Keystone RV Company v. Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

ACCEPTED 03-15-00644-CV 13805398 THIRD COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 11/15/2016 3:15:23 PM JEFFREY D. KYLE CLERK RECEIVED IN 3rd COURT OF APPEALS AUSTIN, TEXAS 11/15/2016 3:15:23 PM November 15, 2016 JEFFREY D. KYLE Clerk Jeffrey D. Kyle, Clerk Court of Appeals Third District of Texas 209 West 14th Street, Room 101 Austin, Texas 78701 RE: Court of Appeals Number: 03-15-00644-CV Keystone RV Company v. Texas Department ofMotor Vehicles Dear Mr. Kyle: A review of this Court' s Opinion issued in this case has revealed two instances where it appears there may be a mis-citation of a statute. On page 17, the last full sentence, Section 2301.204 is cited, but we believe the Court meant to cite to 2301.704. Similarly, on page 18, the first full sentence, 2301 .204 is cited when we believe the Court meant to cite to 2301.704. We bring these issues to the Court's attention in order that the Court have an opportunity to make such corrections to the Opinion if it so desires. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Dennis McKinney Assistant Attorney General Administrative Law Division cc: Christopher J. Lowman (Via E-Service) · POST OFFICE Box 125 48 , AUSTIN, TEXAS 7 8 711-2 5 48 T EL:(512) 463-2100 W E B: W WW .TEXASATTORNEYGENERAL.GOV An /:'qua/ Hmp/oymenl Opportunity limployer