Febus, Albert Junior

PD-1369-15 PD-1369-15 COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS Transmitted 10/20/2015 2:25:33 PM Accepted 10/21/2015 3:02:23 PM No. ABEL ACOSTA CLERK IN THE TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS No. 0l -14-00942-CR In the FirstCourtof Appeals ofTexas Albert Juni,orFebus,Appellant v. The State ,of Texas, Appellee Appellant's Petitionfor DiscretionaryReview JeraldK. Graber TSB # 08240320 917Franklin,Suite510 Houston,Texas77002 Tel.713-224-232 graberlaw@sbcglobal. net October 21, 2015 Attomeyfor Appellant StatementRegardingOral Argument Appellantwaivesoral argum.ent. Identitv of Judge.Parties.and Counsel Pursuantto TEX. R. APP.P. 38.1(a),the followingpersonsareinterested parties: Appellant Mr. Albert F'ebus TDCJ # 01982328 HollidayUnit 295lH 45 North ,TX 77320 F{untsville l'rial Judge l'he HonorableStaceyBond 176'hDistrictCourt 1201Franklin f{ouston,Texas77002 Attorne),sfor State Mr. Kyle Watkins(in trial) Mr. Alan Cu.ry (on appeal) HarrisCountyDA's Office 6thFloor 1201Franklin,, Houston,Texas77002 Attorneyfor Appellant Mr. AndreLigon (in trial) Mr. JeraldK. Graber(on appeal) 917Franklin,Suite510 I{ouston,Texas77002 Table of Contents Page STATEMENTRE,GARDINGORI\L ARGLII\4ENT 2 IDENTITYOFJLIDGE, PARTIES., AND COLNSEL a J TABLEOF CONTENTS 4 INDEXOF AUTHORITIES 5 STATEMENTOF THE CASE STATEMENTOF PROCEDURAI- HISTORY APPELLANT'SGROUNDFORRI,VIEW 8 REASONFORREVIEWINGGROLNDFORREVIEW 8 ARGUMENT 9 CONCLUSION andPRAYERFOlt RELIEF 14 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE l5 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE t5 lndex of Authorities Cases Page Brook v. State, 3 2 3 S .W.3 d8 9 3 ,8 9 5 (Tex.Cr im. App.2010) 10 Ervin v. State, 331S.W.3 d 49,55(Tex.App.-Houston[1stDist.] l0 2010,pet.refd) Green v. State, 350 S.W.3d617 (Tex. App.--Houston [1st Dist.] 2010,pet. refd) ll Jaclcsonv. Virginia, L. Ed.2d 560(1979) 443U.S.307,99 S.Ct.2781,61 10 Kingv. State, 895S.W.2d701,703(Tex.Crim.App. 1995) l0 Laster v. State, 275 S.W.3d 512,517(Tex.Crim.App. 2009) l0 Reyesv. State, 96 S.W.3d603,605(Tex.App.-Houston [1stDist.] 2002,pet.refd) u Williamsv. State, (Tex.Crim.App. 2007) 235 S.W.3d742,750 10 In re Winship, 3 9 7U . S .3 5 8 ,3 6 1 ,9 0 S .C t . 1 0 6 8 1 , 07r, 2 s L . E d . 2 d 3 6 8( 1 9 7 0 ) 10 Statutes.Codesand Rules Tex.CodeCrim.Proc.art.62.055(,2) T'ex.CodeCrim.Proc.art.62.102 Tex.Pen.Code$6.03(a) Tex.Pen.Code$6.03(b) T'ex.R. App.Proc.66.3(c) and(f) To the HonorableCourt of Criminal Appeals: Statementof the Case Appellantwas chargedby indictmentwith the felony offenseof failure to comply with sex offender registrationrequirements.(CR 6). Appellant entereda pleaof not guilty andthe casewastried beforea jury. (RR III 7). The jury foundappellantguilty. (CR 83; RR III 156).After a sentencing hearingto which appellantpled "true" to the two punishmentenhancement paragraphs, thejury sentenced appellantto 35 yearsin prison.(CR 90; RR IV 5,21). Appellanttimely filed a writl.ennoticeof appeal.(CR 94). The trial right of appeal.(CR 96). courtcertifiedthe defendant's Statementol' Procedural History On October15,2015,a panelof the FirstCourtof Appealsissuedan unpublishedopinion affirming the trial court's judgment in this case. Appellantfiles this first petitionfor discretionaryreview with this Court. Appellant's Ground for Review The evidenceis insufficient to supportthe conviction for the felony offenseof failure to comply with sex offenderregistrationrequirementssince the evidence conclusively establishesa reasonabledoubt as to whether appellantintentionallyor knowingly failed to comply with the Texas Sex Offender RegistrationProgram,as,chargedin the indictment.The Court of Appealsrelianceon Robinsonv. Sitate,No. PD-0421-14,2015WL 4068109 (Tex. Crim. App. July I ,2015) is in error sincethe indictmentrequiredthe Stateto prove, beyonda reasonabledoubt, that appellantintentionally or movedateandnew