- PILED &J0HN f. mum.h COUNTY CLERK LLASCiUNTY.TEW 8HSHAY2S PMM07 In the, Court Plaintiff yj *"** S3 ^ W Cn X Vs nvfoo 111 Dallas County, Texas 3 *° Q>% u =* 5 b' j= '-2 7s. — CO o NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE OF SAID COURT: COMES NOW the Defendant, self-represented, and files this Notice ofAppeal /> Jrom the judgment signed by the Court on ^/^9/iS . , r A//l,J/r YM^^MjUrrr^ Defendant, appeals to the rT*+~CkArt dh /#T ^ at Dallas, Texas. Respectful Print Name: vVgU \ f^XsC O^ Address" 13 Telephone: .Rdf 5)7 -^ftl^ ^ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE correct copy „ „ . . . . >2Wib_ rtH0UU,u»ji Attorney for Plaintiff, at Texas, on this the ^ day of fl[(\.[/i \y^ cA?q /VWPoJ Print Name \ Mem*ni(?U>A^iC^