Morris, Chester Ray

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KENNEDY ~A-T-TORNEYATLAW suwm,nousrou 1 _ _. ,. . ~ f '. TELEPHONE(903)593»3363- TYLER,TExAsvsm_ , . _ ,_ . , __ _ . ». '. ,. -, - - FAX(903)526-;142 " ' ' " ' ' ` -~;..,,Q,_<`>.`f.§.>bqr_»_»$,ZOW ' ' ' " Mr. Chester Morris ‘ TDC 1449712 Gurney Unit . __ PO Box 6400 Tennessee Colony, 'l`cxas 75681 Dear Mr.- Morris: t Thank you'for your iett`er. I understand that you want to blame your lawyer. ' Most convicted inmates want to blame their lawyer. Most do not accept any responsibility for their situation 1 prefemng to say that their lawyer “did not do anything”. In order to prevail in an “ineffective assistance of counsel” appeal,'we have to be able to prove that you would have been acquitted except for the performance of your lawyer. That is an ' almost impossible standard to prove. » I have not read the record yet because it is not yet available. But l ca11 tell you that if there ' was ANY evidence that you had either drug§ or alcohol 1n your system, that alone 1s enough to defeat an ineffective assistance of counsel claim.- IF there were any drugs or alcohol 1n your system', that fact alone.' 1s enough to defeat a claim that the lawyer ls what got you convicted. Because drugs or alcohol 1n your system is your proble__r_n and cannot b`e blamed on your lawyer’ s performance Please write to me and tell me whether there wereany drugs or alcohol in your system. I seem to recall that there was cocaine found" 1n your system. Is that right or am lthinking of another person. Thank you again for your letter Please write again and answer the question about drugs or alcohol that may or may not have been part of the evidence against you-. We can always complain that the evidence against you was not strong enough. But complaining about your court-appointed l lawyer may make you feel better b`y blaming him or her but it is almost NEVER a good appeal tactic. Ric ard W. Kennedy .e’r/¢ra . f 1 OF Aa;z€¢_@@f wi _€¢//)7//0;% /9)00/;;)¢5 . eung?§gp§;§§§?¢lzs eeo'@ \“ 30§§@@@39‘3‘"“}9¢/5 71/¢/e>s nf‘ mrm.. civ 11 ¢uua TYLER, T 4 oATHY s. LUS§),°;SLERK F£om' /WM:/ac ma /£~07»0033/~@ 761/04 C/?¢/$c /UO.O’?7/5 of fema us -_ C//E$ 715/2 /2/9 v mma/2131 7/'//5 ve %/¥/b/w e/ ames/ea %@ site €eq/%I 070 /QW€¢?[§J ZA')§/é¢j, (/Q >4) jayne/ne J;¢o)/c/'a/ D/.§?Zr/é%: 726 CH§<: zdaj 'ar”f//z/);"@¢/@/o ,Q}Z,_`é Qg, ` ' ' I[ y 725 I/€$€/jY C/c’e)c///he per eff/ina 948 pé%/'//m /)r)/¢ D/§'c/c//¢')/wéy j€¢'/€“) WA'$ ~j)@”/' é) 007' 755 %€7//7,//2/7€/° %075 /)// /`€7{/55/@//r//'U/?€f` A/% j€c.’/? 6%/€/11/’7;/7,‘/ 7/0 93/;7 /€?/9/ fc,d/c$eo¥a%a'n //; %/§ /))a/!e»’» /z//s' a//aw¢=a w §% @W€d// Z/Z;Mrc/ w, /f€,¢,,ce/y? » //e; //;fzé/)/¢d /374‘//5/?¢9/` ‘/%J//e M//// //v/ /”¢’p/’€o% %M') m ¢/e /H@%/'/o'o t Of j/`/scfe //'Me/a fed/eeg » M//e/£¢p”€/ p@fz;//é”@" H/oW§ 'W/,< Coa/-/ ora/771 M/`§ /:)7.4//0')7 sand €W/€/KJ %ci c/&’dc////?G (7@'/ Vp///hc/ %C’ p 371/70 ")"' /FOF Dij'Crc:?l/r;r)ary ,qu/ew //'7 &¢/s'e //£, /57-@7- 0033/-€,£ 710 WM, §A@X. `%a¢%/MM /4/¢/¢/` 7/a Q;\S`}é?-/Z mU/f/j 1 pev//O/’}e/'/ /)/”O 5 c 7/_:¢/95 §§0/9¢1‘/77€/)7" dF Cé/m//va/ ';Fc/J?))t§> z/?.$///z/;éu/?d/ D//u/$'”/¢;/z fema/gnma 571/9/€ JO// 00 //7/ 700 ~ 70 #/ /é/z/W/e? //E/?D/;e$m ,Tg¢,g; CEEWF/c'/?fL-' 0/= 550/fee `I cer//f¢/ s%?/ d %/ac 304 ~’~’<)/"@G" C‘W€’ di ///16 aim/6 dod /[‘)”6" §§//§7 f-jg/;`} //70%/2/7 FBF gscv¢:n§/o}) c// Wme /¢> FY’/?¢ ch:,vd/o§ A/$Ol 6/6’55 /' 710 946 /Q//dZ/?C¢/ 96/` Z_@$V.