Sims, Gary Eugene

                         .-                           S5 ~q5--10
                    nJ··lH£ COURT OP CRimiNAL f/PPEALS o/T£X~JS,
                                                                                                                         \                                                                                             .
                   IN R£, t5f+f(Y.f-UgfflE !SimS\ ReLATOR File;
                                             P£TITI·ON FDK WIUT OF ffiANDArtJUS·
                  · RF-~ COUf{T fJF APPEALS FIFTfl D:r.STRICT OF 7F-XAS

                   . AT ·DA.LLI-LS , NUmBF:.R : 05-JS-007l-J 5-CV
            .- TRIAL COURT CASE NumBER: F-OOY545o-s :__
                :::~;.               •       1       •.,.                                                        •             t-."                                                                  ·'    '   •

                                 .       '       .            ...                                            .                    ' ·.: .       .             ·'   .   . .   .. '    .   .   .                     '           .:> .

                  To The -Honora hi~ .~udBe.. oP ~aid cour-1- \Now come·-r;,
                  EX Pctrfe ~ARY ~Uf5£NE·SJ.m~) ReJ.ator, In the above
                  s+vled and numb-erecl caus-e maxe/n' .
          I dlG c.[h'rt5,_In (/3-. dJCt~z_, bi:A >vVYci J;;l5-~SB
        · (1,ex, 14-rf'- Amor!J/o,:;.oo;, ori;;;~fn::>c~~
    .                    '                                                     This document contams so~e                                                                                        0\)\\1' Or c~\M\N"l A~P
                                                                               pages ~hat are. of P? r \~t)-\1Y-~                                                                                         ~EP 0 4 'lm5
    .                                                                                                                                                                                            ©                         .
            .                                                                  at the time of •magmg.,                                                                                                    \l

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                     courf sf-e:;tkis, I.n -fhe . /nsfo/11-'
   maHer'\ rhe feLord /oefore u.:s .su~~eeJ-:s. rh&··

   tri-al oourt- f'rc4:s not so acted on c.a:sh)>
   rnotlorJ in /fhe. a/m051- Five /YJon~J;>$ S/t1'(J&
   it wo?·fJ'led.rr7h/s Failure to Clef· Co11silf0/es .
   OYI    Qbas-e of cftscr~noYI '>> heC/oL/5e -/fie_,
:- tr/a/ a::url hc15 omi'nl5ferJ~I -·      .
    Enfer. a ru/l!rE7 w1~fhn a req:5ona-b/e. hm-e~
    tf)./l.1e cour+ of APPect/s c/ec~r!Y ilhus-ed 11-
        Discre. .tion, f3y ·n·o+ SD exercise /-t.S oc»YJ
        ma!1damu5 !lufhorltY /n- ord-er/~ fhr::.
    · ·f('/o/    /[JJUrf     to   St()   f{ufe   oYJ Sc1td mo/7on4
   ~1 ·~rne trlq) eour+- ctl>o !lhuq-ec/ /f- o;screit'on
      bY nof. so' Ru/e\W9 on :>~/'d /Jiohi:J/1 hYf/1/e
   . IYIDn+hs, uncler· Ln re                     C05h .99.sw~d!J&z:
    L~9lslD+ure- ho5 frescr1bed VJUr/sdl/C-h0f'1~
   To +he ~f-1- u~) V,' 7: C_,J4d GOVen1ffl'8P1-f.
   Code ~~~~;t.,~J (qilo) ~
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 I hY c-erhfl t-lra+ a frue 'and-
  COfYl p/e+e COPY oP .-1-he_ flo~ 901}?~ Wr/f
  oP-    ~nc~nda11u.s    vva:s   \11'2:4 reqv/~r
  n1/fAJ! -fo fhe /LOur-/- ol criYnin~/ aPPeals
  of ~ s a-f, /3, 0-v 6ox1 ~~~B1 CctP;~fo)
  .Sf;~f;o.(l J4U5f;/1 Uxa5 ~ 787/i/ BY
       GH~V- eU(geJVE ~rm·s, _sf·9YJ€7d Or/
       thtS .3l   daY t:Jf I1U9U31-,~0!S
                          ·...   ~       /D;J.'f'9'68

   und-0r -Pe11olfY ofJ P-erJury f?eJa-1-t:J·r
   d vel a res -/-m:;/-1-- Cl JI ~i-s P~-1-ed
   fn w·r/-1- CJ-ll fYIOI1d~nt/~ ·;rue_ t:71!d
 ·. Gorr't?/C/1-~ 5/'9J1-eo/ +h/sJI ole:f'v ofl
 .· J4LA"9LI5+1    ~OJS·,--~

  ReJS Pee fflui/Y suhm J~-1-ed, !3Y
  C,i4RY ~ugENE 3.IIJ1~" At 'J,f3;C£JJ1~/jy
  uni-1-) £ c;q, Fpml>32\ J