address. knowingly failedto providehis anticipated Reasonfor ReviewingAppellant's Ground for Review The lowerCouft'sruling shouldbe reviewedpursuantto Tex. R.App. P. 66.3(c)and(f). Argument Pursuantto TexasCode of Criminal Procedurearticles62.055(a) and 62.102,the indictmentin this caseallegedthat appellant,on or aboutMarch convictionfor indecencywith a child 14,2013,as a personwith a repofl:able and subject to the Texas Sex Offender RegistrationProgram, and while intendingto changehis residentialaddress,intentionally and knowingly failed to timely provide in personthe defendant'santicipatedmove date and by failing to provide said new addressto the Houston Police Department,, infbrmation in personat least sevendays before the defendant'schangeof address.(CR 6); Tex. Code Crim. Proc. arts. 62.055(a)and 62.102. As chargedin this case,a personacts intentionally,or with intent,with respectto the natureof his conductor to a resultof his conductwhen it is his conscious objectiveor desireto engagein the conductor causethe result.(CR 78); Tex. Pen.Code $6.03(a).Also, a personactsknowingly,or with knowledge,with respectto the nature of his conduct or to circumstancessulrounding his conduct when he is aware of the nature of his conduct or that the exist.A personactsknowingly,or with knowledge,with respect circumstances to a result of his conductwhen tre is aware that his conduct is reasonably ceftainto causethe result.(CR 78); Tex. Pen.Code$6.03(b). The Jacksonv. Virginia legal-sufficiencystandardis the only standard that a reviewing court should appty in determiningwhetherthe evidenceis sulficient to support each element of a criminal offense that the State is doubt. Brooltsv. State,323 S.W.3d requiredto prove beyonda reasorLable Virginia,443U.S.307,99S. Ct. 893,895(Tex.Crim.App.2010);.tacksonv. 2781,61L. Ed.2d 560,(1979). Llnderthisstandard, evidenceis insufficient all the recordevidencein the light most to supporta convictionif,,considerirng favorableto the verdict, no rational factfinder could have found that each essentialelement of the chargedoffense was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Jacksonv. State,443u.S. at319,99 S. Ct. at 2789;In re l|rinship,397 u . s . 3 5 8 , 3 6 1 , 9 0S . C t . 1 0 6 8 1, 0 7 1 , 2 5 L . 8 d . 2 d3 6 8( 1 9 7 0 )L; a s t e r vS. t a t e , 275 S.W.3d512,517(Tex.Crim. App. 2009);Williamsv. State,235S.W.3d 742, 750 (Tex. Crim. App. 2007).Viewed in a light favorableto the verdict, the evidenceis insufficientwheneither:(1) the recordcontainsno evidence,or merelya "modicum"of evidence,probativeof an elementof the offense;or doubt.Lasterv. State, a reasonable (2) the evidenceconclusivelyestablishes 275 S.W.3d at 518. This standardapplies equally to both direct and evidence. circumstantial S.W.2d701,703 (Tex.Crim.App. King v. St,zte,895 1995);Ervin v. State,331 S.W.3d 49, 55 (Tex. App.-Houston [1st Dist.] 2010,pet.refd). l0 In this case, there is no dispute conceming whether appellantwas requiredto registeras a sex offender.The only issue is whether the State proved,beyonda reasonabledoubt,that appellantintentionallyor knowingly failedto registerhis intendedaddresschange,as chargedin the indictment.See Greenv. Stctte,350S.W.3d617 ('Iex. App.-Houston Ilst Dist.] 2010,pet. ref'd);Reyesv. State,96 S.W.3d603,605 (Tex.App.-Houston [1st Dist.] 2002,pet. refd) (statingthat a culltablementalstateis requiredfbr failure to registerviolations).The Court of ,{ppealsrelianceon Robinsonv. State,No. WL 4068109(-fex.Crim. App. July 1, 2015)in affirming PD-0421-14,2015 the convictionis in error sincethe indictmentin appellant'scaseallegedthat Febus"while intending to changehis residentialaddress,intentionally and move anticipated knowingly failedto timely providein personthe defendant's dateand new addressto the HoustonPolice Department."