¢/?c/aoi ) @7£ ' ) 3001 >/O 546 571/979 /d/"O$c’€£¢//)?V A/?/”g”°// /Q@f gap /3 wet ,Q//;z%, fea/95 ,7§7// w 170 ¢/e .__._ ¢/év¢/ e¢/ 120 l » . l cjc JV?J./?OU/‘/`/s - _ _ 1 I UAA¥@»Z@¢/Ma/ze/s, /'/JCJH /1/4/¢7/“»7 nev/79 F/cM/r/ ' /Ucafc@»o)éo/ //7 Wa`/§fa;/s/;Aé) 577/er UH// ¢//)//w¢ M,; 7§¢/;5 .Y€p@r//>?eo‘/ af CZ/m/oa/ Uu;!/<':e //7 ,&:/f 620/y !7, 7@@/%, 0@///€, <'>’/?cl §éc‘/é'/zf` é//)o/ef‘ F€»O¢?//? //f F€f.jz,/f‘/ 549/1545 '/éu/Vd//;? .§"7{7/€/?) coin 545 ¢f¢/€ 6’/7;/ darrech C€W€c¢¢%¢’d an %/'J' Wri 7 M §éw/ dfw SMJY, C%¢'§)@/,Z Maéé/$ 70ch /WW/e'? 15ch October 31, 2008 Ms. Jolene Bartlett Senior investigator . v ` , Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel State `Bar of Texas_ ' v 5400 LBJ Freev\\/ay Suite 1280 Dallas, Texas 75240 Re: l Chester Ray Morris D 0100835884 -~~~Dear"Ms.' B'artlett:' ' In response to Mr. Morris’ complaint, l can tell you the following. I was appointed to represent Mr. Morris on an appeal of his conviction and 15 year sentence for lntoxication Manslaughter from the 241st District Court of Smith~County, Texas. The appeal cause number is 12- 407-00331-CR styled Chester Ray Morris v. State of f_'Texas. His conviction and sentence was affirmed. l have enclosed a copy of the 12th Court of Appeals opinion in the matter. Contrary to his allegation there is no conflict 1 completed my brief on his behalf and filed it February 19, 2008. At the time I prepared and filed his brief, I did not work for the State and only began to prosecute long after I filed his appeal brief. I no longer represent him and there is no : conflict _' `. .\ v When l'fi-rst met ‘Mr.~'l\‘/I'orris, he was adamant that he'had “evidence” that proved he was not guilty. I never saw any pictures he claimed supported him. But even there were such photos, they would not be useful in an appeal. In spite of re__peated verbal and written attempts to convince him that a direct appeal does not permit the introduction of evidence not admitted at trial, he still remains convinced that his “evidence” refutes the State’s case. l did not try his case in the 241St District Court. He Was represented by another appointed attorney. I'believe`that" his trial lawyer was Mr. Clifton Roberson. ' » . ~ I do not now have nor have'l ever had the photographs he claims that~I have. If there Were such photographs, his trial lawyer would have had them. Any photographs he're`f_`ers to as part of his “discovery” materials"Were never in my possession Appeal lawyers do not get discovery. They get a transcript Discovery materials are provided to the trial lawyer.' An appeal lawyer can only 1 appeal on points raised during the trial'. A direct appeal is not a forum for the establishment of a defense. Rather, adirect»» p cantonly»`@beeabouterrorthatocci“irr”é`d`attrial I attempted to appeal those points that l felt were raised 'by the law and the evidence l\/l_r. Morris never understood that though l tried to explain it to him many, many times. ~ ' ` - - I respectfully'direct your office to the copy of the letter l sent him dated -.S'eptemberil>`é-,? 3200`8;/ in which I sent to him “another” copy of the opinion in his case. That letter is contained in his complaint l had sent him the first copy at some time before September 16, though I cannot now say When l did that, l1left»,»theepri_vate‘€p`ractiee=fiofetlawe*to“'tal§ej"aijo'b"ias=~t~'hef'-fifrlst'é`a'ssistant-tdistr~i‘ct'~"attoni`ey§if“r`i?.