People of Michigan v. Robert Taylor

Court of Appeals, State of Michigan ORDER Stephen L. BorreI lo People of MI v Robert Taylor Presiding Judge Docket No. 325834 Jane E. Markey LC No. 2009-005243-FC Michael J. Riordan Judges The Court orders that the September 22, 20 16 opinion is hereby AMENDED to correct a clerical error. The 81h sentence in the first full paragraph on page 5 of the opinion is corrected to read: "After leavi ng the drug house, defendant and Masalmani took Landry to a nearby abandoned house, where either defendant or Masalmani punched Landry2 and then Masa lmani shot Landry in the back of the head." ln all other respects, the September 22, 20 16 opinion remains unchanged. A true copy entered anti ccrtilicd by Jerome W. Zimmer Jr., Chief Clerk. on SEP 30 2016 Dmc