ACCEPTED 12-14-00253-CV TWELFTH COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 4/2/2015 3:50:53 PM CATHY LUSK CLERK FILED IN cASE NO. l2-14-00253-CV 12th COURT OF APPEALS TYLER, TEXAS 4/2/2015 3:50:53 PM JERITY WEAKS and IN THE COURT OF CATHY S. LUSK Clerk JOYCE WE,AKS, APPEALS I.'OIT TWELFTH COTIRT OF APPF-,LLANT APPE,ALS DISTRICT OF TEXAS $ V. {i KATHLEEN.IT'ANETl'Ii WHITE. $ APPIiLI,I'E $ C]EITTI FI CATF], O F CON FEII IINC]E TO THE FIONOITAI}I,F] ('OT]R'I: '['ltis uill ccrtil'r anc] conllrnr that thc unclcrsignccl attorncy Ibr thc Appellants has cortlcrlcd ri ith lVls. .lunc l)arrcinrs-llorta. thc attorncl lirr the Appcllcc. in rcgard to the Appellants't.notiol-t to allou'filing ol'rcplv bricl'ancl lirr cxtension o1'tinte to flle certiflcate as to word cttutrt. lV1s. I)arrcil'as-llorta ltas aclviscd thc unclcrsigrrccl tltat shc o1-rpttscs thc ntotion. Respectlirl lr subm ittccl. ALrbrey l-. .lones. .lr Attorncy at Law Statc Bar No. I Ott59100 P.O. Box 168 106 W. l-yler St. $ cxks \. \\ h rlc ( erlific^tc of ( iilfcfeilcr PA(;lt I Athens. 'fexas 75751 'l'clcphone: 1903) 67-5-799t) Irax: (903) 670-3424 I jmail:aubrqyjgrcslaw-(r.smb_argrnatLc_o_m Al"l'ORNLY FOI{ nPPlil,l.AN'fS CI.]RTI FICATE OF' SERVICE 'l'his r,vill ccrlil'r that a tnrc ancl corrcct copy of'thc abovc C'crtillcatc of Confcrence has becn scn'ccl olt Appcllcc's attorncv ol'rccurcl. Ms. .lanc I)arrciras-llorta. iu accordance witli the J'exas Rulcs ol'Appcllatc l)roccdure . N4 Sigrrcd tl',i, 2-'2 clal ol' 4 ', . 2015. at) /L Aubrcy' ,Wi'- \\caks r- \\ hilc ( erlificrte of ( oilfercDCc PA(;11 2