in Re Jinsun LLC

ACCEPTED 14-15-00568-CV FOURTEENTH COURT OF APPEALS HOUSTON, TEXAS 7/6/2015 4:58:50 PM CHRISTOPHER PRINE CLERK NO. ______ In the Court of Appeals FILED IN 14th COURT OF APPEALS for the ___ District of Texas HOUSTON, TEXAS Houston, Texas 7/6/2015 4:58:50 PM CHRISTOPHER A. PRINE JINSUN LLC Clerk Relator ORIGINAL MANDAMUS PROCEEDING FROM THE 113TH JUDICIAL TRIAL COURT OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS TRIAL COURT CAUSE NO. 2012-54501 PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDAMUS - RECORD Respectfully submitted, /s/ Jason M. Hopkins Mary-Olga Lovett State Bar No: 00789289 Jason S. Lewis State Bar No: 24007551 Jason M. Hopkins State Bar No: 24059969 GREENBERG TRAURIG LLP 1000 Louisiana Street, Suite 1700 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone: (713) 374-3555 Facsimile: (713) 374-3505 Dated: July 6, 2015 ORAL ARGUMENT REQUESTED 1 MANDAMUS RECORD TAB DOCUMENT DATE A. Plaintiff’s Original Petition 09/18/2012 B. Plaintiff’s Nineteenth Amended Petition 05/22/2015 C. Plaintiff’s Motion to Quash Deposition of Wayne Dolcefino 06/19/2015 and Motion for Protective Order D. Jinsun’s Response to Motion to Quash Dolcefino Deposition 06/24/2015 E. Jinsun’s Supplemental Response to Motion to Quash 06/27/2015 Dolcefino Deposition F. June 16, 2015 email serving Jinsun’s First Amended 06/16/2015 Deposition Subpoena Duces Tecum G. Order quashing Dolcefino deposition 06/30/2015 2 TAB A Filed 12 September 18 P3:26 Chris Daniel- District Clerk Hanis County 2012-54501 / Court: 113 ED101J017084361 By: Charleta Johnson CAUSE NO._ KHALEÐ AI-ATTAR, s IN THE DISTRTCT COURI'OF s Plaintiff, s $ v. s $ HARRTS COUNTY, TEXAS KEVAN CASEY, FREDERICK s HUTTNER, ANSLOW & JACLIN, s LLP, AMIR MIR.ESKANDARI, $ TOP GEAR., INC. n/k/a $ LTIXBYARD, INC., JONATHAN s FRIBDLANDER, and SCOTT GANN, s s Defendants. s JUDICIAL DISTRICT P LAI NTI F F'S O" BI-G-JI.IAL P ETITI ON Plaintiff, I(haled Alattar, files this Original Petition against Defendants, Kevan Casey, Frederick Huttner, Anslow & Jaclin, LLP, Amir Mireskandari, Top Gear, Inc. nlkla Luxeyard, Inc., Jonailran Friedlander, and Scott Gann, and would show as follows: p rs covERY coNTRoL_PtAN 1. Plaintiff intends for discovery to be conducted under Level z of Rule 1Ço of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. PARTIE,S (\ q) 2. Plaintiff Khaied Alattar ("Alatlar") is an individual lesiding in Sugar Land, ôo cd tr I Fort Bend County, Texas. cô \o æ Ir- æ 3. Defendant Kevan Casey ("Casey") is an individual residing in Harlis iiC) County, Texas and may be served with process at B W. Broad Oaks Ðlive, Houston, -o E z Texas 7T056. c) E o Ê o q: L o 4. Defendant Frederick Huttner ("Huttner") is an individual residing in Harris County, Texas and may be served with process at 675 Bering Dlive, Suite zSoA, Houston, Texas TT056. 5. Defendant Anslow & Jaclin, LLP ("4&J") is a New Jersey limitecl liability partnership and may be served with process at r95 US Highway 9, Suite ao4, Englishtovrn, New Jersey oZZz6 by serving the Texas Secretary of State. 6. Defendant Amir Mireskandari ("Mileskandari") is an individual residing in Harris County, Texas and may be served with process at 455o Post Oal< Place, Suite 21o, Horiston, Texas TToz7. Z. Defendant Top Gear', Inc. n/k/a Luxeyard, Inc. ("Top Gear") is a Ðelaware corporation doing business in the State of Texas and rnay be served with process at Delar,r'are Business Incorporators, Inc., g4zz Old Capitol Trail, Suite 7oo, Wilmington, Delaware rg8o8 by serving the Texas Secretary of State. Top Gear is now knorvn as Luxeyard, Inc. and its stock trades under the syrnbol LUXR.I B. Defendant Jonathan Friedlander ("Friedlander") is an individual residing in Las Vegas, Nevada and may be served with plocess at S4gB Vegas Drive, *76t, Las Vegas, Nevada Bgro8 by serving the Texas Secletary of State. g. Defendant Scott Gann ("Gann") is an individual residing in Dallas, Texas c.