(CR 6). Therefore, this caseis distinguishablefrom Robinsonv. Statesincethe Statewas required to prove that Febushad a culpablemental statewhen failing to provide the comect addresssince it was an element charged in the indictment that specifically modifled appellant's failure to act. Id. Thus, the holding in Robinsonis not dispositiveof this qase. The evidenceat trial shor,vedthat appellantwas convicted of the felony offense of indecencywith a child in 2001 and receiveda prison l1 sentenceof eight years.(RR III 88-91; SX- 16). Becauseof that felony conviction,appellantwas requireclto abideby the rules of sexualoffender registrationupon his releasefrom prison. (RR III I I I ; SX- I 7). Appellant cornpliedwith the registrationrules during his pre-release and releasefrom prison in 2009 by listing his addresson GlenmontDrive in Houston,Texas. (RR III 111; SX-17,18).From 2009until 2013,appellant compliedwith the registrationprogram by registerirrgwith the Houston Police Deparlment (HPD). (RR III 3 l). On August 21, 2012, appellantcompliedwith the registrationprogramby updatinghis registrationand listing an addressof 6110 GlenmontDrive, apartment57. (RR III ll6; SW-32).The apartment manager fbr the La Hacienda r\partmentsexplained that this complex of two buildings,6100Glenmontand 61I 0 Glenmont.(RR lIl 62). corrsisted On March 6, 2013, appellantwent to HPD to comply with the registrationprogramsincehe intendedto move to a different apaftmentin the same apartmentcomplex, La Hacienda.(RR III 99-104). Appellant intendedto changehis registrationfrom 6110 Glenmont,apartment57 to show his intendednew aparlmentat La Hacienda Apartmentsof 6100 Glenmont,apartment45. (RR III 99-104).Appellant specificallytold the registrationofficer that he intendedto move to 6100 Glenmont,apaftment 45, but the March 6,2013 registrationform mistakenlylisted an addressof 12 6110 Glenmont,apartment45, not the 6100 Glenmont,apartment45 as by appellant.(RR III 20-25,52,99-l0a; SX- 1). intendedandrequested On October 27, 2013, Officer C.R. Black, with HPD's Sexual OffenderCompliancelJnit, checkedwhetherappellantwas complyingwith the registrationprogramand actuatlyliving at 6110Glenmont,apartment45. (RR fII 34-42).Officer Black indicatedthat his investigationshowedthat appellantwas not living at 6110Glenmont,apartment45 at that time. (RR rrr43). that appellantintendedto properly In this case,the evidenceestablished comply with all of the requirementsof the Texas Sex Offender Registration from prison in 2009,upon his releasefrom Programduring his pre-release notiflcation.Any prison in 2009, and into 2013 upon his change-of-address in appellant'slast listedaddressand/orapartmentnumberwere discrepancies merely a negligentmistakeon the:behalf of the registeringauthority and/or appellant. Since appellant maintaineda residencein the same apaftment complex,but a differentbuilding,after his changeof addressin 2013, it is that a mistakecoulclbe made.Therewas no intentby appellant understandable to evadehis dutiesto properly registeras a sex offenderin 2013.Therefore, the evidencedoes not establishbeyond a reasonabledoubt that appellant intentionallyor knowingly failed to timely provide in personthe defendant's l3 anticipatedmove date and new addressto the Houston Police, by failing to provide said informationin personat leastsevendaysbeforethe defendant's changeof address.Thus, no rational factfinder could have found that each essentialelement of the chargedoffense was proven beyond a reasonable doubt. This caseis distinguishablefrom Robinson v. Statesincethe Statewas required to prove that Febus had a culpable mental state when failing to providethe comectaddresssincei1.was an elementchargedin the indictment that specificallymodified appellant'sfailure to act. Thus, the holding in Robinsonis not dispositiveof this oase. Conclusionand PraYer Appellantpraysthat this HonorableCourtgrantAppellant'sPetitionfor of the Courtof Appeals,andacquit Review,reversethe clecision Discretionary Appellant. Submitted, Respectfully -4 '-'i i f w