WR-67,748-08 Pa Ra* 79^5? RECEIVED IN CBPZ74 S7J97Z&N JUNO3 2015 mS73H7BXW?*711 Abe.Acoaa.Cterk Aty /?^we /Ir /#/•, Reddfe Houston* Z" am incarcerat ed ai tW ES7ELLE UWXZ Rle trhese legal dbcumenfej unJer'-tke f?u!es o/" ftppelkte proceAuv*. JUb tr/y me kWt yau Ka^e meceivfel bhe^ £\wd ft Jed tkm on dockets Th&^k y«u -far your ^v*ve a ^4 coYM»-et\ience, Sincerely rule u, Discketzjww rei/zsuj "Ae CguH: of CT>Vr\rrAl BppecOs may hevi'eu) a c^urt of appeal ©feeisiov* In a etymim\ co^rt ©^ »\? own inftr Sa-Uiz-e u\Je* fjuk tVov ©^ lit petite* of c\ pa>^, ^hctet Rule£& 1?uug kk.^ K)#r 19 W^rr^n of ^"zohj OiSCre^o^a^Y irevieu>..'\?y bKe Cbuvt o£ CnWvxxi Wpp^ais is hut® 44«a ltm$®m f^E G^n^Tjm® %y«riui Vjktle tnCfi;Wr cow\^o\\h^ h$r rwlly measuring h^e Court c*f Criminal ^opecil?) dt'Scre-kJ.o^f the rolfoustyig u)iU V>G ccwsfcjlevesj by i^Ke CeuH? fn VH av\@tke^ court of appaa(s) d&ciffa* &-n hh& sax** fi^uc* lY) 1*0 he hher %COi^rt af &pftf&X$ h&f dtCidedrX^'finnpcfr-, 4- cx^ee q uesfcto^ oP Stake or federal \ob h€&v^ tuJt sWuM ^ S€fcfcle4 Wy kke C^u^kof (c) wW^Yv^y A C^^/rfe «/ d^ptcAS ha? (decided *&n ihopof. \-cwvt Ciuest.\o>\ of $h Wue. cow^ elects to^j a>^W If) toU^Uv ov £^*~b */ Oifpec^s Mr -fir Ax* deptx^etf ftorn ^Ve. accepted ow\d usuax ajvvts-e o-f judcccal pY0CeedU*\9?> S° ^^ Sfcv^c*A0"*e«t S\acV c< departure Nay Oi k\^e>r Court; CJT bo cAU ft>~ tx* e^rCi/e o/W* ^ourv c/P OxVrxivica Wppe*V j^uj-er o/ ^perws&n* RuOe U.4i X)@CUrAEMfT^ Jo $Zb 1>£CZ?Z0*> Li) Wc^u\^\M\9 *DocumeritSi 7k& Court of £nW*vo| Wpp-ea/te— Ore Ovvvy jU^e of tr^e Court—nfctjf oWe*- bkcouHiO^ Ctppea\s cle>rk ho promptly /e»i«/ fcrh* Ai/^wmg items feo CD *=V\*. Gvp petleifee teeetcf; • a cop\j of. fe\e -op^.ov^ of fe;>*e c©\av^ of Ocppeo^SJ CD Cv Copy Of V*Y&'.wiqViOMiS fhfcsfc VV^ >eYfc CoVJtY* of appC^fj L1^) cax-tvffecA co^tes of cxw^ fucl9**Q*\* or oveU* of ^V^ cov^Tt of Cvppea\s, OippeoAs cteffc. RttL& 67, DZSC.t£7ZdNJ9W RBVZBU Rule £7j?. ftu* 'Juto6g5j tWe By u^bt 0-/ at lewfe ftu* judges^' fe kc ordiv itself a^ otdtr SlAv/i*g tk couvi of appeal/ trvt£tv\Alafe€ Uv\*le* ^7*3 utfll ejrtevtfl -fir an AtfW»:t»'*vid ^S days fcte-fcM |>eftn> iSSuevvic* gr-P trkg e^urt 0^ ^^ptelf* /v»ah«lafeC. ^"n £rtftei» -g^ranU^ ttvit** ftMWxS tVt itfuavut oP fcKc CtfM^fe of* OppealS^ /^^Wkfe€ pending tkC fur&'hgr &ygIg+ of the C&ur-k* of Ctim$nal Appeals*Zf fyw Jud^^S do rwt A^^ fed ^ra-nfe v*eweu> tui't'^n feKa^ ki>** fc^e Court of c^ppecXt clerk must iffue fck4 pi0m*/A-fee. ^ulb lot. bjscKi=~rz0m%Y hbvzbm WITH P&7ZYZ0W 6t\ pe^(WOV\ \\j any poof^y^ ^Vt Court ®£ CHVnina\ "fippfa\s m©^ ttweu* cx csutt o£ ouppeoAs* gleetff** In Ca) FIvsfe pe«\»\on. 7Kc petition **u$* b« A!i€4 un^wn J$ ^la^'f cvffcc* f-t\-\t^ WY.C ctay W>*£ cour feVe dky-fcVe Sail bVmly oaoU6>i iW reWooemg uj&? fuewruled iy th$ Court of appall (y Sufcjeguenfe pefefuavwEue* 1^ ik tfme sped-fted /h Ca) Kaj tXpif*Csl| a po^fey ujko otWwjSg ma^ #)•« c^ pefe<*.id» may do 9a u^Vk,'* 1(5 .slays cxf be** ^V^ ^vvne\y "A'Wyxo o-f cx>no*Wt~ Kna.y eXtew4 \=W Ub\e \~aC?{le & peiib<0v> /»>- dffCreti**- Ajry reUfCuJ if ^ poorly i?\es a mo>9 tafOi ^u[£ 20, SCW n® ta^e^- feVe^ JS etc^s afte^ v>>e, letft> oK*y flr |^\\^ \;k pe^^o** TfKe Cour^ ®f Onmmal Appeal m^f extend V:Y& yv^t b* #U <*. \f-e$pov*£e ov reply if <* p*,+*y files ck w*feib» Co™fty*^ ^^ ^e ifl*Svfc ovsginaj—'n^.'K tU clerk of tk^ uun of Cyhyv\{y\cx\ appeals )vtSfeea.et 0f urifcVt ^Ve courseP nuie bo***!* Co**T£pjrs of %7 7 7***1 as possible. 2\ mujt fee ad^ssed •to. -tke uCbu^ o£ Cy\v*my\c\A ftpp€cx\s of Texas, a^d mu;t yfeecvs feVe Vycvoric of t^e pe^fey oy parley apply mg ft> ^evteui, (aj ^*4/e o/* contents, 7fic pei/kj$^ Mast include a iay? o/ content? 'utthh tefetcnces ko feke page* of tM p-eU^OYn 77»e .table of Cohbevtfc? h^ujfe ihd^ate l>e sul^ecfe. rv\o\feev of eaeK grau*ci oy ^utftto* present^ toy re^r'Cu)* (bj "ZhdQr of Q-Uhhotibiest^e jpet/kton mast /he/We a* \r\^feX of aubhorlhter &v-r^ncjeJ cx\pho}fe-h.tGa\\y cvwoi fnol.'caA;^ ^^ p<%S<2$of ±rk peV-t.io*- ujkere VW cxufeW/tto o^e n± ,reg^4mg •oral avguwent. 7ke peti-tf&n ^uyt include ^ 5^fc ^baie^nt tf Uiky ovoA avguv^ent u*uU /^helpful, *r* rtofee/ntfnt trAafc pebK,'^« .