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Anrhun'f ~hi,n(7 Na1~'1n. TN THE TE'KitJ' Cc:llA rz 7 F
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5~tc. o.? 7e~1 J Wilhtt~ \RlECfE~VfED ;~M
S'trp\-t(ns.J Dife.\...1or TOG1
JUL 16 2015
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haf .PdeJ o. do.ifl> ot a c. t(A.a( imuunte ilr" /ell T.llA, f. fl,o7 ,-n ca "'Je
niArrt ber w fl-7' J s tCj -:o 7, #lovafl1 ha r j CAJr rece)veJ Gtn a.f/,Jt?tvir Pro,...,
Cth or~rnAf e...., e. 'Witn~fl. who"' the Pro{eU{tvl' WnCeAieJ inlarm&4, t-IVYJ \NJ, il~
Wu111lJ hc.cve. de.(lor/7 sJ..own /VIovanr w~f lnnoceat. Said J c((Gou/1 r
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I, Emily Elizabeth Norman, do hereby make the following statements under penalty of perjury.
(1) On the· weekend of 11/28/2008 I was at home with my mother, Leydis. Viche'
·Hernandez, and my new baby brother, John Anthony Norman. ·
(2) My father, Anthony Whitney Norman, had left home on Friday afternoon,
11128/2008; with my other brother, Michael Antonio Norman.
(3) I believe tlrey went to Dallas.
(4) Over the weekend, I went for walks with my mother and watched her speak to the
neighbors across the street.
(5) At night on Sunday through Monday, my mother told me to take a nap for a few
hours. Later I heard a loud noise. I was upstairs.
(6) I came down stairs to see what was happening. Then, I saw Mommy on the floor
dead and a gun.
(7) My daddy was not at home, and I ran upstairs and hid in my mommy's and daddy's
(8) When my daddy came back, he called me to come to him, so I did.
. (9) My daddy called the police, and when they came, they asked me a bunch of
(10) Then I had to get in the ambulance.
(11) Then I rode back to my Grandmother's house.
(12) Then my cousin came and a policeman came, then the policeman took me and my
brother, Michael to CPS along with my cousin.
(13) Then they asked me a lot of questions. I answered the questions.
(14) When I was finished, I had to go with Grandma.
(15) When I got to grandma's house I was crying super much.
(16) When the police came back they asked me some question to check ifl said the same
. words, and I did.
·( 17) The next day, more policemen came and asked me a few more questions, ~;~me of
them were hard to answer, but I answered the other questions.
(18) Some of the questions were ... Where was your dad? Did. you see the whole thing ...
Did your daddy kill your Mom?
(19) My dad was not at home when my mother died.
(20) I was upstairs waiting for hours for him to come home.
Affidavit sayeth further not.
~ £~e.\\, Jvo-c rno fl
Emily Elizabeth Norman ·
State of Texas
County of Harris
Signed under oath before me on·--s-v...\'1 ~ ?b\S .by ~-;,.,\'1 E \~"La_\a~ ~~"YY""~Cl"'-
Respondent, personally known to me and/for identified byb,~~~ \.e~~.\'Lc..\e.. ~w~-\v,t'"=>S
Notary Public, State of Texas