Timothy Onkst v. Jennifer Onkst

1)124828300 T-08~· · P0002/0003 F-318 Am y Warr Board Certified-Civil Appellate Law Texas Board o.lLegal Specialization Direct Dial 512.482.93 12 awan @adjtlaw. com July 2, 2015 Mr. Jef'fi'ey D . Kyle Via Facsimile: (512) 463J1685 C lerk, Third Court of Appeals PO Box 12547 Austin, Texas 787 11 Re: Court of Appeals No. 03-15-00308-CV Trial Court No. D-1-F:Vl-14-003084 Dear M'r. Kyk: The State Bnr of Texas Appellate Section Pro Bono Committee ("Committee") has m a d~ a match for the referenced case. The pro bono appellant is : Jennifer Onkst fNo address at this time ] Jonk st82(~)lotmail.com 5 ] 2-65J -6976 Tht. Committee appointed MMY Evelyn McNamara as the volunteer appell ate nttomcy. Her contact inform C~t ion is: lv1ary Evelyn McNamara 1209 \Vec.,t 5th Street, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78703 512-43q- /000 office 512-439.-7007 fax mem cn amar::lr~?Jriversmcnamara . com . \ l '>I I' I) \l I , ._, · l lt)l <, I()', 515 Con.~rc::s.:; .t'.v,~ nu~ . ~; tJ itf. 2350 4925 Gr<'<'n,; l!(• Avenue, Suite 51o 1844 Han1,1rd Street .'\.ustin, Texas 78701-3562 Dall'"• Td<:.S 7S::'06-t026 I-I ouston, Te-.xas 77008-434 2 ';'£ !. 512.482.9300 f'AX 512 .jo2 93(>3 '!L214369235g I'A.\2 1 ~.3692359 TE:.. / 13.5::!3.::!358 ~;....X ?U·S::!::!-4553 07-02-' 15 09:48 FROl~- ADJT LAW 5124829303 T-085. P0003/0003 F-3'\9 Mr. Jeffrey D. Kyle July 2~ 2015 Page2 Do not hesitate to call if you need any further information. averytruffrovvJ ~~IT Chair, Screening Cotnmittee cc; M:ary Evelyn McNamara 5124829303 07-02-' 15 08:48 FROM- ADJT LAIAI 5'124829303 T~085: P0001/0003 F-319 ALEXANDER DUBOSE JEFFERSON & TOWNSEND LLP BANK. OF AMERICA CENTER 515 CoNGRESS AVEt-nm., Smm 23 50 AUSTIN:t TEXAS ~7870 1 TELEPHONE: (512) 482-9300 TELECOPIER: (512) 482-9303 F.A.CSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET Date: July 2, 201.5 To: Jeffrey D. Kyle Fax No.: 512-463-1685 Fron1: Atuy WatT No. of pages (incl. cover sheet): 3 IMPORTANT: Tbls message is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain infol1lliltion that _is prhoileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agcut responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient~ you arc hereby noti1icd that any dissemination or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Jf you r~ccive this communication in error, please notify us inunediately by telephone, and return the original message to us at the above address via the United States Postal Service. Thank you. Notes/Contmeots: