Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

QBfficeof tfy Bttornep dbmerat &ate of Qexae DAN MORALES April 26,1993 ATTORNEY GENERAL Honorable Tom Craddick Option No. DM-218 Chairman Committee on Public He&b Re: wllether an additional sales and use tax Texas House of Representatives under section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code may P.O. Box 2910 be used to finance a homestead exemption, Austin, Texas 78768-2910 whethex an eligible city may simultatlMusly adopt sales and use taxes under both sections 4A and 4B of V.T.C.S. article 5190.6, and dated questions (RQ-466) DetKRepresentativecraddick: On behalf of the city of Cedar Hill (the “city”), you have asked several questions about sales and use taxes. Pii you ask whether an additional sates and use tax under section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code may be- used to tlnance a homestead exemption instead of reducing the property tax rate. Section 321.101(b) provides that certain municipalities“may, by a majority vote of the quahied voters. . . adopt an additional sales and use tax for the benefit of the mtmicipality in accordattm with this chapter... .“I The 1~ has expressly prescrii the use of revemre collected under section 321.101(b). Revenues from an additional sales and use tax under this chapter must first be used to reduce the property tax rate. See Tax Code 8 321.404(a) (mquking that a ballot in an election to adopt an ~dltionalsales~dwetaxJpecifythatthetaxwill”beusedtoreduccthepropcrtytax rate”); see also id. 5 321.507 (citing Tax Code. 58 26.04(c) and 26.041(d), and providing that excess funds must be deposited in an “excess sales tax revenue fund”and a “municipal sales tax debt service timd,”which may only be expended for limited purposes); 8 321.506 (goveming the use of any remain@ funds).2 p. 1144 Honorable Tom Craddick - Page. 2 (nu-218) Whenagovaningbodylldoptsahomest~aanption,itacanptsfromrd u&rent taxation a prcmtqe of the appraised value of residence homesteads. See Tax Code 0 11.13. A homestead exemption does not reduce the prop@ tar rate. The memorandum submitted with your request suggests~that this distinction is immaterial because the purpose of the additional sales and use ULXunder section 321.101(b) is to reduce the tax burden on property owners. It contends that cities should have the authority to determine how to achieve that end, idding adopting a homestead exemption in lieu of redueing the property tax rate. We dimgree. While a homestead exemption reduces the tax burden on residential property by exempting a portion of the appraised vahre of residences from taxation, it does not reduce the tax burden on non-residential property. See id. The legislature has specifically provided that the purpose ofthe additional sales and use tax under section 321.101(b) is to reduce the property tax rite, and has set fbrtb a number of provisions which explicitly govern the use of these revenues. See Tax Code, 5 321404(a); see CrLao id. $8 26.04(c). 26.041(d). 321.506, and 321.507. None of these provisions permits a city to use an additionalsalesanduse~toreduccthetaxbPlrdmofresideatialpropatyumilenot reducing the. tax burdem of non-residential proper@ Because a homestead exemption doesnotreducethepropatytaxnteasnquindbytheseprovisions,wecwclude~a municipalityisnotauthorizedtousean~~tio~saluMdusetaxundasection 321.101(b)oftheTaxCodetofinanceahomesteadexemption. Second,youexplainthatin~~onto~o~aonahallcent~uMdusetax tmder section 4B of article 5190.6, V.T.C.S., e&et.& July 1. 1993, the city would also liLetoadoptacombined~hafcaapslesudurtraundasection4Aofthat~~e and section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code, efktive October 1, 1993, for an overall one centsalestax3 ThecitywouldholdMelectionto~optasaesMdusetaxundaeachof these provisions on the same day.4 You ask ifthe city is authorized to do so. Section 4A and section 4B separately authorize an ‘eligible city” to adopt a sales and use tax. Assumingthatacityiseligibleunderbothprovisions,weseenothingin~~e5190.6that would suggest that the city may not simultaneouslyadopt sales and use taxes under both section 4A and section 4B. You point out that subsection (f) of section 4B provides that “[u@r the e@ctiw ~eoIthPtmceSinpavdunda~~on,theadoptionofasalesandusetaxorthe p. 1145 Honorable Tom Craddick - Page 3 (DM-218) Ina~~question,youaJ;whethaaproposaltoadoptasalesaadusetra mder section 4B of article 5190.6, on the one hand, and a combmed sales and use tax undersection4Aoftbatarticleandsection321.10l(b)oftheTaxCode,ontheother,may appedronaballotasasingleballotproposit.ion. Section4A(p)attthbsacitytoimpose asalesandusetPruadathat~~aadtoimpo~eanrdditionalsalesMd~taxunder section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code “at tbe same time and on the same ballot.” See aku V.T.C.S. art. 5190.6, 84A(e). It is clear fkom the ballot hnguage set forth in section 4A@)~thetwo~~~ontbeballotinthesameproposition. Section 4A(p) provides in perhent part: The city must follow, in