‘fl%“usk County*’(Henderson)T as:gwf_‘feetigealunéel§e£®©£§~; I'conip`lete`d` lmy obligations to my appointed clients but l di"df,not'ever give him any address because my office in Tyler (924 W. Houston) was closed and it was inappropriate to give the DA’s office in Henderson as my address. That left me with only my home address in Tyler, l chose not to disclose that address to convicted felons who might harbor some sort of grudge against me. Additionally, my Wife takes the 114th District Court bench on January l, 2009.. That is another'good reason not give out my (and her) home address. The evidence against Mr. Morris was overwhelming The testimony of` the veteran trooper (Godwin) as to his»~investigation of -theewrecl_<`_appear_e_dv te _be bel_i_e\_{abl,e»;to_.the_jur-y. .Mr..Morris~.had-- v ' M'a'blo‘o`d alcohol level of gréatéfthan `.l 7»“ni_eaning that he was intoxicated to twice the legal limit of intoxication His passenger died as the result of a tragic car wreck in which Mr. Morris was the driver of the car in which his friend was a passenger. l believe that I completed my obligations to Mr. Morris. It is true that now, as an Assistant DA, l can no longer assist him since he is adverse to the State. But if I had his property, I would give ` it to him. Ie: eri’ét§t%i;`j[ `\ith;;eaegeresentigneiitheephetfo;sthei:elaims;thatthe§§'e'ii‘ttin`*e. lthink that his claims are more of his attempts to blame someone else for his situation In all my communications with Mr. Morris, he attempted to blame others for his unfortunate situations This grievance appears more of the same. 1 lt may be that Mr. Morris wants an out of time right to file a PDR. I hope he gets it but there is nothing, in my opinion upon which the Court of Criminal Appeals is likely to take up. Since Ric ard W. Kennedy cc: Mr. Chester Morris TDC 1449712 Bradshaw State Jail PO Box 9000 Henderson, Texas 75653-9000 emma old " _~w`>" TEXAS DEFAHl’MENT OF CR|M|NAL JUST|CE lNMATE REQUEST To oFFlClAL FlEASON FOR F|EQUEST: (Please check one) FLEASE AB|DE BY THE FQLLOWlNG CHANNELS OP CQMM|JN|CAT|ON. T_HlS WlLL _SAVE 'l'lME, GET RE°uEs THE FROPER PERSON, AND GET _AN ANSWER TOYOU MOHE GU|¢KLY. us 1. ._ .Unlt A_ss;lgnment, `llan'sier (Cha/,ma,, of C,assmca”on' 5 Wsmn ust . ____n, ` ~_ m Admlnlstratlon Bulldlng) [:] Ql (Aost. Dlraotor`ol Classllloatlo Admlnlrltratlon Bulldlng) 2- ~[Il 6‘ l:] Parolo requiremon . Counsa_lor). : lath information (Unlt Fr - n Class or to `ll'usty Clas'.~i (Unlt - 4 » 1 atc Frlson Flooord (Ho- est ior copy _oi rooord, . ;~ , will be"lorwarded to the Dlrector of ~' inform -- -- ' - lllty dtoharpo dato, ~ detalnm- Unit Adrnlnlchation) 3. [:] R¢u¢i_ Pensona_l interview with a representative of an r._ [] `Clonreney Paldon, pam/el early out mandatory 8. supervision (Bcard of Pardons and Faroles. 8610 Shoal - outside agency meetmont Dlvislon, Admlnlstratlon Cmck Blvd. Austin, Tbxas 7871 1) _ _ . EuIidlng. rO: %//é?n/;|&d . ~ ' DAré; //’7"5/ ioonEss; ix /aaézéiz/ M$‘ / tro __ CUBJE¢T: State brieflythe problem orl w_hlo_h you desire asststance._ _- l . , ‘. §2§£1§/6?0 Md/dd%&fp//Aje&éf § g/./?/ /?/9///7¢'”””? jai a/M//rg; wyo// %/ M€ /ee <‘Y / W/M/5 153 /// 33 »/ area )M_ a ¢/ a 11 C,///e/ re a ' /;_//,v, of 5’/,~;%§ c"»`/ 337 _ /U% §§ M cwa 0 LL~\\~¢%_'___-,,_. - oz /0~@1»;/:03» c 3 /‘P- 03 .-/ ' 3>. /o /__/oe@gr> 7. 3 619-03 O 645 L/- /'C- ~<;'3<;3 3 la -l¢? oil (`/)' w "" 1`ex‘a$ C.o\.