinrc lor corttplving llith thc applicablc rLrlc ol'appcllatc ploceclure be extended, and in support thclcof'Appcllants rcspcctlirlll sltou'the fbllowiltg. to \\ it: l. 'l'ltc utrclcrsignccl attorncl'lirr the Appcllants rccci'n,ccl a noticc datcd March24.2015 from thc Cllerk ol'this C'ourt. r\ copv o{'the noticc is attachcd as lrxhibit "A." ln said notice. the uttdcrsignccl was aclviscd that thc Appcllants' rcply bricf w'hich was presented for lrling ort.lanuetrr'6. l0l-5 lr'oLrld no1 bc lllecl.'l'he undcrsiglted was advised that the reply *erks l. $ hit( PA(;U l briel'did trot conrpll r,iith the Tcxas Rule o1'Appellate Proceclure 9.4(iX3), which rcclttircs tltat a ccrtillcatc as to thc nunrbcr ol'words in thc bricl'be irrcluded with the brief. l'he Itoticc statccl that tltc undcrsigned had been given until .lanuary 12. 2015 in order to ctltt-l1llr vlitli tltc rLtlc. but tltat such corlpliancc was ucvcr courplctcd. 1 -l'lte undcrsignccl sLtbntits that thc IailLrrc to conrply rvith sr.rch deadline was due to honest mistakc ancl ovcrsight. and ccrtainly was not cluc to arrv inte ntional disrcgard of the rule or all\ col.tsciotts iltdil'lcrcncc to it.'l'hc urrclcrsignccl hcrcbt'apologizcs to this Clourt, and to the Cllcrk ol'ficc lbr such or,crsight. 3. 'fltc unclcrsignccl hcrcbr rcclucsts that thc rcfirsal to fllc thc Appcllants' rcply brief be r"acatccl ancl tliat suclt bricl'bc allowccl to bc lllccl. In tltat rcgarcl. thc undcrsigned also rcclLrests that tltc clcacllinc fbr conrplyirrg with thc rulc be cxtcnded to the date that this tttotiott is rcccived anrl rcvicrvccl b1'this (loLrrt. Accontpany,ing this liling is a proposed ccrtilrcatc as Lo nt-unbcr ol'r,'norcls ol'thc rcpll' bricl. 'l'hc Court is askcd to accept this liling alrcl to acccpt thc Appcllants'rcplv bricl'so that it nray bc considcrccl by the Court. lt is subnrittccl thut ncithcr thc Appcllcc. u()f the C'or,rrt nor auv other pcrson or entity has bcett ltarnrccl or prc.juclicecl bv this oversight. ancl liker.r'ise. w,ill not bc harmed or prc.iLrdiccd bv tltc allor.riutcc ol'thc appropriatc liling ancl thc acccptancc ol'thc rcply bricf at this tinrc. ,5 In cottsiclct'ing rr'hcthct'to allou this filing of'the ccrtillcatc ancl the Appellants'reply bricl. thc ('ourt is askccl to kccpt in ntind that our law places prioritl,on adequate legal brielrng ancl argumentation being befbre the Court. In f'act. even in regard to more serious or substiurtirc crrors or onrissions in bricflug. olrr briclrnq rulcs arc to be construed and 'lcxas applicd libcralll. Scc Ilulc o1'Appellate Procedr.rre 38.9. Substantial compliance lleak\ t. \\hrtr PA(;U 2 u'itll thc t'ulcs ol' bricling is sLrl'flcient. Icl. Il'the Courrt determines that a rule has been flagrantll riolatecl. or i1'the ('ourt deterrnines thal the substance ol'the brief is inadequate ancl thc casc ltas Itot bcct.t propcrly' prcscntccl. cvcr-r in suclt nrorc egrcgious situations the ('ourt tt-tit\ givc tlte ol'lcnding party a reasonable opportunity to file a new brief or an atllclldccl bricl'ilt orclcr to corrcct any suclr crr()r or ontission. Icl. It is lirrther submitted that thc Appcllants' lailLrrc in rcgarcl to thc celtillcate is. or should be. a relatively minor isstte cotttpitrccl to thc ncccssitr,'fbr a party's opportunity to adequatcly provide sttbstalttir.'c al'sullcnt ilt its bricl. It woLrlcl appcar that to rclirsc to lllc a brief. or to strike a bricl. Illcrclr bccitusc ol'a harnrless or"elsight such as this onc involving thc certificate, woulcl bc unclulr and unrcnsonabll,, harsh. 6. I:or tltc lirrcgoing rcitsons. the Appcllants. and thc Lrndcrsigncd. rcspectlully urge that the Appcllartts'rcplr bricf'shoLrlcl hc allowccl to bc lllecl. that thc tinrc firrconrplying with the applicahlc t'Ltlc bc crtcntlccl. ancJ that thc acconrpanying ccrtiflcate be accepted as courpliancc r.lith sLrch rLrlc. WIItrRIrl;ORI:. thc Appellants attcl thc unclcrsignccl rcqucst that this Court cnter atl ortlcr vacitting thc rclirsal to lllc Appcllants'rcply'briel'ancl allowing such brief to bc liled. extenclitrg thc tinrc lirl conrply'ing r,r'ith Ilule 9.:+(i)(3). and accepting the accomplrn\ing ccrtiflcatc as contltliancc with such rurlc. Itespcctlirl 11, sLrbnr ittcd. Attorney at I-au' State Bar No. 10859100 P.O. Box 168 \\ erks r. $ hit. P,{(;E 3 -l'ylcr 106 W. St. -l'cxas Athcns. 75751 1'elcphone : (903) 675-7990 liax: (903) 670-3424 I r nr a i I :I L1 b ry1j p 1r c.:l qw-gtqn: hirlq4prjl . co rl A I'I'OI{NEY IiOR APPIJI,I,AN'I'S Ct'RTIFICATE OF SERVICE 'lhis will ccrtilj' thar a trLrc ancl correct copy ol'thc abovc motion has been served on Appellce 's attorncv ol'rccord. Ms. .lanc Parrciras-l lorta. in accorclancc with thc Texas Rules of Appel Ilrtc I)rocctl trlc. Stgttcrl Ilti: / ,t/ -' rlirr ol- leo/ l0l 5 4t?