relation to tbe imposition. . . of the additional sales and use tax imposed under Section 321.101@), Tax code,theproozduresofthatchapter,exepttllatinaneleuionto impose...thetaxunderthisrection~theldditional~~~~ taxthebpllotsMIbeprintedtoprovideforvotiagfororclgainsttbe proposition: “Theadoptionofasalesandusetaxwithinthecityfor tbepromotionanddevelopmattofnewaudexpandedbushess extterprisesat the rate of. . . and the adoption of au additional sales md~~withinthccity~therateOf...tokusedtonduce.the propatytiSXnte”.... The foregoing provision sets forth the language which must be used in a ballot proposition on the adoption of a combined sales and use tax under section 4A and section 321.101@). It does not authorize the city to include any other language in the ballot proposition. The&ore, we conclude that the city is not authorized to join a proposal to adopt a combmed sales and use tax under section 4A and section 321.101(b) and a proposal to adopt a sales and use tax under section 4B on the ballot as a single ballot proposition. See Wtight v. Bomd of T-es of Tar~m h&p. Sch. Da.., 520 S.W.2d 787, 792 (Tex. Cii. App.-Tyler 1975, writ dism’d w.o.j.) (“When a statute which authoriws a special election for the imposition of a tax prescribes the form in which the question shall be submitted to the popular vote, the statute shall be strictly complied With.“) p. 1146 Honorable Tom Craddick - Page 4 (DM-2 18) You~rsk~meliSiblecitymryrdoptaralesradusetaxrtantelssr than one-half of one percent under section 4B, article 5190.6. S§ion (e) of section 4Bprovides~“[i]f~~~~city~opssth~atmbimposedoatherecciptsfiom tbesrle~rrtailof~~~~withinthedigiblecityitanteequJtooaahalfofone ” Section 4A of article 5190.6 and section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code ~~.adoptiollofasslesturta*squdu,Dawiehtboabfounbthraeeigtnqor one-half of one percat. See V.T.C.S. att. 5190.6, #4A(d), (m), (p); Tax Code &j321.lOl(b). 321.103(b). Prior to 1991, both section 4A and section 321.101(b) providedonlyforaone-halfofonepercenttaxrate. lal99l,ho~mr,tbeSeventy- ~~r~unmdcdthere~torllowfor~~undaonahrlfofoae paccnt. Acts 1991,72d Leg., ch 184, 00 1,4. Siicantly, the legkture has not - amended section 4B to provide for tax rites under one-half of one percent. Accwdu& weconclude~~on4Bdossnotruthoriteandisible~toldopta saksand&taxataratelessthanoabhaifofoneparcent. Pii,youaskwhethermembersofac@%municipaladvisoryboardsarecity officers for pwposes of article 5190.6, section 4B(c). Subsection (c) proides that the boanlofawrpontionestablisheduad~section4Bcon&sofswendktors,andthat “[alt least four dkctors must be pemons who are manbers of the gowning bodyofthe eligiile city, and the tEtMkgthnedifWtO~rhallbepWSOltSWhOUeWtemplOyees, offi- ormembuaofthe gover&gbodyoftheeligiilecity.” Youatatethatyou uadarturdthatmanycitiesiaclude~boardmanbasap”offi~“for~o~ purposesintheircitycharter!3andcod es. Thefactthatanadvisotyboardmemberis de6nedasacityofficcrinacitycodeorchmter,however, doesnotwcwwilymekehim or her an offica fbr purposes of state law in gQleral or atticle 5190.6 in particular. Under ~isw,rplblicoffi~genenllyhuafaedtamMd~benmmedwlyin accordance with the applicable provisions of law. Akfine In&p. SchooJDfst. v. S&r&y, 280 S.W.2d 578 (Tex. 1955). In addition, a public officer is someone upon whom some wvereignflmctionofthegovemmt isconfwedfbrthebeneiitoftbepublic,largely imkpendentofthewntrolofothus. Id.at583. Anindividualwhoservesinamereiy adviwry capacity does not exercise sowreign powexsindependent of the wntrol of others andisthe&orenotanofficer. ThedetemGnationwhethermembersofaparticular mtmicipal advisory board are officers depends upon the foregoing factors and must be made on a case-by-case basis. SUMMARY Acityisnotauthokzcdtouseanadditionalsalesandusetax under section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code to fmance a homestead CXMtptiOtt. Acitythuadoptsaonahalfcent~alwanduseturunder~on 4BofarticJe5190.6,V.T.C.S..mayalsoadoptinthesameelectiona wmbmed on&alf cent sales and use tax under section 4A of that articJe and section 321.101(b) of the Tax Code, asskng that the p. 1147 Honorable Tom Cmddick - Page 5 (DM-218) cityiseligibleto~~a~alesMd~tucundatheseprovirionsud theoveraUsalesandusetaxratewouldnotexceedatntutoryhits. Acityisnotauthorizedtojoiaaproposaltoldopta~~Mduse tsxundareaion4B,andaw~~~Mdusetaxunda~on 4A and section 321.101(b), on the ballot as a single ballot proposition. Acityisnotauthorizedtoadoptasalesa~~Iuutax tmder section 4B at a rate less than one-half of one percent. Thehctthatrmunicipalldvisoryboardmcmberisdeihdasa cityofficerinacitycodeor~dasnotnecessarilymakehimor beranofficerforpurposesofstatelawingeneralorazticle5190.6in particular. The determhation wh&er members of a particular rmrnicipaladvisoryboardarecityofficersmm%bemadeonacase- by-casebasis. DAN MORALES Attorney Oeneral of Texas WILL PRYOR PiiAuistMtAttomeyoweral MARYKELLER DcputyAttomcyGenemlibrLitigation RENEAHlcKs State Solicitor MADELEINE B. JOHNSON Chairs opiion committee p. 1148