Devvy Kidd v. Carlos Cascos, Texas Secretary of State

March 6, 2015 Devvy Kidd P.O. Box 1102 Big Spring, Texas 79721 432.264.7869 March 3, 2015 Court of Appeals Third District of Texas 78711 Attn: Francis P.O. Box 12547 Austin, Texas 78711 Court of Appeals No. 03-14-00805 CV Dear Francis: Pursuant to our telephone conversation yesterday, I am requesting a 60 day extension for filing my brief. I did not find out until late last week, I am able to look at my case on-line, something I was unable to do at the District Court because I am pro se. Checking it yesterday I saw the status for my brief due. I haven't received any notice of when it was due, just that it says March 5th 'status'. My computer crashed as I explained on the phone yesterday. I still don't have it back from the tech guy; all my files were recovered, but I don't have access to them yet. I left a message with the State's counsel, Adam Bitter, yesterday after I spoke with you. I also tried him again just before I came here into the library to use their computer. Got his voice mail again, but I left him another message. He must be in court or something like that as he's always been gracious in returning my phone calls. I am asking for the 60 day extension and if granted, could you please let me know the exact date my brief would then be due so I don't miss it? Cordially, w Kifltf Devvy /RECEIVEDN HARO6Z015 cf: Mr. Adam Bitter THIRD COURT Of-AFP5ALS. \ JEFFREY D KYLE / -UWV.V, < -/a»^»- i I'ltin ^fUMiaii in U.S. POSTAGE PAID BIG SPRING,TX 79720 MAR 03,15 AMOUNT P/?ESS FIRMLY TO SEA $19.99 00116921-07 •"•""-*• -- •"*-* •4-lefcfc^ij.. I • TM EXPRESS Mailing Label 'JrtxXtVB. March 2004 U.S. ^*««mnu«M„. PostOfficeToAddressee FOR PICKUP OR TRACKING ws/t Call 1-800-222-1811 VISIT US AT USPS.C0M4 UNITEDSTATE ORDER FREE SUPPLIES ONLINE POSTALSERVtC