CASE NO. 44799-B STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF FILED IN § 6th COURT OF APPEALS vs. § TEXARKANA, GREGG COUNTY, TEXASTEXAS § 8/28/2015 7:48:00 AM GERIMIE MILTON AGUILERA § 124TH JUDICIALDEBBIE AUTREY DISTRICT ClerkFIL GREGG CO NOTICE OF APPEAL TO THE HONORABLE COURT: ~·~yF"'lf>lPtlq~, Notice is hereby given that the Defendant, GERIMIE MILTON AGUILEIQ~~~~~ case to the Sixth Court of Appeals in Texarkana. Respectfully submitted, SNOW E. BUSH, JR., P .C. 420 N. Center Street Longview, TX 75601 PHONE: (903) 753-7006 FAX: (903) 753-7278 E-MAIL: JO ATHANWHARTON S'L~TE BAR NO. 24075764 TORNEY FOR DEFENDANT CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing was served on the D~tric~ ,1!orney's Office of Gregg County, counsel for appellee, on this the d. V day of ~· 2015, by mail. CASE NO. 44799-B STATE OF TEXAS § IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF § vs. § GREGG COUNTY, TEXAS § GERIMIE MILTON AGUILERA § 124TH JUDICIAL DIS'f~IH~ T DESIGNATION OF RECORD TO THE HONORABLE COURT: COMES NOW GERIMIE MILTON AGUILERA, Defendant in this case, and pursu Tex. R. App. Pro. § 34.6(b), designates the following portions of the Reporter's Record for appeal: The entirety of the hearing on August 13, 2015, including the waiver of jury trial, the guilty plea, and the sentencing hearing. WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Defendant respectfully requests that the Court Reporter forward the aforementioned materials to the Sixth Court of Appeals in Texarkana. Respectfully submitted, SNOW E. BUSH, JR., P .C. 420 N. Center Street Longview, TX 75601 PHONE: (903) 753-7006 FAX: (903) 753-7278 E-MAIL: jonathanwharton CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing was served on the DiTct _tttomey's Office of Gregg County, counsel for appellee, on this the l:j_ day of ~' 2015, by mail. Snow E. Bush, Jr., P. C. Attomey and Counselor at Law Snow E. Bush, Jr. 420 North Center Street Board Certified Longview, Texas 75601 Texas Board of legal Specialization Tel. (903) 753-7006 Civil Trial law and Fax (903) 753-7278 Personal Injury Trial law E-Mail: Jonathan Wharton E-Mail: jonathanwharton! licensed in Texas and New York August 25, 2015 Barbara Duncan Gregg County District Clerk P. 0. Box 711 Longview, TX 75606 Re: State of Texas v. Gerimie Milton Aguilera; In the District Court of Gregg County, Texas, \ I 1241h Judicial District; Cause No. 44799-B Dear Ms. Duncan: Enclosed please find the original and one (1) copy of the following documents for filing in the above-captioned matter: I f I 1. 2. Designation of Record; and Notice of Appeal. I i Please return file-marked copies via the enclosed self-addressed, stamped envelope. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. I l i ! Sincerely, GZOO(LJed- Rose West Legal Assistant to Jonathan Wharton /rw enclosures cc: District Attorney's Office (via facsimile (903) 236-8490) Gregg County Courthouse 101 E. Methvin, Suite 333 Longview, TX 7560