~w.rts` Onl'ine - Tweh°th Court of Appeals Case Managemen_t ‘., TWELFTH COURT 0F APPEALS TCO Judicial Directory l Case Search Resu|ts on Case # 12~07'00331'CR Add t_o CéseMail | Printer-Friendly Version Case Information: ~~Gase Number: ' 12 07= 00331- CR Date Filed: 9/6/2007 Style:. Chester Ray Morris v.: The State of Texas Origin_al Proceeding: No Transferred_From: Trensfer In Date: ` Transfer Case No: Transferred To: Transfer Out Date: Trial Court Information: . ' -_' Trial Court: 24lst District Court ' T_rial Court Judge: Judge Jack Skeen Jr. Trial Court Case #: 241-0904-07 Trial Court Reporter: Steve Awbrey Punishment: 15 Years/TDCJ-ID Pa rtieS: Party Party Type §§ Morrie, Chester Ray rCriminal - Appellant §§ The State Of Texas Criminal - State of Texas Case Events: Date Event Type ` Description § 10/16/2008 Motion-for extension of time to-_fxte petition for Pro Se n"/,-"..’....',`.-_t/__-_ . A,\.... hfln://w\\m/ VDH'wnq r\mw+¢~ v<~»m+¢, w .` jualclaik in¥ormatw m d ,. Pa-ge l of .~ -.f _TCD: Tx Courts Onllne Home A-Z I_ndex | FAQs | Search Slte Best Viewed 1024x768+ Courthouse photos courtesy of texascourthouses. com f' Lthks Genera| |nformation ` lLZIh.§_QA_IiQJn§ Practice Before the Court ||p§ § Guide|ines 1 Gen`§r§| Bg|g§ §g St_anclani§ Sl F_ee_ Sl tigng l Me§@tlon \About the Court .QQnLeqlJ_u__e_Stic SI_m.D_lement| O ervi__ew search‘couér_§`§t`t`é ` !Type Search Word ll Searcm Case lnformation §gse S§arch gpi`niog Sea[ch , ge|eased Ordersl_()_plrli_g_g§ Casg §ubmissiog§ Case Meil Track Cases or Releas_ed Opinions My Account t| Case Tracking | Opinion Tracking | Register r| B_a§_i_cs_ | FAQ$ Texas Appel|ate.Courts The Supreme Court of Texe_`§ court of criminal Appeals Courls of Appia§ [by District-City] 1-H0ust0n | 2-F0rt~Wer_t._h !.S=Austtn» -- 4-San Antonio | S-Dal|as | 6-Texarkana 7-Amari|l0 | 8-E| Paso | Q-Beaumonl;` 10-Wac0 | ll-East|and l 12~Ty|e`r 13-Corpus Christi | 14-H0ust0n ..¢`§' 4 1 exas. t_‘oi.'.l'ts Online - Twelfth Court of Appeals Case Managemcnt Page 2 of 3 `I discretionary review disposed by Court of Crimina| Appeals 3 10/14/2008Mi;1"<§non repeiyed `\ Pro se §§ 9/23/2008 Mandate acknowledged by trial court clerk DistrictCierk § 9/22/2008 case stored *3 9/22/2008 Mandaieissued Attorney Attorney 163 9/5/2008 Petition for discretionary review was not fled 4 § 8/21/2008 Motion forrehn ing was notf|ed ¢"*§}§§72`008 `§Li§};;{i§d _ 53 6/20/2008 Dggy,me@;;£§t§w¢d ._ - Me' § 6/20/2008 Mgp_g_rl,r_e_g(e@@dw_ ' M’Se' 53 6/4/2008 gent/for submission on briefs-oral argumentdenied § 3/27/2008 Prescreened _ @ 3/13/2008 Brief filed-oral argu'ment not requested . State l 553 3/13/2008 Ora| argumentwaiver by one party ' State _ ,. \"3 3/13/2008 Case ready to be set _ - 4» _.._..`> 2/19/2008 Brieffi|ed-ora|argumentrequested Appellant /Z\ '2/7/200_8 Motion for extension of time to n|e brief disposed Appellant 5 53 1/31/2008 Motion for extension of time to tile brief fried ' Appellan_t 53 1/11/2008 Mot.forExt.Fil`e Brieroisp.' Appellan 1/3/2008 Mot. for Ext. to Fi|e Brief _ Appellant § 12/5/2007 'Reporters Record Fiied 5 n Six Vo|urnes_' fit 11/20/2007 Finai Deadnne for Record court Reporter 10/29/2007 Warning of Remand for Hearing for no Reporter Rec. Court Reporter 55 10/1/2007 Docketing statement 53 9/27/2007 Notice of No Record Received ' CourtReporter §§ 9/19/2007 Notice for Crimina| Docketing Statement - Secondrequestfrom the court § 9/7/2007 Weicome to the court letter 532 3*//\xnxnxr ioflanr\c=/ nn\w+n n+.`+,` 4_- ___ _ f feiqs.€ems Online - Twelfth Court of Appeals Case Management Page 3 of 3 v l _ a . 