Into 'The United st·ates Co"~stitutionAL'Cciurt Of The ~exas Couit Of Criminal. Appeals And Its Justicesr.Supreme Court Building,20l - W~st 14th Street,room l06,Austin Texas 78711 RECEIVED IN Delivence,Andre Sims,Pro Se, ~Appl~~ant-Relator Ed~~:s~~~aker;Intryd~~s: Joshua V~nc~nt-Intern,~Hkon~n FOR what) A~dre~ J. Sm1 th (or co-s1gner-), as Assist, I § ..v . C1 1 1 A .COURT OF CRIIIIIINAL APPEALS ct1on Nu: Inre: Tr. Ct. Rd. #~Y~slJ9 ~015 Pleading for a writ of mandamus D1str1ct Attorney to Harris County,Texaa, And Compl uso~~~..Ql~rkm J