ì o and may be served with process at 5zzo Spring Valley, Suite r95, Dallas, Texas TSzS4. o 9p Ê- I JUTUSpTCTION AND VBNUB \o cê Þ- oo 10. Julisdiction and venue are proper in Harris Coun$, Texas because o Defendants Kevan Casey, Frederick l{uttner, and Amil Mireskandari are resiclents of .! E z o 'Top Gear changecl its ¡lame to Lrrxeyard, fnc. orr January g, 2cl-2. 'lhe company narìe is bra¡rded as E o "Lr¡xeYarcl." o o o 2 Eo U I{arris County, Texas, and a substantial palt of the events or omissions giving rise to Plaintiffs claims occuned in Harris County, Texas. Fulther, Plaintiff seeks recovery in excess of the minimum jurisdictional limits of this Court. Additionalìy, Top Gear has had sufficient contacts with the State of Texas and has purposefullS' ¿uui1.U itself of the larn¿s of this State. To subject Top Geal to jurisdiction in Texas would not offend traditional notions of fair piay and justice. The causes of action against Top Geal arìse out of Top Gear's contacts with this State. A&J has had suffïcient contacts with the State of Texas and has purposefully availed itself of the larvs of this State. To sr"rbject A&J to jurisdiction in Texas wodd not offend tlaclitional notions of fair play and justice. The causes of action against A&J arise out of A&J's contacts witir this State . Fl'iedlandel has had sufficient contacts with the State of Texas and has purposefully availed himself of the laws of this State. To subject Friedlander to jurisdiction in Texas would not offend traditional notions of fair play and justice. The causes of action against Friedlander arise out of Friedlander's contacts with this State SUMMARY 11. This is a suit for fi'aud and related claims alising out of an illegal "puìtìp and duntp" stock schenre.' Defendants' carefulþ-6rchestrated plan involved a conspiracy to fraudulently acquire the stock of a small publicly traded cornpany, then c.l o artificially inflate - or' "purnp" - the price of its shares through aggressive aclvertising, Þo - or "duìrp" * tlre stock at the inflated plice. While such crimes 53 Ê- only to then rapidly sell aô æ t-- æ are unforlunately quite prevalent, what makes this particular scheme unusual is that the i.i C) underlying cornpany was a legitimate business. The fraucl in this instance was not so 'o E z c.) E ? http: //www.sec.gory'answers/pu mpdump.htrn o o o -o () .) Ë C) O much on an unsuspecting public as on the company's co-founders * Alattal and Mileskandari - whose business was essentially hijaclied by Defendants, 12. The success of Defendants' pump and durnp scheme is illustrated by the chart below, sÌrowing the track record of this "penny stock" duling the lelevant time period: : LUXR (Luxey6rd, lnt,) PlNt( o¿kCh¿*r 6 ,tê D tl ,tr 'l¡ ,t iì .6 I 1.4 1.1 .i .0 5r,ri' c¡¡i ,6 3kr j 2lvl i .4 I 1? 18 ?6 s1ô23 714 20Jul¡ 1 Jul 16 23 AugE 13. The dlamatic rise * and later fall - of the stock price as shov¿n in the above chait resuited in an approximately $3o,ooo,ooo.oo windfall in just 6o clays. Defenclants, and other unnamed co-conspiratoLs, r'eaped a huge benefit at Alattar's expense, whose own stock was restricted and thus could not be sold. Alattar seeì