Mary E. Allen v. Wells Branch Self Storage

(jV\ft^ E. ftlte^Tf,                         S ^W ^^iioira District
                                                  Ct>uvV of Appeals
                                                           May 27, 2015

             1 8 Z015

        JEFFREY P. KYLE /      ftPPd\cm-t- FYVHon €X-Ven^d "RmfPr^
                                   ^-trojmng) order

1^«-Pilous Vt>Yr^Wj »riL l^nck^tjp Starve Oxn^te-^^vxi u^c For &*p»W
5HF.156 (Wfiten/fetco W>>
                                                                       May 27, 2015
                        Certificate of Conference
                    [sample; required in civil cases only]

       As required by Texas Rule of Appellate Procedure 10.1(a)(5), I certify
that I have conferred, or made a reasonable attempt to confer, with all other
partiescwhich are listed belowcabout the merits of this motion with the                      .
following results: Connft, AWr~ ^/f//zWe^ tb*^n LcJ/*r*7\$9%>
           [name of party=s attorney or name of pro se party]
                       G/      opposes motion
                       G       does not oppose motion
                       G       agrees with motion
                       G       would not say whether motion is opposed
                       G       did not return my message regarding the motion

     [repeat for each party]

                               [Signature^ certifying attorney or pro se party]

                                5J3 l/lDlsr

Note: Pursuant to Texas Code of Judicial Conduct Canon 3(B)(8), do not
confer with the trial judge regarding the motion in an original proceeding in
which the trial judge is the respondent.

                                                                  f RECEIVED'
                                                                       MAY 2 7 2015
                                                                   LTHIRD COURT OFAPPEALS.
                                                                   \   JEFFKEYP.KYIE
     '^jfao C£AJ^A^t^L^^j/OnlMMv£^
                  Q/yy\ U^ Cd*

ffaA/?fo^ in de&o /wtsff&e-

                                                              .                [signature]
                           CERTIFICATE OP SERVICE
  Icertify that atrue copy of
                           of the^ove
                              the ajxjve Motion to Extend Temporary Restraining
Order has this day been served                  [electronically    transmission to an
»i„^™,:„ er           •      red" 'frfcX
                                      '•"       LcrcraronieaHy by
                                                                oy transmission to an
electronic filing service provider for service through the state's electronic filing
manager or mperson or by mail by depositing it in the mail postpaid and properly
addressed or by commercial delivery service by depositing it with the commercial
delivery service naid and nmnm-lir «aa^«^a         i   *!^i   -    -                    .
                                                                       (RcL 114-9/2014 Pub.719)
May 27, 2015
       Ucijfc d\ %Mul

         /^ l(0^rJ4^^L

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