Elsie O. Jones v. Jose G. Ramirez-Rodriguez

September 1, 2015 NO.03-14-00230-CV IN THE TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN Elsie 0. Jones, Appellant v. Jose G. Ramirez-Rodriquez, Appellee FROM THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW N0.2 OF TRAVIS COUNTY NO. C-l-CV-13-002528, HONORABLE ERIC SHEPPERD, JUDGE PRESIDING APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR REHEARING FREY, NAVARRO & WHORTON, P.L.L.C. PRO SE, Ms. Monica Jo Quinene Aguon Ms. Elsie O. Jones Texas Bar No. 24073827 2347 Douglas Street Address: Trinity Plaza I, Suite 550 # 6106 750 E. Mulberry Avenue Austin, Texas 78741 San Antonio, Texas 78212 Telephone: (512) 809-7698 Telephone: (210) 732-9800 Email:kevinandelsiejones(5)yahoo.com Fax: (210) 568-6871 Email Address: monica(5)fnwlawfirm.com ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE, PRO SE FOR APPELLANT JOSE G. RAMIREZ-RORIGUEZ, ELSIE 0. JONES APPELLEE APPELLANT /received^ COVER SHEET SEp Qnm THIROCOURI OF APPEALS. \_jFFFRgVD.KYLE / NO.03-14-00230-CV IN THE TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN Elsie 0. Jones, Appellant v. Jose G. Ramirez-Rodriquez, Appellee FROM THE COUNTY COURT AT LAW N0.2 OF TRAVIS COUNTY NO. C-l-CV-13-002528, HONORABLE ERICSHEPPERD, JUDGE PRESIDING APPELLANT'S MOTION FOR REHEARING FREY, NAVARRO & WHORTON, P.L.L.C. PRO SE, Ms. Monica Jo Quinene Aguon Ms. Elsie 0. Jones Texas Bar No. 24073827 2347 Douglas Street Address: Trinity Plaza I, Suite 550 # 6106 750 E. Mulberry Avenue Austin, Texas 78741 San Antonio, Texas 78212 Telephone: (512) 809-7698 Telephone: (210) 732-9800 EmaihkevinandelsieinnesOvahno.rnm Fax: (210) 568-6871 Email Address: monica(5)fnwlawfirm.com ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE, PRO SE FOR APPELLANT JOSE G. RAMIREZ-RORIGUEZ, ELSIE 0. JONES APPELLEE APPELLANT COVER SHEET No. 03-14-00230-CV ELSIE 0. JONES Appellant, v. JOSE G. RAMIREZ-RODRIGUEZ Appellee. INDENTITY OF PARTIES & COUNSEL Elsie 0.Jones, Appellant, certify that the following isacomplete list ofthe parties, and their attorneys, who havean interest in the out come ofthis lawsuit: Parties: Elsie 0. Jones Plaintiff/Appellant Jose G. Ramirez-Rodriquez Defendant/Appellee Attorneys: Pro Se: Trial and Plaintiff/Appellant Elsie 0. Jones pro ge 2347 Douglas Street #6106 Austin, Texas 78741 Telephone: (512) 809-7698 Email Address: lvahoo.com PRO SE FOR APPELLANT ELSIE 0. JONES APPELLANT 16 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WITH APPELLANT: I certify that this document contains 3,757 words, as indicated by the words counts function of the computer program used to prepared it, and including the issue presented for review and statement of facts and argument and reply issue and prayer, certificate of service, certificate of compliance. PRO SE PLAINTIFF ELSIE 0. JONES 2347 DOUGLAS STREET #6106 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78741 (512) 809-7698 EMAIL ADDRESS: kevinandelsiejones(a>yahoo.com PRO SE FOR APPELLANT ELSIE 0. JONES APPELLANT rlfaii Ov*)oimi 17 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing instrument was served on the counsel of records in this appeal in with the Texas Rules of Civil and Appellant Procedure by certified mail and return receipt requested, on the 31st day of August 2014 as follows. FREY, NAVARRO & WHORTON P.L.L.C. MS. MONICA JO QUINENE AGUON Texas Bar No. 24073827 Address: Trinity Plaza I, Suite 550 750 E. Mulberry Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78212 Telephone: (210) 732-9800 Fax: (210) 568-6871 Email Address: monica(5)fhwlawfirm.com ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE JOSE G. RAMIREZ-RODRIGUEZ APPELLEE •^Ol]^=> PRO SE FOR APPELLANT ELSIE O. JONES APPELLANT 18