9/6/2007 clerks Record Fiied one volume 9/6/2007 Notice of appeé| received Courtoprpeals § 7/25/2007 Trial Court's Certification of Defendant's Right of Appeal Trial Court § 7/25/2007 Notice oprpea|Filed Tria|COUff 7/25/2007 Date Semence Given m open court Calendars: l Set Date Ca|endarType Reas'on Set 9/22/2008 Case Stored Case Stored § 9/22/203,3 Retention Date criminal case will be destroyed (25 years after mandate) Q Hint: 'Click on the -folder icons above for more case information. ':' Twe|fth Court of Appeals ~ 1517 W. Front St., Ste. 354 ~ ~ Tyler, TX 75702 - (903) 593-8471 Accessibility Po|icy | Privacy & Security Po|icy l Open Records Po|icy | State Web Site Llnk & Pr|vacy Po|icy l Email TCO Texas On|ine l TRAIL | Texas Home|and Security l Where the Money Goes l Leglslative Appropriations Request [pdf/1.28 MB] httn://W\m)v_i').thcnn mmer cmp 1-\» n¢/m“'n;nn¢/mm °»“OD:i;“nwr\_on'n l . ' . - .- . . z/_ \ \'~'~ a THE STATE OF TEXAS ) 4 ` ARREST WARRANT` AFFIDAY_I_T coUNTY oF sMrTH ) BEFORE ME,' the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the § undersigned Aft`iant, who after being by me duly sworn on oath deposes and says: My name is Janles Godwin, and I have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 24?h day or september, 2006, in smith councy', Texas, cHEsTER RAY ` MORRIS did then and there commit the offense of: INTOXICATION MANSLAUGHTER, a ) n second degree felony, in that he did then and there, intentionally or knowingly operate a motor vehiclein a public place while not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol into the body, or by having an alcohol ~concentrati_on*of~at least 0.08, and did by"reason of such intoxication cause the death of ‘an'oth'er‘, namely, Sidney Roger `K_izzie', by accident or mistake, to wit: by` driving said motor vehicle` occupied by Sidney Roger Kizzie,| into another motor vehicle. b Against the Peace and Dignity of the State: My belief of the above is based on the following facts and information: 4 4 Affiant is J_ames _Godwin, a State Trooper for the Texas Department of Pub_lic Safety (“the`Department”), 4700 University BIvd. in Tyler, Texas. Affiant is a licensed peaceof-ficer in md for the State of Texas and has been' such for the last 12 years. Aff` -`t`is currently assigned to the Highway b Patrol division. ` 'Afflant is responsible for the.%f‘;xrlcement of the Teias Transportation Code and all other Texas Codes requiring criminal*'enforcement. Aff`iant has also successfully completed training in Advanced Accident Reconstruction - Level I and II. ' As part of Affiant’s authority and"jurisdiction, Affiant responds to and investigates motor vehicle accidents in the State of Texas. Afflant has performed hundreds of such investigations On September 24, 2006, while on routine patrol, Afflant, along with Trooper Paul Shofner was dispatched at approximately 1:00 a.m.' to a motor vehicle accident on State Highway 31 East, approximately 13.1 miles east of Tyler, Texas, at around mile post 716 in Smith County, Texas. , P_rior to arriving at the scene; AffBut/received information that one of the passengers in this motor vehicle accident was deceased Aff`lant/arrived at the scene of the accident and observed that there were two vehicles'involved in the accident. One vehicle was a purple 1994 _ Ford Ranger pickup bearing TX LP# 91_='Z-T99, driven by Chester Ray MORRIS and occupied by one passenger, later identified as" Sidney Roger KIZZIE, and a red 1999 GMC Sierra pickup,* WITNESS my signature this the mg day Of ' _ l l n l . 