O'grady, Shane Timothy

TDCJ Offender Details - ' ' ' Page 1 of 2 '~tt£ ,OZ:l»OS~ T§`_xAS..:_§?,i.-:_AMM;M or caimme;_.iuis;zl.c§ E_ B_ Offender lnformation Details SlD Number: _ 03911678 TDCJ Number: 016143‘|7 Name: O"GRADY,SHANE Tll\llOTHY Race: W :Ger`\der: 1 l\ll DOB: ` . 1969-07-25 Maximum Sentence Date: » _2039-07-27 current Faciiity: DARRINGTON' Projected Release Date: _2039-07-27 Parole Eligibi|ity Date: 2024-07-26 Offender Visitation Eligib|e: YLS information provided is updated once daily during Weekdays and multiple times per day on visitation days.v Because this information is subject to change, family members and friends are encouraged to call the unit prior to traveling for a visit. SPEC|AL lNFORMATlON FOR SCHEDULED RELEASE: scheduled Re|ease pate: Offender is not scheduled for release at this time. scheduled Re|ease Type: Will be determined When_ release date is scheduled S¢hedu|ed Re|ease Locati°n: _Wi|| be determined When release date is scheduled ,_ . Parole`Review information Offense Hist'ory: Offense Date Offense Sentence Date County Case No. Sentence(YY-MlVl-DD) 1997-07-10 ROBBERY 1998-11-04 BRAZOR|A 33,722 3-00-00 http ://offender.tdcj .texas. gov/OffenderSearch/offenderDetail.action?Sid=O3 91 1678 9/23/2015