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SECTION 2. Section 157.162(d), Family Code, as added by this Act, applies to a hearing to enforce an order in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship that commences on or after the effective date of this Act. A hearing that commences before the 17 a ( effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the ~\ i>é wife/th date the hearing commenced, and the former law is continued in l j::; 62>&;/’// https://|egiscan.comeX/text/H B364/2015 1/2 -effec; for that pur SECTION 3. https://|egiscan.com/'l'X/text/H B364/2015 Bi|| Text: TX H8364 l 2015-2016 | 841h Legis|ature | Engrossed | LegiScan . pose. This Act takes effect September l, 2015. 2/2 _ '-°\ ( §rmcii 1075/07 cf Department°f 5 55 . .. .A 5‘ 51535a\’iflG€\H<'Mlderete VeteransAffalrs ` " ' s <: ~ HOW CAN YOU RECEIVE HOSPI_TALIZATIO_N AND5 OUTPATIENT TREATMENT? Veterans who have one or more service-connected disabilities _a_s determined by the Veterans Be_n_eiits Adilninistration are ., . L_ Car¢_: y_ou m.'ay If you are evaluated as 100% disabled for service-connected disabilities or as 100% disabled because of I5n5di_5vidual Unemployabili`ty, you may be eligible for VA dental treatment E_or additional information, contact ycur nearest VA medical center or outpatient Glinic. Y:ou can find the address of your closest-'VA medical center or afac_‘ __ty by_ going to the VA intemetwebsite` http: //www.vaigov/directorv. 7;' ;:.:zz.; 1 ¢ - . . . .r HOW CAN YOU RECEIVE ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION FOR DEPENDENTS? Veteraiis having a 30% o`r more service-connected evaluation may be_' entitled to additional compensation for a spouse, ‘ dependent parents,_ unman'ied children under _1_8 (0717_ under 23 if attending an approved school r a child who became permanently incapable 05f self-support because di mental or physical defect" prior t_o7 age 1855 j ddiuonal benefit for a \ spouse is payable in a_ higher amount upon receipt of evidence establishing that the spouse is a patient iii a nursing home 7 ' or so disabledasto require the aid and attendance ofanotherperson. .. . 1 . - v .1 v If your service-connegted disabilities are seriously disabling ._to the extent that 7y0 'ai_'e 7 ` ' ` " `ld`§ steady work/employment you may apply to receive total disability To apply for this beneit, you should contact barest VA o’d;`ice and complete VA Forrn _21-8940,7 "Veteran s Apphcation for increased Compensation Based on lli5`i inp_ ‘_7yabi'1ity," available on the VA forms websité' at www. va. gov/vaforms 7 `1"‘u receive a rating fdi' a»" ii_e_"w service»connected disability (e'vexi 0%), you may be ehgible for Gover_nment life insinance if you are in good_ health (except for service-connected conditions) sand apply withm tw0 years of this notification of your new disability rating Call our toll-ies number 1- 800-669~8477 or visit our Website gg'//www msurance. va. gov for further information about Service-Disabled Veterans lnsurance. 1<`_@ vA FORM SUP55E5l5?SEDE5S VA FORM XX-XXXXXXX,5 FéB 2004_. 75 5(See reverse) 5{ MAY 2°°9 7 WchH wn_L NoT BE uses _ 4 ;\/ . 