, M£‘L(§O(“
A`PR. 26 1974
z§§§§§§§§§ §§§ §§§-§§ §. ca§§§§§ . APR 5 1974
§§§§§1§§§ §§§§§§1 §§ §§§ §§§sid§§§
R§z C§ndi§i§§§l 311§§ §§ §§§ §§§§1§§§§ §§§§ §§§§y§§u§
d§n§§§.,“ 7 7 _
C§mplying with y§§§ §§§1 request §§ §§§11 1§, 197§.
§§§§s§i§§§d §§§§w1§h_1s § §§§§§§§d§§ dis§§§§i§g §§§di§i§§§l
g§§§§ §§ §§§,P§§§id§§§-£§§§.§§§§y§§§§ §§§§§§45
§§§§§§ §. §1§§§, J§.
§§§1§§§§§ §§§§§§§y §§§§§31
§§§1§§ §§ L§g§l 6§§§§§1
- R£e Gézéitienal §i§t§ ts gha President f§ém
33§5?@§§§¢§§§9§$_' ..,-_H‘M___M¢
' -This mem$ra§&um analyzes the legal im§l£eaeieus af gif¢s
_te she P£¢si駧tffdom anonymous dsnerg. 颢a¥diag Eo a- '
Pre§iéenni¢£ §§H¢un¢emenz ef`é§ril 1$;,191#; au¢nym@§§H g ._»
eeu§ribusién# §§ ;h¢ smoune as same $2,5697&avejr&aégzxyly:1'
been sen£_é@*§h&'?rasiéant 26 help him~pay'his-HBYSGHRI`F“'
iveams‘€azea, ti fn that anneuneemen€ §he~?§é$i駧£'als§¢
indieaea¢; eha€_"t;e will seem all een'er;hu@;ang ¢Wz;;_¢h gm ‘ ,-; _ ,
b§'traaeé tv a aeaer, _§a addini¢n¢ mg h's ask § gha£ angug§mng¥
-¢e§§§ivetiena whi¢h ean§ot be Ee§urneé be inrheé ever te gha f
Re zr§ss. ' - , - . f':* "'
T§e £ailcw£ng gnalysis aeals W£th §§§\l¢$&li§? ag §Y§B£§§
over EHe aae$ymau$ é@§£ributiens co €ha Red S§Qas ané-¢Ea#
gluées that the Yxeg§d@n£ may lawfully_do se proviéad €h&t
he waits a reas¢g@§§&'&ime-HQ permie'donors §§ ahaud¢n t§§iz
anenymiey'and bjeet ho the prepesed.trans£§r¢
I* Gan$cééu¢ioaal_aq£ $£a§§pe§y ?r@v£s;en$
There §§ no relevant eonstigu££cmal er:suatu&ery
provisi@m, He assume zha£ gene af Ehe_cen&§£hu§i&ps whieh
the Presiden& §§§.Ye¢%ived asme from fezeign hé&é$ of sides
or their governm¢n§s. Hn§er zhat assempuian HH§a-e£ the contri~
bm$imw§§:§;e aubje¢e go Artial$ 1,_5@¢§1¢§'9, €lause 8 e£
eha gonesi§ucibn, whieh daelaxes ahan “no P§rs§a holding avy
Offiee af Prefi§ under [€he Unieaé Staees] shall wiehnuz the
cansent §§ Gangrees a¢§apt any Pvesent . ¢\* gram any King,
Prinee, §§ fareiga Sea§e". - `
wieh regaré te gi£ns to she Presid¢az £Yom dgmgsc;@
seureas, uhare ia no parallel eaustitatia§al er statutory
pzevisian. The oply szaeute dealing with gha aecepzanee of
gifts ff¢m demes§ie sources.is 5 U.E.€. 7351% whieh pertains
to gi£ts to and iram feée§al employees and their superiers.
Wg asaume that ne such gifts are invalved hare. in aum,
there is ne stakute_eurrently in force wi€h reference ve the
\President'e owaership af gifts receive¢ irem gane¥al domestic ,
eenrees. Bnder federal law ha aaa lawfully accept and dispose
`;/ see 15*§%@31deaeia1‘Baevm¢nts= ai¢nard uixag 411-412 gigzaz.
' ' '.gl‘;§‘f,in:-= - F‘W '
:l _".‘.}lh
`x. /f
. " wsm mahoui:a&? Mstitutienai or st::ww€ary‘ impediments
` ` n:-i_ if mg 212 " °
_' Ezeeu?§ ' Btréer.H-.E_Z;E_,_e£ Hay S,L 1955 §§§i-.d dame§)mm- -'
heg;iv¢ guidelines rap§l;i¢é§zle- se gi£it:s- ve exec§ut_:iva iz¥aneei;,- '
.o££i;egz:s agz¥¢diple»ye;_a“§ _£wm private segr¢¢s-, Wa stems §§§
\pres__ent.¢ _Pm;*-"P;f¥€§“ " h&ij='.'$hi$ lixa,§i.dgncial order glass ap;zlies
't¢'t‘li_;é' ‘s'£;c§§aii _-;§zgal§~. _' "rhe 'vai's;ien~ of weir away '- '
releva;;eze here 'is; 's¢e" en ;2€>1£_¢?- ‘d" wing §mplv.zyégs ad avoid
eha a§pgar dee ' ' " t by HS1 354 -'pub;li<; _ o£,£.-:I_~.'¢¢ £z;x: A-gfivaz:e
" §§ mele § who ra§¢aive¢:i an h¢gma* nw
- ~E§r-:»f. azr¢ al spee¢ 1116 ¢m§§d 11 €B¢h€#iwr -
g -€¥re£e&f;€ea: elaimi:ng war mama cs~£ the.-' ' iam 53 a iei,e'dzr§j;ie;;~
‘. ;f;,¢zr.iuam t:a:s: g F_'_'z§és.¢,.»waul-d. ’iz:cv ear mg vel using : - -
\ his while @££i'§§e: '£‘.;=.~u';'; pr;va£e .;.gain. He)§ m far as wa ¢§n_.
