Read, Robert Bruce Jr.

CLERK. COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS OF TEXAS P.O. Box 12308, Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711 September 9, 2015 RE: Writ No. WR-80,769-01 Ex parte Rob:rt Bruce Read, Jr. Dear Clerk, Please advise me of the precise date of the Court's order denying the.applica-' tion in the above-numbered and styled cause. I a~ in need of this specific date for federal habeas corpus (28 U.S.C. § 2254) purposes. The "whitecard" no- tice that I receivedfrom your office states only that the application was denied, but does not indicate the date on which such denial actually occurred. Thank you for your time and kind assistance in this matter. ~ Robert Bruce Read, Jr. TDCJ No. 1568901 fAfECfE~VED ~N COURT OF CRliVIINAI APPEALS SEP 14 2U') F.M. Robertson Unit 12071 FM 3522 Abilene, TX 79601 Applicant, pro se ...~.. RBRj I file