4_____ JA 5@54/5 60/’7§5/7 :7 / /“' 5 *4'4/£/ 57 5-5 , `_~,' /~._.F»V 7 /’/_,7 5 YOUR BENEFITS EXEM]’T FROM CLAIMS OR CREDITORS? _ Compensation payments arc exempt from claims of creditors With certain cxc`options, the payments are not assignable 5 '5 AM I ELIGIBLE FOR OMIVHSSARY AND EXCHANGE PRIV]`LEGES" . ` ‘Honorably discharged veterans ev2luat5ed as 100 percent disabled due to service-connected disability, Medal .505f~ 5H05nor 55`_ jjj Ifyou:jhpve a disabth 5Pleasc notify VA immediately if there is a change in any condition affecting your right to continued payments hailure to 55 ____ notify us of these changes immediately may result in a deb_t that you will have to repay_. 4 4/ 5 TO SEND ANY COMPLETED, SIGNED FORMS OR TO FURNISH ANY thRMATI_O_N TO VA _ Yo__u __can obtain the address to mail VA _a__ny_ information or completed forms by calling tol55l-5fr'“5 _ :,’HOW DO I 5FIND 0UT _ _You should c9ntact y0ur 5S_ _ ` for which you may b`c el.¢ible as a` veteran (or surviving dependent of a veteran) Stat_c offices of veterans a:d`airs are 4 vu.u.u.y.¢ 540 uu.'J; Pv.xaouuu_ vI rnvyvn\._j t4uX4 AvLef. 7 7 _7.' . _1 ‘ . ’17`_ the degree of disability a. Rcentrance intt) active mihtary` 5 r naval rv_ic5e5`_. 555 "c Rc'ccipt of benefits from the 0 ce ot`» hcderal Employccs 5 rid are not subject to attachment levy or seizure except as to claims ofthe United Statcs. HOW DO YOU REPORT A CHANGE OI_" 555DRESS OR DIRECTDEPOSIT" Please notify us by calling our toll-free number at 1-5 8577-583 8-2778‘ 3 ` 7_ ; c raooarriooc pie hearing impaired call 15-8050 829-4833) You can at littp: 5//www5. va. gov/directog or in the Govemment pages of your telephone book under "Unitcd States Govemment Veterans." . . ' UT_STATE 0 LOCAL BENEFITS FOR SERVICE-CONNECTED VETERANS" local office of veterans affairs fo"i" informaiioii on anytax hccnsc er fee-related benefits available at h:/gp /.`www. va. g ov/statcdva. htm. Y_o__u should also contact your 4l9cal _tax_ assessor's omce to ask if you~are recipients or, military retirees and their dependents may qualify for Armed horccs Co_minissary and Exchange privileges _25 Your payments may also be ah`ected 55by5 any 50f5 the following circumstances which your must promptly call5`7 o o ~ attention x b Rec_e'ip t of armed forces service retirement pay, ause of award `o5f disability com ensation. d. Recci t of active duty or drill pay as a reservist or member 0_i4` _e hederally recognized 55 55 5 __ ;5_ 5~ Nation Guard_ ` ` 5 ` tommy re -Qf‘-~$__Q__-‘_’é-_ _»?¥~_71??1_°-§°$ 5 5 dc _ ndents 4`.l5f5 your award includes:special monthly compcns tion diie to 5the_. s generally subject to reduction from the first day or t_l_'ic second cal home or- domicihary care at _VA expensc. 77 _ ‘. _ . _ " 7 need for endar month of admission t_o_ hospitahzation, nursing ,._.. ____`. 5 Beneiits will be reduced upon incarceration in a hedera'i, Statcor local 555pcnal institution i_n excess of 7_60 days fo conviction of a felony. The amount not payable may be app oned to a speuset dependent children or parents. -6. Monthly pvyments of yoi_ii_r_ award may _be stopped if y 15 .-_submit to _a_ A examination when requested, or if y i`ii_rnish evidence __ 8 'l"hc law provides severe pciia_lties, which include fine mpnsonment, 50 both, for the fraudulent acceptance of any paymentto whichyou arenotentitled 77.~ _ '~ _\ ,._- _ _ `; h 44 _4 n _ 4 _____ vA5'i'=`oRi~i 21-8764. May'zoos locate the address `0f the closest VAicgional_officc oii the Int_erne_t 7 ` advise-in orany-:aiiaa&e_iaihe:sawyer your ' aid and attendance this additional allowance _ e`d, 5fail5 55t0 cooperate or 5_ ` y false 97r fraudulent . . _