4/28/2015 5:24:57 PM
Appellate Docket Number: t4-14-007?2-(~V
Appellate Case Style: Fthaled Alzitt~r
1~a5 Holdings, Inc.
Compznion Case No.: 14th COURT OF APPEALS
4/28/2015 5:24:57 PM
Amended/coi7~ected statement: DOCKETING STATEMENT (C1vi1)
Appellate CourC: l ~ fli Coixrt ~f Appeals
(to be filed in the court of ap~~cals upon perlcction oCappcal under TRAP'32)
I. Appellant Il. A}>pcllant Attorneys)
Person ❑ (?rganization (choose one) ~ Lead Attorney
First Name: }3rian
First Name: Khaled Middle Na1ne:
Middle Name: Last Name: Kellen
Last Naine: Alattar Suffix:
Suffix: ~ Law 1^in77 Nan7e:Faubus Kcllcr & l3iutord, I,.L.P.
Pro Se: ~ Address L 1001'1'e~as Ave, I ltti 1~`l~~i~
Address 2:
City: IIouston
State: I'e~as %i~~+4: 77002
Telephone: (713) 222-6400 cst,
~~~ax: (713} 222-72~~0
email: bricd copy of aftida~it, and extension motion if filed.)
Affidavit filed in trial court: ❑Yes ~ No If yes, dlte filed:
Contest filed in trial court: ❑1'es ❑ Nn If yes, date filed:
Date ruling on contest due:
Ruling on contest: ❑Sustained ❑Overruled Date of ruling:
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IIzs any party to the court's judgment filed for protection in bankruptcy which might affect this appeal? ❑Yes ~ Nn
If yes, please attach a copy of the petition.
Date bankruptcy filed: Bankruptcy Case Number:
X. Trial Court And Record
Court: 1 13th Judicial District court Clerk's Record:
County: Harris
Trial Court Clerk ~ District ❑County
Ti~~l Com•t Docket Nmnber(Cause No.): 2O12-S~tSb 1 Was clerk's record requested? ~ Yes ❑ No
If yes, date requested: C)ctotxr 8, 2014
Trial Judge(who tried or disposed of case): If no, date it will be requested:
First Name: Michael Were payment arrangements made with clerk?
Middle Name: Yes ~No Indigent
.Last Name: Lanclsum
(Note: Nn request required under TRAP 34.5(a),(b))
Address 1: 201 C3i-oline, lOthFloor
Address 2
Ciry: Iloustoi,
State: l~e~as ~,il~ + 4: 77002
'Telephone: (713} 368-6113 cat.
Reporter's or Recorder's Record:
Is there a reporter's record? ~ Yes ❑ No
Was reporter's record requested? ~ Yes ❑ No
Was there a reporter's record electronically recorded? ~ yes ❑ No
If yes, date requested:
If no, date it will be requested:
Were payment arrangements made with the court reporter/court recorder? yes ❑ No Indigent
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Court Reporter ~ Court Recorder
❑ Official ~ Substitute
First Name: Michelle
Middle Name:
Last Name: Miller
Address 1: 1225 North Loop West, Suite 32~
Address 2:
City: Houston
State: 1'e~as Zip + 4: 77008
Telephone: (713j 581-779) ext.
l~~aY: (866) 954-0364
~. Supersedexs Bond
Supersedeas bond filed:~Yes ~ No If yes, date filed:
Will file: ❑Yes ~ Nn
XI. E.rtraordinaY~~ Rclicf
Will you request extraordinary relief(e.g. temporary or ancillary relied from this Court? ❑Yes ~ Nn
If yes, briefly state the basis for your request:
XIi. Alternati~~e Dispute Resolution/Muliation (Complete section if ding in the 1st, 2nd,4th,5th,6tli, Soh, 9fh, 10th, llt1~,12th,13th,
or kith Court of Appeal)
Should this appeal be refcircd to mediation? ~ yes ~ No
If no, please speeify:`l'hc issues raixe~i in ttzis ~~ppc;~l Ire juriscJietio~~al, anc.i d~> rlot tear on the sut>~tanti~~e claims asserted.
Has the case been through an ADR procedure? ❑Yes ~ No
If yes, who was the mediator?
What ty~x of ADR procedure?
At what stage did the case go through nl~K'1 ~ Pro-7~ri~~l ❑ P<,st-'l~r;.,l ❑ Othor
If other, please specify
Type of case? Other
Give a brief description of the issue to be raised on appeal, the relief sought, and the applicable standard for• review, if known (without
prejudice to the right to raise additional issues or• request additional retiefl:
"1']tc fundamental istiues are rare whether Personal jurisdiction over the defe~~dant i~~as already established, ~md wl~ctlier the trial cx>urt should hive
enforced previously ordc;red itirisdiction< Jinstin I_,T_C, and Far Lzst St~~~tegies 7,LC
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VIII. Related Matters
List any pending or past related appeals before this or any other 'Texas appellate court by court, docket number, and style.
Docket Nwnber: 14-13-01026-L V T'riai Court: 113th Juclici~31 District Court
Style: khaledAl~ttar
Vs. Melia IIuttner Ilactiadorizn
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~~IV. Pro Bono Program:(Complelc section if filing in ttic 1st, 3rd, 5th, or i 4tli C~rurts of Appeals)
The Courts of l~ppeals listed above, in conjunction with the State Bar of Texas Appellate Section Pro ]3ono Committee and local I3ar
Associations, ai•e conducting a program to place a limited ntuliUer of civil appezls with appellate counsel who will represent the appellant in
the appeal before this Court.
The Pro Bono Committee is solely responsible for screening and selecting the civil cases for inclusion in the Program based upon a munber of
discretionary criteria, including the financial means of the appellant or appellee. If a case is selected by the Committee,and can be matched
with appellate counsel, that counsel will take over representation of the appe111nt or' appellee without charging legal fees. More infornl~tion
regarding this program can be found in the Pro Bono Program Pamphlet zvailable in paper form at the Clerk's Office or on the Internet at If your case is selected and matched with a volunteer lawyer, you will receive a letter from the Pro Bono Conunittee within
thirty (30) to forty-five (45) days after submitting this Docketing Statement.
Note: there is no guarantee that if you submit your case for possible inclusion in the Pro Bono Program, the Pro Bono Conunittee will select
your case and that pro bono counsel can be found to re~~resent you. !Accordingly, you should not forego seeking other counsel to represent you
in this proceeding. By signing your name below, you are authorizing the Pro Bono committee to transmit publicly available i'acts and
infornlation about your case, including plrties end background,through selected Internet sites and Listsery to its pool of volunteer appellate
Do you want this case to be considered for inclusion in the Pro Bono Program? ❑ Yes ~ No
Do you authorize the Pro Bono Committee to contact your trial counsel of record in this matter to answer questions the committee may have
regarding the appeal? ❑ I'es 0 Nn
Please note that any such conversations would be maintained as confidential by the Pro Bono Committee and the information used solely for
the purposes of considering the case for inclusion in the Pro Bono Program.
If you have not previously filed an affidavit of Indigency and attached afile-stamped copy of that affidavit, does yoiu~ income exceed 200% oP
the U.S. Department of Health Ind Human Services Federal Poverty Guidelines? 0 Yes ~ No
These guidelines can be found in the Pro Bono Program Pamphlet as well as on the Internet at llt~~'~~~~;.€~(ls.<.;ot~>~~o~ ~-3 i~~ iifi~o er t~_shtrl~l
nre you willing tv disclose your financial circumstances to the Pro Bono Committee? ❑ Z'es ~ No
If yes, please attach an Affidavit of Indigency completed and executed by the appellant or appellee. Sample forms may be found in the Clerk's
Office or on the Internet at l ~i i~?_~~ ~.i ~~ .ie~_<~~>,c>T~. Your participation in the Pro Bono Program may be conditioned upon your execution of
an affidavit under oath as to your finai7cial circumstances.
Give a brief description of the issues to be raised on appeal, the relief sought, and the applicable standard of review, if known (without
prejudice to the right to raise zdditional issues or request additional relies; use a separate attaclunent, if necessary).
Signahu•e of counsel (or pro se party) Date: Apri128, 2015
Printed Name: I3iian Koller State Bar No.: 00784376
Electronic SignatLire: /Brian Keller
XVI. Cei•titicat~~ of Sci~~ice
'The undersigned counsel certifies that this docl;ctin~ statement has been served on the following lead cotuzsel for all parties to the trial
court's order or judgment as follows on npri128, 2~ 15
Signature of coui7sel (or pro se party) Iilectronie Signature: /13rinn Keller
State Bar No.: 00784376
Person Served
Certificate of Service Requirements(TRAP 9.5(e)): A certificate of service must be signed by the person who made the service and must
(1) the date and manner of service;
(2)the name and address of each person served, and
(3)if the person served is a party's attorney, the name of the party represented by that attorney
Please enter the following for each person served:
llate Served: April 28, 2015
Manner Served: eSer~~ad
First Name:
Middle Name: Randle
Last Name: Ilenderson
Law Firm Name:T. ~~~it~dle Henderson, Attorney at I,aw
Address 1: 165f16 I~M ~2I
Address 2:
City: IIouston
State Texas L,ip+~: 77095
Telephone: (713) 870-8:358 cat.
Fax: 0281) 758-054.5
T'mail: ji~h,~hendersonrand~ .com
If Attorney, Representing Party's Name: Kay I-~oidings, Inc.
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