Perez, Mario

.^ ?Z,q=ft-oi Mr. Mario Perez TDCJ-CID #1534249 Connally Unit 899 Fm. 632 RE Kenedy,Tx. 78119 COURT OF March 21,2015 25 2015 Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Court Clerk-Mr-Abel Acosta Alflipl P.O. Box 12308 Capitol Station Austin,Tx.78711 Re: Ex parte Mario Perez, Trial Court Nos. 2006-CR^5055B-Wj., 2006-CR-5056B-W1,' 2006-CR-50"57B~Wi "(399th District Court Bexar County,Texas) Dear Court Clerk: Greetings,! reeieved your notation,verifying that the Court reeieved my moat recent missive.All in regards;to the Writ of Habeas Corpus's in above cause numbers ..The Court of Criminal Appeals response stated,(on March ]0^201.5 application for Writ of Mandamus has been presented to the'Court.)NoWjcould you please inforra me,if the Court has granted an order towards the application for Writ of Mandamus.Also could you please notify me upon recieving my ibree. applications for Writ of Habeas Corpus,their supporting documents, and related -records to your office. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND ASSISTANCE. Respectfully submitted, CC: File.