' cell@~z§§'epaa¥;buzi¢ns~a%§e~m@de:ve vhe‘Hzg¢id¢§£ h¢¢aase §
; pf his ee¢upamy -e£- .tehe_ @£§iee of \'Breaid¢ne:. AMW'"-_ 1 ;E-y - . ,
" in erdaa;’ i§q~'§v€)i-.d any §§§-sdwa under Ex:e.e'ufzive' Qi:é§ar 1,`22}§ ' " _
ear aévice 111 again§§ via elaine-ing an income team de;éuegi€m '
ear owezwi-;s¢ fin§n¢$,elly henafitix;g frou; the leonhrib§zti£en._¢,
. §§§ The€¢wmn w
fsia ha;ve* foun§ ne g;§tz-héri§y* dealing spé¢ilfif.eally wish
- _ _: ‘_ iia-_ gi£w Ae¢@réiugly the cement 1339r dealing wizh
gius ~ am seemed irs my nw ve HPPLIMMQ~
; '£Eae- generale rule wi€E:-';zegard fm inter-vwag .` tim §!
is tha-z fahey swan ve eam§$§et§ély exe.eut:ed to be__, efj eet:i've.
23th isn ' wage mast 'b'¢ 'a; donative ingenuicm, _¢;; example§¢
agd 'mcazz§it:ierzal delivery and am ,aeeeptan.e¢ by irene dmzza_. _
Furt;he‘iémere, ,i;r&ng_£er of r_tl;ixt;le, must be ahselut:e' and ge into
imdiamjef£ezt:; ;31’_ -If; fiat example, -it:,h¢_ ei<`_m¢§r aid mm
intend ms make a gf£§_,.. § meander of tidal to f:ha dame
aware cream mm ` 3 ' '
§§f A?€"dist:wg‘izlsh¢dé frém giffs.eau$a-§Hartisl juan mazda in
'e¢neem§l¢¢im oz a;§@ez,h. see 38 s _Gz.`ch§, §§ 72»1.21. 7
3/ 33 Am Jur.-\ Zd,~ K%B;Wezat:ion;_ G@ndit:ienal G-if%:s, § 81'., g. 38'3.
gee else R. Brem:,"j"l?¥re ,f.aw of Y¢ris&?al"?ropertj 8&*,._=,.141
" G §eden, .19? F.zé 194 <.1953); Kregf -v.
am .:,¢am Asss).. , 176 F_.~ Supp,
_ ' . ,..‘r
. \ _ ‘jf" .'
§ 13 _ z ,
173§;€§§ éame token, a éB§aé ¢anjref§se §o‘ageep;'a-g;£§;‘k7;
erH§ve 3 if-he.éxex¢ises éominien ever7£h& auhj¢@t_e£ the gi §;"
ha faa generally had te have awaych in §j- If_ HBP¢&::& ._ 7
fe us-t§a& by turning over gha anqnymo§s eontributi¢§s ta €he
3317§:¢35 eha Presiéenz waul§`he éeamgd to hawa_exargi¢zd
dominioajover she gi£¢s ané aaa¢réiagly ca haze a¢eepzeé '
- champ Ic: is geneeivable, hmvaz* evan she Praoi,¢¢nt-"s 'pgblié-
announcemeat7e£ turning ev&x the contributions te t&e Reé
Erosa may elieic an objeati¢u fram a diverse unidentified
denor'that his eoanziburiun was-intended,enlg.£er paymsn§ af_
ingoaa.tax'liabilit§é£ H§.ch¢r&fare suggest t at the Praa£éen§'
wait same further t ,_ be£ere transmigting-the gifts mo €he
7 age Grass in order to permie a éonar to.obje¢c. Aasum$gg
evan eha ehje¢eo: can establish his identizy as an originglly
7anonywous donor, his aeatribuxio&'$hould be returned th him.
,,.- .'.-.-.Z~'¢ ila_'»i\‘v.-.-;-'_`._ '. .~\. ._ .
Rgheru 61 Bixsn§ Jr.
Assiatant A£torney General
affics Q£ L¢gal Ueunsal
17”§£¢wn at 115. see also §§“Eix.s. at 6@?, giving ;_
gas er'a §ill, 292 E.Y.S. 415, 1§1 Hise. 461, reylé
grean§s; 15 §‘Y.S. 2d 82, 259 App. Div. 5§'{19&&).
,;/ 33 A¢. Jur. at ssa.