1 t Subscribed and sworn to before me this the § § day of E: § g ®N\ ` , '2007. UM /, Magistrate in. and for Smith, County \ bearing TX LP# 991-MY2, driven by Cort Edwin CAMPBELL,. the sole occupants Upon‘ arrival, Affiant_,observed“that KIZZIE”' was still in.the/vehi_cle|that was operated by*MOR'RIS', and. that ,gzMORRIS_was .,pacing 'baci,lg_' and forth-in th'e"/rri_iddle`x of the'road:yeiling. about,his friend thatawas " deceased in the.`.'vehicle.'fl"'Atff"` served.' `“a"t"" "Yéhi"<`:l":¢i'.th;at;w_§s,_.Qpe'r_`ate§"i_`_`by MORRIS ' " ' "*`./`"Ijli`é\'oiller vehicle was off tli€"fi")“a"_d".`aii L»" \. _ . _ _ ,- '_':_ <“"' yarauallssrrad ,. t¢._ _, . . _. t . - d) ' ~..;i'jwm¢d#<_.>¥er@nlfsdn é;r. de<>n the w _. , the road facing W¢Sf-.. » ' i..i.~,1 “ .. ,........¢`-.<_»_.- " " .».’».. unli‘°éide.&f Affiant contactechORRIS-., MORRIS admitted to Affrant that he was the operator of the .1994 Ford RangeraMORRIS‘stated "?~`t~;<~l'c}nowiwhat=lhappened',-- that all hé*rememb"éred ,_.~;was'f.,hitting~anotlier vehicles vAt this ' tirne, Affiant smelled the strong odor of an alcoholic " beverage coming from MORRIS’ breath and person. Affrant further noticed that MORRIS’ eyes were extremely bloodshot and glassy and that his speech was slurred. MORRIS continued to yell and cry about his friend. ’MORRIS tried to avoid getting close to Affrant as Affrant was attempting to get inforrnation. MORRIS continuedl,tol pace back and-forth and would not stand ~sti]l-.--- * » ~ j» ' - ' ' ‘ Trooper Shofner:___ contacted the drivei'fl o'f' the 1999 GMC pickup,?` Cort Edwin ' CAMPBELL CAWBElL;-;_,was_;:=about_;;_to;»;be:-'.\.transported by"‘ambulance' to=East Texas Med_ical Center fCAMPBELL inforrned"`Trooper Shofner that he_ saw headlights coming at him in his lane of traffic, so he swerved to the left and that’s all he remembered CAMPBELL displayed no signs of intoxication or that he had been drinking. Affi_ant observed the evidence left at the scene which consisted»of skid;;:marks, vehicle fragments, and damage to both vehicles. Based on this evidence, Affiant was able to determine the. point of impact. Considering all of the evidence in light of statements made by both MORRIS and CAMPBELL, itl is Affrant’s opinion that MORRIS was driving in the wrong lane, and that as_MORRIS-’¢ vehicle was about to strike`.'CAMPBELL’S‘ vehicle; both "'diivers`f"swéi`*»v`ed mto»""`tli'e-'.- westboundi?"-laneii.of..- State»»..~.H.i`ghway; ;--3f- -East~.»;~.where they collided. Additionally, `measure'ments`and photographs were taken by Trooper Sean Watennan. ` It was also Affia`nt’s opinion that MOR_R-IS twas~ intoxicated. Affrant is certified in b standardized field sobriety tests, tincll_lding°HGN. k_As Aft`iant' attempted to have MORRIS perform these sobriety tests, M_Ol§R-'IS'::»began>to" act-1 like he »was_’ having ;__a_`h`eart \€attack and requested an -ambulance.- Pnor to this time; MORRIS had not-complained of or displayed ~_any v signs of pain or injury._ Amet"b§lievw MORRISl `to 'be faliingi°'>"hi_s' condition-_to,avoid`--being arrested Affiant requested an ambulance at- ap roxirnately 1:46 a.m."' `M`ORR"IS refused all Affiant’s requests to perform any field sobriety te ts and was transported to East Texas Medical Center hospital. WITNESS my signature-this the l j 4 day of - § p`) , 2007. l ' lam \ ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this the § § § day o 007. wmata » VMagistrate in and for Smith, County l¢>-,~¢`.,w\\i l'. .