Hari Prasad Kalakonda and Latha Kalakonda v. Aspri Investments, LLC

From, Han Prasad Kalakonda Date: June s-, 2015 FILED IN Latha Kalakonda 4th COURT OF APPEALS SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 5002, Newcastle Ln, 6/8/2015 3:38:18 PM San Antonio, Texas -78249 KEITH E. HOTTLE Clerk Tel: 210 687 4988 email: smfoodmart@yahoo.com To Mr. Keith E. Hottle Clerk of Fourth Court of Appeals Cadena-Reeves Justice Center 300, Dolorosa, Ste. 3200 San Antonio, TX - 78205 Ref: 1. Cause No: 04-15-00340-CV, Hari Prasad Kalakonda and Latha Kalakonda v. Aspri Investments, 2. Cause No: 04-15-001 14-CV, Hari Prasad Kalakonda and Latha Kalakonda v. Aspri Investments, 3. Appeals court order dated June 3rd 2015 for cause no. 04- 15-00114-CV. Dear Mr. Hottle, Pursuant to court order 3rd cited above, appellants respectfully submit the following facts as proof of completion of the orders of the court contemporaneously with this letter. I) Amended notice of appeal has been filed. 2) A docketing statement has been filed. 3) An appellate fee of$195.00 has been paid. 04-15-00340-CV Page 1 4) The court also ordered that the appellants request reporters and clerk record. The appellants have already requested all the reporters' records (vide our letter dated 5/7/2015) which have already been submitted to the court towards appeals cause no: 04-15-00114-CV. The clerk's record (requested vide our letter dated 5/12/2015) may arrive at any moment(if not already arrived) as all the arrangements have already been made. In this regard, we respectfully request you to copy all the record , including the one that belonged to appeals cause no: 04-15-00114-CV into present appeals cause no: 04-15-00340-CV and vice versa so that both appeals are in sync with each other both clerk's and reporters record wise. Sincerely, -Ltt-v- I sdl Latha Kalakonda Hari Prasad Kalakonda Latha Kalakonda CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE We certify that on June 8t h, 2015, a true and correct copy of the foregoing letter was served on the following counsel of record via Eservice. Mr. Frederick L. FUhr, The Fuhr Law Firm 107 Landing Blvd., Suite F League City, Texas 77573 Mr. Eric Lipper Hirsch & Westheimer PC 1415 Louisiana, 36th Floor Houston, Texas 77002 I sdl Latha Kalakonda Appellants Hari Prasad Kalakonda and Latha Kalakonda 04-15-00340-CV Page 2