WR-83,151-01 EX PARTE § .IN THE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS § § SHANE MATTHEW NETTLES § AUSTIN TEXAS NOTICE OF CORRECT ADDRESS On 5-5-2015 I rec.id~do~6~ic~haha~ymt11~10~rWtitawase~eie~~ed by the court on 4-20-2615.The Notice was sent to the wrongoaddress and as a result took 15 days to receive.Please note the correct address is (8500 N. FM 3053) so I may &void any failure to timely file.Thank you for your time in this matter. CORRECT ADDRESS Shane nettles #1566038 BMCC 8500 N. FM 3053 Overton Texas, 75684 RECEIVED IN COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS MAY 112015 Abel Acosta, Clerk May 5,2015 /L .. ~ . . ---~~------------------------- Respectfully Submitted ' '" CC: