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ln the matter of Case3 WR-75,351-02
Dan Flynn member of the legislative house of Texas and an officer of the Texas State
Guard. You had the duty to see that my rights were protected and you have failed to report
to the court of competent jurisdiction to insure my rights were protected and the 7th
amendment Court open. But you have failed to do so. lt is your duty to make sure that all
courts shall be open and to maintain their purity and efficiency.
"l\/lisprision of felony" is still an offense under United States federal law after being codified in
1909 under 18 U. _S_. C §_4:
W|ioever, having knowledge ofthe actual commission ofa felony cognizable by a court ofthe
United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to somejudge or
other person in civil or military authorig under the United States, shall be fined under this title
or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
Dan F|ynn l have made you aware of crimes against me that have been going on for
years and you have ignored me and the crimes
The Texas Legislators have the power of impeachment of corrupt and criminal l,_ \!
racketeering judges and officers of the Courts RECEl \ E'.D ll _
ihis State of .Te)_