^wi .fbafec Wic% \^K£ t\a^u>re of bW m?e This s^am^e^t, -s»>\ou\dl retefa* exceed W\f a ^ge.7>* d^t^os 0f tk* coc*e sw>d b€ ^escx-ve^ aW slaved 'umVW *cVa. p^v*e**' gYjL^ds or gucsttevis, It) Sta^w>oi\t ©f pv«rc(?elurowl K{?VoyV, 7^* pefert^ (2) Wke olafee ^vw| opfAid^ 0f bkd c^utt o-f cxpp^AVs Luas KawAed otowY\j gy \^W olate oPcviwj ox-dc* o£ -feke court of appeals dtfpotfKg of tu (2) tW ctcxfee o^wvj mofe\'aYi *fW ^eHcovT^q u>w f^^ Coy cx S'ta^r^ewt -feiVav vione uj<\$ ftlwj awsl (,3J bV^e dcxfee fe\c mot^n "ftv reW^T^g \jjnrul€bl Ov otWwi^ &lSpared &H WwefV^ \^\Vout a,«(UTn^v\l;-tVc gwuvdjr ie Defei'-b'flv* rv> u/fc e£r>fecu* a diVect <&vua& CowMSC a,*q u*****. umVk support^ autkir^e^ ^wx^i^y^'9 \k tooscms fW gt-amfemg review/S«e. j^ule 66i j*-7/e covAYt* of-appeaAs* opimo*\s u>\\\W «•*- Std-CrGol ta\0rv \^V^ pefe\"tioVfc| \ fe^oss opii\\o\ts T\eed' nov W vep^x^ed if co\AY>sei accepts x^V-ewx exs correct* (K) Prayer for relief! 7Ae petite* wast sba-te c./«Hy •fcke. nature of7 -ike rs^Ue-P Sougkt* U)^ppevvdJx: 7Xe pe-feWan vviurfe covvfeAaw a c^py a# giwy ^^NAvdw o-P tV\e caur*t a^P cxppeaJU; Ru\je fe&S. Le^tv* of Pex:z7:ro*> «*** !Rs?tv The. ©e\\\\a^ v*\yt$% \»& ^© tot^e* tW% IS p*^ exclusive o£ l^ei ecm^c%;^iv^ o%* i^ie of c«*t~' \vicj omi a^rgum^nt| fc,ke Sbatamest of t^ke co.se, fc>^€ Stafe.Ci^ent? of procedural k^tovyj 5u™v*o*r- Uy t-e-PuJ^ c\ peWvd&v* 'firr diSC^V:\d\vaY-y irevi'evjj fe\vo,^ is u,vsnccfSPaf\)y leh^bUy OY t^t d*es n®h Oonnfrrrvi ho & kese tUleZ Rut* k&?» Ccmttr of %p%^u {^)Oh film^ of feW pefeA\\o*, Upo* y^cevv/n^ kW pefeiv J0Vkj bVe Co-uYt of cxppteab clerk r^us't $k fefWe owgfait i&&LyL mus\» -fiU ^^g- *ef*y ck^ no^te fcVve filtv^ docket k) SfevWiV^ T^bi^^n^^dJSbft)4 ho the Cou+± f CYiY^ined Bfpeatx Untesr # petit*** ft* cliscteti** *Kr\f revieuj is dismissed u*ate* icuteSOji^e cKevlc of ^ he c^u^t ^/appeals* musttWitMn 0 Wo\/f dfber tht pebih'e* is #/ec/, revvcl.feo*h« Cle^lt a^ 6Kc (iwrt of CriWnat ^pp€aU fck* pe^t'V** avW a^wy cop/ tufmihed fey ooutiselj tk. j-e^Yx \t***it^'k bV>«. rtaor^ Copf« of fckfi M^UdnS9 •ftViS \\\ ^Vt caw, a,Yv©l copies a£ bcvwvj jud^mcmtr, ojpi^\\ov\S) A-*d 0vderx of -feVe Court, of appeals. 7K^ Cl-Ctk v\€€.d iwt foruJOLvdl a,wy nonotocuvNr CXN^Ostf-y CXlv-WVS tsn/eST Ord^r £& ede> ?& by the CaiArt of CZrfmlmctl appeals, Amended effective Sept, £f 2a? P, Rule && £ Courr of C^mz^mL AppB/n.? Cl&mss Dutxes om fecez?j of Petxt^^-ki 7he clevk of tV* Court, of CwWvy