-, .' i*"’/ ` l ,/ ,¥. ' `Trooper. Ryan Condry responded to East Texas Medicalv Center hospital and contacted MORRIS. Troloper Condry then rread-MORR#IS.,»~the~DIC paperwork.\ A mandatory blood draw was then performed byaregistei‘ed nurse at East Texas» Medical Center hospital duef'?¢t'o» -'~"-M¢RR’__IS?;_,;,intoxication~t.andiiheing»=.`atm~;faults»iml=‘aafatalit¥iiiaocident.< Trooper lCondry then took custody of the blood specimen which was then submitted to the Texas Department of Public, Safety laboratory for testing. ' " ~ .' ' l Sidney`Roger KIZZIE was pronounced dead at the scene by Justice of the Peace Quincy Beavers at 2:42 a.m. ' _ Affiant received the results from the Texas Department‘of Public Safety inl laboratory case number L1T-130604 showing that an analysis of MORRIS’ blood contained 0.17 grams of alcohol per 100 milliliters. Afflant therefore has probable cause to believe that CHESTER RAY MORRIS intentionally or knowingly operated a motor vehicle in a public place while intoxicated by not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol into the body, or by having an alcohol concentration of at least 0.08, and did by reason of such intoxication cause the death of another, namely, Sidney Roger KIZZIE, by accident or mistake, to wit: by driving said motor vehicle occupied by Sidney Roger KIZZIE, into another motor vehicle ' - _ WHEREFORE, I request that an arrest warrant be issued for the suspect hereinbefore designated according to the laws of this State. WITNESS my signature this the 1 § day of ’ , 2007. : 1 n ' ant ' l Subscribed and sworn to before me this the §, § day 'of , 2007. RUMK agistrate mMor Smith, County r,~,, fin w ii _ ~ sTATuTonY wAnNiNG ` 010-24 nev 9/05) /wm~ ;, Clr @5%€/ /?nl/ /,277`@?3%?/7/< //-?~53 sus'.ieci's NAME / / DL No./sTATE ' l boe ' Sex: Height: _Weight: Eyes: H_alr: PHYS|CAL DESCR|PT|ON (if unlicensed) Flace: .DATE oF AnnEsr; ' 9' 2 “/ 'OL’ TiME oF Annesr: l'_QQ`_/°;“_“_ couNTY oi= Annes'r: - Sm'/`\L/\ 1 if you refuse to give the specimen, th ~|f you-are»21 years of.'age or`oid Yo"ii are under arrest for an offense arising out of acts alleged to have been committed while you were operating a motor vehicle or watercraft in a public place while intoxicated or an offense under Section 106.041, Alcoholic Beverage Code. You will be asked to give a specimen ot your breath and/or biood. The specimen will be analyzed to determine the alcohol concentration or the presence ot a controlled substance, drug, dan- gerous drug or other substance in your body. v at refusal may be admissible in a subsequent prosecution Your llcense, permit or privilege to operate a motor vehicle will be suspended or denied for not less than 180 days. whether or not you are subsequently prosecuted for th_is offense. ' er and submit_to the taking of a specimen and an analysis of the specimen shows that you have an alcohol con- centration of 0.08 or more, your iicense, permit or privilege to operate a'motor vehicle will be suspended.or denied for not less than 90 days, whether or not you are subsequently prosecuted for this offense. lt you are younger than 21 years of age and have any detectable amount of alcohol in your system, your license, permit or privilege to operate a motor vehicle will be suspended or denied for not less than 60 days. However, it you submit to the taking of a specimen and