The Attorney General of Texas
April 4, 1978
Attorney General
Honorable Leonard Prewitt Opinion No. H- 1150
Executive Secretary
Teacher Retirement System of Texas Re: Whether employees of the
1001 Trinity Street School Tax Assessment Practices
Austin, Texas Board are members of the
Teacher Retirement System of
Honorable Joe Murphy Texas or the Employees Retire-
Executive Director ment System of Texas.
Employees Retirement System
of Texas
1800 San Jacinto
Austin, Texas 787ll
You have requested our opinion regarding whether employees of the
School Tax Assessment Practice Board are members of the Teacher
Retirement System or the Employees Retirement System.
The School Tax Assessment Practices Board was established by the 65th
Legislature. Education Code S ll.71 - ll.88, Acts 197’7, 65th Leg., ch. 1, at 29.
The same statute amended section ll.01 of the Education Code to read:
The State Board of Education. the State Board for
Vocational Education, the state commissioner of
education, the School Tax Assessment Practices Board,
and the Sta,te Department of Education shall comprise
the Central Education Agency.
(Emphasis added).
Section 3.03 of the Education Code provides that, with certain
[el very employee in any public school or other branch
or unit of the public school system of this State is a
p. 4670
Honorable Leonard Prewitt
Honorable Joe Murphy - Page2 ?H-1150)
member of the [teacher] retirement system as a condition
of his employment.
“Employee” includes “any person employed to render service on a full-time, regular
salary basis by . . . the Central Education Agency. . . .” Education Code S 3.02.
Since the School Tax Assessment Practices Board is a component of the Central
Education Agency, it seems clear that the Teacher Retirement System, rather than
the Employees Retirement System, is the system which must extend coverage to
Board employees. Accordingly, it is our opinion that aR persons employed by the
School Tax Assessment Practices Board on a full-time regular salary basis are
members of the Teacher Retirement System.
AR persons employed by the School Assessment Practices
Board on a full-time regular salary basis are members of the
Teacher Retirement System.
c .“-’
p. 4671