an analysis of the specimen shows that you have an alcohol concentration ot less than 0.08, you may be subject to criminal penalties less severe than those pro- vided lor under Chapter 49, Pena| Code. lt you refuse to give the specimen'," or if the specimen shows that you have an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, you may be disqualified from driving a commercial motor vehicle for a period of not less than one year. . ¥ou may request a hearing on the suspension or denial. _This request must be received by the Texas Department of Public Safety at its headquar- ters in Austin, Texas, no later than 15 days alter you receive or are presumed to have received notice of suspension or denial. The request can be made by written demand, fax, or other form prescribed by the_.Department. l certify that l have informed you both orally and in writing of the consequences of refusing to submit to the taking of a specimen or providing a v specimen l have provided you with a complete and true copy of this statutory warning. U?K/>Gtg/ v _. ./'/)/!/)/F‘¢ n n l l am now requesting a specimen of your El Breath ~ M Biood ` ij Subject refused to allow the taking of a specimen and further refused to sign below as requested by this officer. OR El Subject refused to allow the taking of a specimen as evidenced by his/her signature below. S,ubject's Signature ` -¢ ij l further certify that because you are a child as defined in ` §§ 4 Section 51 .02, Fami|y Code, the above request for a » ' l / specimen and your response have been videotaped. FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Officer's Printed Name _/ l)/)”/W¢ 7;;%¢ Agency c %Zf‘?%wo~ ~r,.\..,`k-`n kin ‘ . n A ..___ \l_ll¢`\¢r SFEC|MEN ROUT|NG REPORT INSTRUC'TlONS TO ARRESTiNG OFF|CER: oic-23A raree) if your case involves a blood or urine specimen, complete this form. Send in one copy with the DiC-23 and DlC-24. Send the second copy with the specimen to the i`ab. Do n_ot serve the subject with a Notice of Suspenslon if a blood or urine specimen was taken. D|C will serve Noti§e of Suspension upon receipt of test results. lNSTRUCT|ONS TO RECE|VING LAB: lt is necé"'ssary to provide a copy of the results of the analysis of this specimen, certified to by affidavlt, to DPS, Driver improvement and Control, PO Box 4040, Austin, TX 7e7e5404o. - Defendant's Name: Maff`r 3 (`\/\M'\-tr tim . (i_asr) t - (First) l - (Mlddre) oL# or torn /177 23 q g state: ` 2 >< City and County of Arrest: . Smi~\/i,\ Court v (City) . (Counfy) /` Arresting Officer JO\N\U C>or!\,.\`\r\ bias pier 3 l 57 Badge # (Name and Agency) Type of Specimen Received '(check one): _A; Biood Urine (if urine, go to #4) ' /` (1) Name and Occu`pation of person who withdrew biggd: Ce\ic \orrlc.r\ Clrcle one: 1. Physlcian 3. Licensed Vocational Nurse 4. Qualified Technician 5. Chemist (2) Date and Time Blood Withdrawn: 91 lq'O(” ~ (Date) 31/0 (Time) egistered Professlonal Nurse' @/PM (3) l-iospita| or Piace-Biood Withdrawn'i:mir 7;)<0.: Mr.&'rus\ Ce/t.\¢»r Tl./Jr ‘r>( (4) Prior to submission to the lab, the specimen was stored in: 1) E(Evidence Lockbox 2) i:i Other 3) l:l Not applicable - immediate submission to lab R\,{O\r\ C,Or\o\t`~j 7;00‘0_1( I \ \ - \ (5) Name of Person Submitting Specimen to Lab: /[:1}€,4’ be$ (`FM L,l>~ls - (Nam‘e of Lab) ?'0l Y?oi< B?"L§c; (Address of Lab) T//ef (City) ' (6) B|ood Specimen "S'ubmitted to: by mail \/ (7) Date Submitted to Lab: _ ' lL/'O[»i or in person , , Texas